Related: About this forumI miss my Buddy
My 11 ish doggy died a little over a month ago. It was cancer and I had to make the excruciating choice to end his pain.
The last thing he did before the anesthesia knocked him out was lick the tears from my face.
There will never be another Buddy.
He was dropped off at my house so many years ago. He became my son's best friend and a protector.
I miss his toenails clicking across the the floor.
I miss waking up to his big nose in my face, letting me know it was outside time.
I miss everything about him.
I really hope I see him again on that rainbow bridge.
Rest in peace my dear boy. Job well done.

(37,137 posts)berniesandersmittens
(12,061 posts)There's a big emptiness in our house. He's dearly missed.
brer cat
(26,838 posts)I hope in time your memories of Buddy will bring a smile instead of tears.
(12,061 posts)He was such a large member of my family. My sister thi KS I need to get a puppy, but I've vowed not to get another dog until I pay the credit card off from Buddy's vet bills..
(18,434 posts)..I still tear up when I think of my fur angels from 20 years ago..
(12,061 posts)It hurts.
(36,211 posts)
(12,061 posts)Thank you. It is soul crushing.
A hole in my daily life.
(114,019 posts)Sucha NastyWoman
(2,991 posts)I am trying to figure out how Im going to deal with losing them all in the next few years.
(171,889 posts)I love her and also wonder.
(11,003 posts)She was an adult, the shelter people said she was probably around 2-3, so she's now a "beautiful old lady". She's such a good dog, I don't know what I'll do without her.
I adopted a puppy last summer. I'd been thinking about it as I don't think I could stand being alone after my border collie goes. My neighbor was fostering her and she was 10 weeks old. Something said "THAT DOG" so I got her, and am glad I did. My collie generally is indifferent to other dogs, but within a couple days, the new little mutt had her playing and running all around with her.
I still don't know how I'll stand the loss of the collie, but I'm glad she's having fun with the pup
(3,495 posts)We lost our own Buddy last October. He'd gone into a diabetic seizure.The vet tried to bring him out of it, but his kidneys had shut down. So we made the painful decision to have him euthanized. He was the best dog we've ever had. He was outgoing, loved everyone and adored kids. Our grandkids adored him.
It was devastating. But we have another dog, Izzy, and her love and silly little behaviors have been a big help. We still have many of the same daily habits around her that we used to have around the two of them.
Several years ago we lost our dog, Lily. It was much worse than losing Buddy even, because we didn't have any other dog to need us and love on us. We kept expecting to hear the click of her tonsils coming down the hall for many months.
Ocelot II
(123,538 posts)Damn, it hurts so much to lose them...
(9,606 posts)surfered
(5,392 posts).My four dogs that have preceded me.
(6,873 posts)What a great tribute to Buddy. You were the best thing that ever happened to him; hold on to those memories.
(52,669 posts)I was and still am trying to cope. It NEVER gets easier for me. Everyone grieves in their own way and I know this is especially true for me and my doggies.
I am very lucky that I still gets visits from my little girl who died 3 1/2 years ago. My first dog visited for about two weeks and even visited my friend as well. It always cheers me up and I keep a notepad on my nightstand to document it before I fall back to sleep and forget it happened. On one of her first visits she was with my dad who died a year before she did. They both were telling me they are keeping each other company and will be there when I join them.
If there are no dogs in heaven then it is not heaven as far as I am concerned. The thing is is that I have been an Atheist since I was 12 and these are not religious experiences, just plain old matter of fact experiences. I can't explain it. It is just what I see and hear. Simple as that.
(6,873 posts)"If there are no dogs in heaven, then I want to go where they went. "
(52,669 posts)but I thought it was Mark Twain. I think you are correct.
(14,134 posts)niyad
(122,587 posts)Those of us owned by our furchildren know how difficult this is. You had to make such a horrific choice, even as it broke your heart, wounded you. Please know that the pain will ease, that you will be able to breathe again. And do not be surprised if he visits you frim time to time.
When the time is right, he will send the right baby your way. In the meantime, we are here for you.
(63,426 posts)They are family and all they want is our love because thats all they have for us.
(11,003 posts)Dogs are the best family members.
(607 posts)Its so tough losing a doggie friend that you spent 11 years sharing love and time together.
I too have a Buddy and know how tough it would be
(732 posts)You were there for him at the end and he was there for you. While my eyes are watering, I can't help but think of the beautiful bond between the two of you. Take time to grieve, there is no set time limit.
(89 posts)our Bella (neglected early, then a shelter refuge before choosing us) made sure my bride was by her side before the visiting vet eased her passing)...Bella was on duty to the very end (also a job well done)...RiP, Buddy and Bella
(7,003 posts)Buddy is on the otherside of the rainbow Bridge, and you will meet again.
(18,998 posts)
(229,722 posts)And I know, the missing is the most painful part. They leave such an emptiness both around you and in your heart. The only solace I can offer is to remember the life that you gave him and how fortunate he was to have found you.
(632 posts)I hope the fond memories are a fountain that keeps spouting. As President Biden has often said
something like
your tears will soon stop and be replaced with fond memories and a smile. Until then I wish you strength! I feel the same about
My beloved cat. I know your
(24,309 posts)Im very sorry for your loss. It does not get easier
you just get used to it. What a privilege to have shared the planet with Buddy.
(1,445 posts)It is sooo hard. No matter how many pet family we have. Never ever gets any better. Tears flow. Sounds like a special friend and bond. I am really sorry. Sending you a big hug.
(1,865 posts)My condolences. The hardest part of having an animal companion. Condolences for your loss.
(11,259 posts)Cherish your memories of him
blue neen
(12,440 posts)So sorry about Buddy.
(85,357 posts)Give yourself some time. To heal. And recover from this loss. And while youre healing, Buddy might send you a new friend, or guide you toward finding one.
And you can ALWAYS post here about how youre feeling. I hope you do. Cuz otherwise, were gonna worry.
(23,213 posts)Maybe you can foster another dog? I have 2 little ones right here that are 17 and I know I'm going to have to go through it soon. I've thought about fostering after that.
You will see each other again.
(13,109 posts)Hugs to you
(22,286 posts)Hermit-The-Prog
(36,631 posts)wendyb-NC
(4,109 posts)It is so hard. Pets are a profound, stabilizing beloved presence in our lives. He sounds like he was a rare gift of a companion, to you and your son. I lost 2 pets within a few months of each other a cat and a doggie. I still have two cats who I hope will be around for a while. I still get a deep ache in my heart when I think of them. They were family.
Bless you, take care, and may you find comfort from the sweet memories of a special spirit, that was, Buddy, and be reassured by the love that you all shared, it never ends.
(5,369 posts)friend, I share this post in tears, your words were so deep and familiar.
I lost my sweet bog boy to a horrible cancer in 2016. heart wrenching.
Hugs. So sorry.
(8,251 posts)And the pain is directly proportional to how good you were as a pet parent. My vet told me that - not in those exact words, but that was the message - and it helped me. If it doesn't help you, just forget it.
This is not a prediction - I'm not qualified to do that - but I now have a mental image of you meeting him at the Bridge and the first thing he does is lick away your tears - this time tears of joy.
(870 posts)
(16,373 posts)
Fla Dem
(26,341 posts)I feel your grief and sense of loss. My cat passed in October, and I still miss her every day. She was in my life for 17 years.
Peace to you and know you gave him a good life.