History of Feminism
Related: About this forumwho raises their daughter to be a prostitute?
Which would you prefer to hear your teenage daughter announce to you
"Mom, Dad, I really want to start a career in prostitution! I can make a lot of money, especially if I become a high paid call girl working for very rich men!"
"Mom, Dad, I really want to major in Feminist Philosophy and get an advanced degree! I'd like to do academic research and teach in the Philosophy Dept. at a university!"
I know I am posing this question to the wrong group here...but I think this gets to the heart of the issue of prostitution. Some DUers might do themselves a favor and ponder this question...

(54,505 posts)a prostitute.
(65,820 posts)plus, my point is that who would object to their daughter announcing she was a feminist vs. a prostitute? If being a feminist is defamed as something horrible and disgusting, what then what is being a prostitute described as?
(55,655 posts)The rationalization going on is something else.
(65,820 posts)feminists as some sort of "other" in our society.
(55,655 posts)The human capacity for self-deception is vritually limitless.
(65,820 posts)Oh, some of the old relics are still there and occasionally we hear their ugly voices, but mostly society here has moved on...
(5,417 posts)Should we ban that too? What about strip clubs?
(65,820 posts)So, which do you prefer?
(162,391 posts)I think the point is, legal or not it's a demeaning "profession"
(54,505 posts)el_bryanto
(11,804 posts)It's possible that if we lived in a world in which men and woman had complete equality, socially, economically, and politically, and if we lived in a world in which the destructive impulses of capitalism were blunted by strong government regulation and/or a strong and vibrant union movement, that legalized prostitution could work.
That's not the world we live in. We live in a world in which women are often treated as second class citizens and a world in which capitalism is more of the exploitative laissez faire variety. Which means it seems likely if not certain that woman would be exploited and abused in a system of legalized prostitution.
(65,820 posts)words does "exploit and abuse" women? If so, what would YOU do?
(11,804 posts)issues that are more doable (as I think there is little chance of legalizing prostitution) and that have more beneficial effect (like incrimentally working towards improving woman's equality and revitalizing the union movement).
(65,820 posts)Feminist ideas on the empowerment of women from the time of their birth. Enshrine it in economic populism as a "jewel in the crown" for both girls and boys growing up.
(11,804 posts)CTyankee
(65,820 posts)It is the constant tirades against it by those opposing feminists that has unfairly set them back.
(108,317 posts)I doubt they ever consider that they are someone's daughter, sister, or even Mother and that they and their families once had very different dreams for them and their future. That is why they cling to this vision of "regulated" and "safe" legalized systems--rather than acknowledge the exploitation and risks remain regardless and that more pleasant depiction/vision is not really realized--anywhere.
(65,820 posts)Little Star
(17,055 posts)Kali
(56,124 posts)and further if they had occasion to interact with these independent autonomous career women, they would probably get it for free, just because they are so cool and "progressive." and studly.
(65,820 posts)F4lconF16
(3,747 posts)Porn is not the vast majority of hateful and disgusting crap out there, it's the .1% (making that up) that is human friendly. I say human friendly as gay porn is often destructive as well.
Same thing happens in these prostitution arguments. Instead of paying attention to the reality of the situation, they prefer to believe that all prostitutes are professional escorts with the ability to blacklist clients, stop an engagement, etc.
(19,964 posts)I'm sure they wouldn't mind sharing with strangers.
(65,820 posts)Can't wait to hear the husband's response to that...
(1,043 posts)How about letting them choose their own life? Who cares what a person's parents want them to do? It's not their life.
(65,820 posts)How about answering the question I pose. Is this something you would want your daughter to announce to you as her choice of profession? And, is this what your were hoping for when you raised your daughter (if you have one)?
(1,043 posts)It is her life, not mine. She would have her own mind, experiences and my love and acceptance would be unconditional.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)do you talk to her about prostitution as a viable option in the adult world of commerce?
Half-Century Man
(5,279 posts)If your choice is prostitution or starvation, which way do you go? If a parent was unable to give the child anything of lasting value, no education, no inheritance, not enough to eat on a regular basis, and a clean place to live..........
If a child of mine, regardless of sex or sexual preference, choose to work hard at becoming knowledgeable and then used that knowledge to improve the lives of anyone oppressed; to speak out against injustice. I would be insanely happy and proud.
If a child of mine, regardless of sex or sexual preference, due to the circumstances of their life was forced to or made the difficult choice to use prostitution as a means of living. I would love them regardless.
(65,820 posts)If we accept things as they are and do not speak out against the exploitation of women, then how much do we really love our daughters? If our focus is not equally on the elevation of the status of women in our society, along with economic justice, how are we helping women?
Half-Century Man
(5,279 posts)I read it as equating the sex trade with the sexual equality movement, at least to the point of how each fair in public opinion. I thought that was wrong and responded a bit aggressively.
In my mind, sexual equality exists, it is a fact. I do know there are those who are so scared of their ability to compete, that they have to cheat or rig the system. These type of people generally want to reduce their competitors in any way they can except by out competing them, so they also down play the abilities of anyone different or reduce the rewards available.
I assume they know they cannot truly compete with the ones being oppressed. So, they have admitted defeat before even starting.
Hardly worth paying attention to, beyond public ridicule and exposure.
