Occupy Underground
Related: About this foruma dialogue in a safe forum, where I can be safe from opposing opinions, while claiming to be open
to a dialogue about "facts".
How to protect the 1% and the Democratic parties ability to raise money from the new corporate owners of politics.
1. Protect the spying program because it makes a lot of money for Corporate America
Do so by claiming that that FISA is oversight. Nevermind the FACT that it is statistically a rubber stamp; use the word "fact" to imply that there are some facts to back you up. Obviously, do not OFFER these facts as they will just create more work for you....
Also, say that the info is just meta data, which is useless. Useless, unless you wanted to track Protest organizers and those that they talk to. You know, just in case those protesting "terrorists" wanna whine about "Democracy" or "Constitutional rights" or something. Like those" XL pipeline" terrorists....
Remember to point out that that the NSA is collecting this useless data with no intention of using it. They are just gonna store it in an expensive state of the art facility to make the terrorist think they are being spied on. Don't get involved in a discussion about how we pay for such things whilst trying to slash Social Security, medicare and other programs that would help the 99%. This is a trap,designed to trick you into caring about people.
Make up a cutsie-poo name for opponent and use it in a derogatory manner. This causes irrational behavior due to anger, and has the added benefit of not requiring those pesky "facts" we demand from them. And post these derogatory , factless attacks in a friendly discussion group, so if someone gives you any lip, you can get them blocked from the group.
Speaking of blocking, claim on posts that you have been ready for open debate all along and then tell your friends that you intend to block all cutsie-poo content and you think they should do the same. You know, to shield yourself from all the "faux" outrage. ( note: "faux" means " not real "
Also , be sure to frame you words carefully; someone who posts about NSA spying is a "Snowdon Lover", while us good guys are " other DU'ers ". UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES are you to refer to any of Us as "Pro-Obama". The Democratic Brand must be preserved if we are gonna get any of that fat cash for future elections. We must turn the discourse on this subject AWAY from NSA spying and make it about snowden ( you know, the guy who revealed that the NSA is doing nothing wrong, yet we are going to hang by his thumbs when we catch him? ).
You might also refer the Enemy to the NSA fact sheet that was released to clear up this matter. You know, the one that those two Hair-on-Fire idiots on the intelligence committee gave back to the NSA because it was misleading about privacy intrusion?
Make sure that you don't fall victim to narcissism; if you are connected to strategy-making for the Democratic party don't advertise it. Someone may mistake you for a political operative, trying to sweep this issue under the rug to protect the Party.
Always remember that we are talking about A LOT OF MONEY here. How can Corporate America and the 1 % put their trust (and their $$$) in the democratic Party if we cannot control Dissent?
And remember: " England prevails "
thanks, Citizens United ,for all you have done to destroy Democracy in America.
I admit, I wrote the above in a fit of pique. Having finished, I find my Pride assuaged.
Perhaps I was too harsh?

(13,039 posts)eom
(27,509 posts)
(6,539 posts)
(85,373 posts)People and ecosystems are dying because of Citizens United and the 1% coup of our government.
Not just at home, but all over the world.
The Corporation makes an excellent servant when given a limited, specific job to do and well-defined parameters of acceptable behavior....and it becomes the most horrible master when given superhuman powers, no regulations or taxation of excess profits, and all the resources a highly militarized government can bring to bear on its opposition.
I begin to think that the rules of corporations should be well-defined, their life-span limited, and all of it encapsulated in the Constitution, so Fat Tony and Roberts cannot improvise.
(39,909 posts)An enthusiastic DURec!
Never before in the history of DU has it been so obvious WHO is STANDING for the 99%,
and WHO is Carrying Water for the RICH & Powerful 1%.
(1,716 posts)Yep, the fact based community and their useless metadata.