History of Feminism
Related: About this forumJust posted in GD, but thought you all would like to see it as well.
possible trigger - warning....Oppressed majority
(7,237 posts)Angry how OBVIOUSLY fucked up it is, the way women are treated in this world, and it only become OBVIOUS to many when the gender roles are reversed.
boston bean
(36,661 posts)or the shrugging it off as evolutionary, it maddening. I hope this video helps get the point across.
(860 posts)I like it that they're trying to make a point, even though they misuse the word feminism in it.
boston bean
(36,661 posts)I know it probably wasn't the correct word to use... but the attacks on feminism are often framed this way.
(860 posts)to feminism being used that way, because as you said, there are so many that try to attack feminism by saying "you just want to dominate us!" instead of seeing it as a fight to get equal rights.
But it's a powerful video and I'm glad you posted it. It's bizarre and powerful to see the roles reversed, and it really makes it apparent that we put up with a lot.
boston bean
(36,661 posts)because of the way the SCUM manifesto was discussed here, but this is just a toned down version of that.
I wish the people who found it to be misandrist, could have seen it in the light of what this video portrays. It was meant to be radical and make people feel uncomfortable, just as this video does. There was holy hell to pay for a feminist posting the manifesto here in the group for discussion.
(860 posts)reacting the way I did. I haven't read the SCUM manifesto in years, so to be honest I don't remember it well. ( I know. Shame on me!) I'll go find it on google.
It is such a shame that you can't post famous feminist writing in a feminist group without a MRA backlash. I mean, I want to discuss writing like that. I find it incredibly interesting!
boston bean
(36,661 posts)She had some problems... but I do think there is some value in discussing it from a feminist perspective. This documentary shows the reasons why. It's not like feminists want a world like this. It is exactly opposite of wanting that type of society. But it is a useful tool in describing what the female experience is like and to get others to see the point.
(860 posts)I definitely feel like discussing it has merit. She drew on a lot the work of old writers and thinkers, if I am remembering correctly. She just turned their women-hating ideas on its head, and then took things to the radical conclusion.
It's definitely a good tool to use to highlight just how much power is being used against women in today's society. If certain people can't notice it until a man is subjected to it, then watching this short film will benefit them.
(110,159 posts)in history of feminism. and we hate to discuss scum... cause of the reaction from men wanting to turn it to misandry, reverse sexism. so we sit quietly. which is pure bullshit.
i was really appreciative that it was posted. and i think it is so well done, on expressing the reversal of the roles. could be a huge light bulb moment for so many. as a matter of fact. you remind me and i think i will have both boys read it and we can discuss. thanks.
(110,159 posts)the misogyny. thru out the video they put the man in the womans position. yet.... the front picture is of course a woman with her tits bare. all the video for a front screen shot, all the moments where the man is in the vulnerable position, there forefront on this feminist video, expressing the opposite in oppression has the woman bare.
over the years, i have seen the still shots of videos, after videos.... and inevitable, is there is a tit shot, an ass shot, a stripper shot, that is what is on the front in still. way beyond coincidence. i have see where it is a stripper on the front, watch a 20 minute video, only for there to be a nano sec flash, yet that was what was picked up to be on the front, even though none of the story was about strippers.
this video, that is pro woman, (though i get the point of women being bared chested and running) did exactly what we do over and over and over .... so the men will click on the video. naked women sell. and this video, that was supposing to be addressing all that, went right there.
(110,159 posts)vulnerable to a group of women. that is very hard to do, when we have had forever oppression of women, not men. i think they did an excellent job. i do not think it will make the men feel vulnerable, maybe it the pinching testicles and biting dick. otherwise, merely feels like a womans vulnerability, with role reversal. a not gonna happen.
interesting video though.
(2,167 posts)It really does a good job of showing everything we go through, even things we don't think about because they are so ingrained in our lives.
(42,550 posts)I wouldn't post it at Du because boobs, but it has a very interesting perspective
By the way I'm severely restricting my participation on DU.
(110,159 posts)and i miss you
(42,550 posts)A good one. Maybe I need to rethink this....