Related: About this forumMeet the introverts who are dreading a return to normal.
Its like being paroled for a year and then being told, Actually, youre going back to prison'"...
For most introverts, the outside world can sometimes require emotional labor. The small talk at the office is work because no one wants to know how youre really doing. Bosses and clients demand a happy face. Extended family and friends, no matter how loved, require what little down time isnt already dedicated to work and a spouse or kids...
...As one Twitter user put it, now that Im fully vaccinated, I just want you to know that I still wont be able to make that thing because I dont want to come.

(2,804 posts)and foolproof, meaning unquestionable.
Ocelot II
(123,559 posts)of a year of self-imposed house arrest and mask-wearing is that I never got sick with anything.
(2,804 posts)too much sunlight.
(11,084 posts)Onsite other days.
(45,659 posts)The pandemic has been the ultimate good reason for not doing things I didn't really want to do. I'll be fully vaccinated in a few more days and I do want to do my own grocery shopping in person, especially stores like Sprouts or Trader Joe's which I haven't bothered with since this all started. That's about all I miss.
(36,218 posts)That some people I know will be wanting to meet for lunch in a restaurant now that more of us are fully vaccinated, and Im just not comfortable with that yet. I know theyll think Im being a weenie but I cant help it.
(10,036 posts)this past year hasn't been that bad.
Midnight Writer
(23,494 posts)I have no desire to break out as a social butterfly.
(19,382 posts)Im a huge extrovert. I am stunned by the 50-50 split. I thought it was 80 extrovert and 20 introvert. Learn something new everyday.
(45,659 posts)you don't realize how many of us there are. Sneaky.
(19,382 posts)Unca Jim
(573 posts)online. But it's more like 30/70.
(63,221 posts)I am an extreme introvert and feel like I am surrounded by extroverts everywhere I go. Especially at work, which is where it's hardest for me.
The pandemic and ensuing lockdown has been a dream come true for me. I did miss some things, but basically I was not suffering at all.
captain queeg
(11,780 posts)I got a haircut and went to the library yesterday. Not my first haircut but Ive missed the library for the last year or so. They did have a program where you could order books and theyd bring them to your car but yesterday was the first time I could browse in a long time. You had to sign up for a slot and they only let 6 in at a time for half hour of access, but that was sure nice and I picked up three books.
(14,685 posts)and I am thrilled! I would rather spend time with plants and animals than humans!
George II
(67,782 posts)orangecrush
(23,572 posts)I must confess, I have enjoyed the quality time.
(4,318 posts)My very small home town is mostly Repug now and former classmates will be attending from all over the country. I really don't have anything in common with any of them.
The organizers seem to think this will all be over by July. LOL.
(19,382 posts)I havent missed one yet and I even flew back from Korea to attend one. They are the best.
(4,318 posts)jimfields33
(19,382 posts)Hopefully we will be totally out of the covid by next year.
(633 posts)Have not worn make up in one year! I would love it if I never have to wear any ever again!!
(24,906 posts)birthdays and anniversaries, but other than that I have actually enjoyed the last year. I should mention I am retired and my income wasn't harmed at all. I used stimulus money to do a few projects around the house, and I live in a Senior mobile home park, so I still saw my neighbors at the proper distance and never felt isolated. Zoom was a big help staying in touch with family, but we didn't even use that as much as I thought we would.
A wife I really get along well with and a couple of good dogs helped, too.
(63,221 posts)Sometimes, I wish this issue would be taken more seriously by society as a whole, because I still don't think introverts - our our issues - are taken seriously. It's kind of like, oh, isn't that cute! Well, you still have to play by our rules, sorry!
I can choose my own friends and most of them are either more like me or at least understand and accept my introverted tendencies, but where it is really a problem is at work, where extroverts shine and introverts are not considered to be "team players", blah blah blah. I am dreading going back to the office, even though it will only be about three days per week.
And our company is big on "culture" which means we have all these social events, which are usually happy hours, or other party type events which I have no interest in, so I feel like I am being anti-social when I don't attend. I have been using fear of Covid as an excuse so far (it's mostly the younger people who have been attending these things), but I won't be able to use that legitimately for much longer.
I love that last line! now that Im fully vaccinated, I just want you to know that I still wont be able to make that thing because I dont want to come. So perfect!