Stop playing by their rules. Get everyone else to stop.
(37,748 posts)You seem to imply that economic and/or social coercion denies one a complete freedom of choice, yes?
Half-Century Man
(5,279 posts)How any chose to skip higher education due to financial reasons?
How many are forced to accept employment they are not suited for (educationally, physically, emotionally, etc) because they had to fill an immediate need?
I suspect it is more common than not.
(9,126 posts)CTyankee
(65,820 posts)BrotherIvan
(9,126 posts)They have some silly notion of happy hooker high-paid call girls who just love some extra cash for what they would be doing anyway. Which is probably 0.0000001% of those who engage in prostitution.
When money becomes part of the equation, you are paying for, or buying off their consent. It is, in fact, coercion.
It is coercion because without payment there would be no consent. In other words, he or she would not wish to have sex.
(65,820 posts)action?
(9,126 posts)I am not.
(65,820 posts)BrotherIvan
(9,126 posts)so I've always been on our side.
(7,237 posts)Honestly if it is truly a FREE CHOICE with no coercion and is among one of many options that a person could choice to pursue in attempt to support self... well, I would worry about her safety but could not do anything other than support the choice.
There is nothing inherently wrong with sex. If you just look at it intellectually, I am not sure why it can't be commodified like any other service. (Why is it worse than being a professional massage therapist for example? I don't actually think it is.)
The problem is that in threads where people want to talk about the real harms and danger and horrors that go with the vast majority of prostitution which is a result of LESS THAN 100% FREE CHOICE, the conversation gets derailed by the SEXYTIME CHOICEY-CHOICE "OH MY GOD YOU'RE SUCH A PRUDE" brigade. When for most people who are turning tricks for $$, it is anything but a free choice.
Because it's the internet.
And people like to fucking argue and beat deceased equines until the cows come home.
And SOME men think they have a God-given right to have access to women's bodies, whatever it takes, no matter who gets hurt.
How do you let the few privileged people for whom it is truly a "free choice" do that, and still protect the rest of the people who are forced or are desperate from being abused and treated like shit?
I don't know the answer to that, and it's above my pay grade, so I stay the hell out of those "discussions".
(65,820 posts)force in reform of our economic system.
If our focus is on elevation of the status of women and the education of men and any other women who need it about feminism and what it stands for, this will help solve our problem here. Strong economic justice and strong feminist standards underlying it.
Erich Bloodaxe BSN
(14,733 posts)the same parents who intend to be her pimps.
(65,820 posts)Response to CTyankee (Original post)
CBGLuthier This message was self-deleted by its author.
(65,820 posts)Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)two sides of the coin is still the coin, is it not
(65,820 posts)I just want to know what that comment means.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)that are started by a certain element in GD.
(65,820 posts)Can't we have a dialogue without resorting to threats of physical violence? What does this say about your political/philosophical view that all you want to do is hit someone? I would call that being out of control of one's emotions. It is not good.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)as for the hitting you will have to ask him.
I don't want to hit you at all.
Response to CTyankee (Reply #40)
CTyankee This message was self-deleted by its author.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)and I am really getting confused
(65,820 posts)Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)been a wild ride on here for me today. I am the one that is sorry. I did not mean to hijack your thread.
(65,820 posts)I'm just glad you caught it! Thanks for doing that! It's great!
(65,820 posts)so uninformed...thank you for your support and I offer my apologies and my thanks for your support!
(35,071 posts)I'd support her in what ever she decides to do.
(65,820 posts)feminism? AFter all, feminism's goal is simply a woman focused progressive dream. And men and children benefit greatly from feminism. It is not a zero sum game. Once you understand that, you can become a strong promoter of feminism.
(91,503 posts)that's right. nobody does.
but somehow when it comes to females it's supposed to be seen as some freedom and about choice.
ignoring every other fucking thing that leads most of them into that.
notice it's usually guys who are insisting there are women who love to do it .
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)thread winner. game over.
(628 posts)I sorely doubt the vast majority of prostitutes, be they men or women, would have chosen such a lifestyle for themselves if they'd had better alternatives available.
(44,173 posts)Because good parents raise their children to choose a career for themselves with all the attendant risks in being say, a lawyer, a callgirl, a firefighter or a professor of sociology.
(65,820 posts)It sticks out like a sore thumb, doesn't it?
Now, why do you think it does?
(44,173 posts)Or is my body/my choice, only for abortions?
(65,820 posts)Just as abortion was safe for women in higher economic levels, but not for those in lower economic levels, before Roe now we see the same divide in justice for women who may turn in desperation to prostitution. The question is How do we as a society deal with this economic injustice.
My answer is to follow Feminism's prescripions for economic justice, which focuses on the well being of women in our society. And I am not the only one calling for this.
(42,606 posts)How about you go be a call boy and get back to me.
(42,606 posts)I know two women turned out by their mothers and a few more by their fathers. Also, Highly dysfunctional Stressed out family dynamics involving sexual abuse. It happens.
(32,560 posts)Unless I'm ignorant I don't think it's as much parents wanting a kid to grow up to be a sex worker as opposed to instilling sex-positive values.
(65,820 posts)prostitution is just a "choice" and nothing more. AND it was in response to folks who find the title of "feminist" to be perjorative. I find nothing in feminism that is not sex-positive.