History of Feminism
Related: About this forumWould it help (maybe) if we posted a glossary of terminology to the top of the page?
I would like it.
Maybe it would help for everyone to know certain words and phrases
and how they are defined in context of the Feminist Discussion.
(110,159 posts)asking for clarification or looking shit up. and even at that, i am still looking shit up. organization is a must though. no sloppy and hard. lol
maybe this thread can be an exploration of that. maybe you can start by putting up stuff you feel would be a good idea to clarify so we have some ideas.
good idea
(110,159 posts)my niece told me i am healthier and more balanced for it. some recent study. lol. more open
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)Hope you are feeling better, btw
(110,159 posts)i got a shot of steroid + antibiotic in one shot. hurt like HECK. then took two antibiotic pills when i got home. lol. i am EXPECTING to wake in teh morning feeling better.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)may it be a short and straight path
(847 posts)seabeyond
(110,159 posts)bench scientist
(1,107 posts)Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)seabeyond
(110,159 posts)is not knowing and not asking.
do NOT be bothered. and sometimes we can look it up nad it still not make sense or applicable in life and we need verbal explanation from others. how they see it, in their words. might even take a couple different people that explain it a couple different ways to understand. for it to click.
never.... apologize.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)it is my neuroses. gets the better of me. no worries.
(110,159 posts)ismnotwasm
(42,510 posts)I'm never going to stop cussing by the way. I merely choose when, because I have that choice
(847 posts)cussing, it's because I'm really, really pissed off.
I'm hardly ever really, really pissed off... IRL anyway... these days
(edit: typo)
(110,159 posts)talking i am beyond mad and need time before speaking again.
the tells are funny
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)dballance
(5,756 posts)I know when I'm new to discussions I'm often confused by the abbreviations and acronyms.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)xulamaude
(847 posts)good idea.
Do you have any specific 'terms' you're thinking of right now?
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)all of them
not just for me/we/us though ...
for anyone that wants to join in the discussion, has questions, wants to learn, wants to support the world wide effort.
(110,159 posts)Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)what does cis mean ?
(110,159 posts)cisgender
Web definitions
Cisgender and cissexual describe related types of gender identity where an individual's self-perception of their gender matches the sex they were assigned at birth. ...
means i was born female and feel female.
but, my issue is i was born female. i do not know what female are suppose to feel. i do not get feminine. and probably have more societal conditioned male characteristics.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)I am cis. yes. thanks.
(110,159 posts)xulamaude
(847 posts)Good point. I was born female, but I certainly do not 'feel feminine' at all. Like the way I see it is: sex (female/male) is biology, gender (feminine/masculine) is 'feeling'.
So if you're "cisgenedered" then you were born a biological female and you are comfortable in the 'feminine' role.
(110,159 posts)hm. which takes us to the perceived role created by society, or some role with an actual definition of a word, lol. and since i do not put up with the societal condition of female, does that mean i am not cis, though i have no problem with my femaleness whatever it is. lol
ah ha
(847 posts)cisgender, I would not self-identify as such. Nor would I identify as a cissexual being a woman in a 20 year relationship with a woman.
So, pretty much the cis thing has nothing to do with me!
(110,159 posts)though i may very well, .... but cissexuality and i have assumption what that means, but will have to.... sigh. look it up
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)isn't that what cis means?
nothing to do with society conforms in my mind.
and remember the yin/yang definition. that helps me.
(110,159 posts)but see... you threw in the yin/yang of it. jsut as X threw in another part that takes me to confusion.
in my exploration of self in the yin/yang, male is always dominate and i too often am tilting out of balance and having to merge with the female.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)Symbolism and importance
Yang is the white side with the black dot on it, and yin is the black side with the white dot on it. The relationship between yin and yang is often described in terms of sunlight playing over a mountain and a valley. Yin (literally the 'shady place' or 'north slope') is the dark area occluded by the mountain's bulk, while yang (literally the 'sunny place' or 'south slope') is the brightly lit portion. As the sun moves across the sky, yin and yang gradually trade places with each other, revealing what was obscured and obscuring what was revealed.
Yin is characterized as slow, soft, yielding, diffuse, cold, wet, and passive; and is associated with water, earth, the moon, femininity and nighttime.
Yang, by contrast, is fast, hard, solid, focused, hot, dry, and aggressive; and is associated with fire, sky, the sun, masculinity and daytime.[9]
Yin and yang applies to the human body. In traditional Chinese medicine good health is directly related to the balance between yin and yang qualities within oneself.[10] If yin and yang become unbalanced, one of the qualities is considered deficient or has vacuity.
more at link:
(110,159 posts)slow, soft, yielding, diffuse, cold, wet, and passive; and is associated with water, earth, the moon,
there is nothing slow yielding or passive anywhere in me.
fast hard focused aggressive is all of who i am
hence me having to honor the yin in me...
no. that is cool you put that up. food for thought.
i could go more with what i thought it was if nurturing was thrown in there.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)some of what you wrote about raising your boys (in other threads). I see the feminine in you. Men see the feminine in you.
One day on here you said you were fluid, agile, flexible. That sounds feminine to me.
And please people reading do not take these words out of context. I am using them as they pertain to the yin/yang.
We all have some of both in us some to more degrees than others and at different times in our lives we honor some attributes more.
you say aggressive ... I say you are tenacious.
you think you are hard but, to me, you come across soft in that you LISTEN. It is not a bad thing. I have seen you "yield" and rethink things and learn and grow. but, Yes you are pretty damn yang, too
(110,159 posts)you had me talking yin/yang to a newbie first post, you..... lol. the po dude is gonna wonder what he walked into.
i luv your post. it was good. thank you
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)cinnabonbon
(860 posts)It's very useful for trans* folk to use, because they didn't have a word for people who were born with matching bodies and gender identity. It basically means you have no wish to transition from male to female or the other way around, because those two matches.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)I don't want there to be some kind of legal copyrite issue here.
(115,177 posts)Probably best to just have some links where people could find the information they needed, IMO.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)to the top and comment as we go or feel the need.
bench scientist
(1,107 posts)I try to stay educated on terminology, and have learned alot here at DU!
(860 posts)Not to mention it would mean that we could link people to it, instead of having to explain things to people again and again and again.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)cinnabonbon
(860 posts)I am enjoying my stay so far.
(18,605 posts)My limited experience with everything from foreign language to technical topics begins with mastering the vocabulary.