Related: About this forumLoner check-in
How is everyone making it? I'm staying at home with Buddy, Cinder, and Opal.
I let Opal out of her cage for a few hours each day.
The rest of us watch her intently. She's a funny little bunny.
So, how are you folks entertaining yourselves?

(23,212 posts)
Buddy has a sudden love of spinach and carrots.....he thinks Opal is His pet
Cinder pretty much lurks around staring at her and giving me dirty looks lol
(10,036 posts)a little yard work and each day waiting for my RN wife to get home from the hospital while wondering what microscopic travelers may have decided to hitch a ride.
Stay safe b2b.
(12,061 posts)Grandma played the banjo. They used to play for nursing homes. Good people.
I dont think the sun has been out in two weeks here....
Sending love and good vibes to your family. Your wife is a hero.
(612 posts)Jamastiene
(38,197 posts)and talking to my cats way more than normal. I have no family and I have no friends in my area either. All of my friends moved away while I was taking care of my aunt all those years. She died back in October. I am just trying to make time go by at this point. I wish things could go back to normal, but I am afraid the internet will go down. In that case, I am up the creek. I don't know how many offline video games I can play before I miss at least contacting some far away friends online. I'm not a loner by choice, but I am a loner by circumstance and it is maddening sometimes. It is the no one will find my body if I die thought I cannot get out of my head.
In other words, not that great, but I'm pretty good at killing time at least. So, killing time is my current objective. So far so good. If the internet goes down, it is going to be a nightmare.
(12,061 posts)I wondered about what would happen if the internet went completed dark.
I stocked up on puzzle books and notebooks.
Plenty of books.
Take care my friend
(38,197 posts)this morning. I found one of those books where you circle words. Those were more her thing, but I kept it to kill time with. I'm just trying to get through, best I can.
You take care too.
(10,728 posts)This isnt anything different for me...
(12,061 posts)You've been on my mind. Hope you have lots of painting supplies!
It's garden time here, but it's rained every day for what seems like weeks.
Take care, my sweet friend. I will catch up in PM soon.
(10,728 posts)I get to have lunch with him this way!
How are you doing? I hope the weather gets better soon! ❤️🌹
The River
(2,615 posts)Been that way since Vietnam.
Lived in the woods. Worked out doors. Retired in the woods.
Too much to see, learn and do. Life was too interesting to spend
much time with the "herd".
(29,540 posts)I can so relate.
(26,791 posts)

(38,613 posts)Lives to jump up and catch toy mice in his front paws. So just tossing those around.
(12,061 posts)I tossed pipe cleaners around and gave Cinder some catnip. I actually laughed out loud, which doesnt happen much anymore.
Hugs to you and Patches!
(38,613 posts)But I do like to walk to the store and chat with neighbors
(26,791 posts)Taking care of the pooches and I've been reading bunches. Trying to keep up with the situation in North Carolina and thinking about a plan to go to the grocery. I am worried about that last one though. I've been self isolated since March 5th and if I go out I'll have to start my 15 day count again.
I used to have a Siamese named Mia and I'm super jealous you have a bunny. I went to look at some with the hopes of getting one myself but after holding them and playing with them I found out in short order that I am very allergic.
I am happy to report that I do have a recurring family of wild bunnies on the western part of the property. I found their warren hole last spring. They are wonderful to watch especially at night when they eat the bugs attracted to one of my security lights. They jump 6 to 7 feet and it's really fun to see.
Now I think I'll cook something and see if eating will put this headache to rest.
Thanks for reaching out, backtoblue.
I love you.
❤ lmsp
(12,061 posts)Ive been sitting on the front porch for a bit each day.
Fresh air is great, but I need sunshine!
I love you too
(70,762 posts)all low risk behaviors, stocked up pretty well. use the phone and FB and read DU lol
(12,061 posts)How did we make it before the internet?
(3,861 posts)
(12,061 posts)
(29,540 posts)Should be planning house repairs but the virus is fascinating and urgent since Im trying to prepare & protect my mother the best I can. Also walking and doing mini-workouts.
I love the feeling of having stepped out of time, off the spinning wheel. The world has gotten so unhinged and from this vantage point its all the more clear.
Cinder is a beauty!
It feels like the few minutes before a summer thunderstorm. Or the top of a roller coaster.
Im having waves of contentment, boredom, panic, and denial. My animals are keeping me light hearted.
(29,540 posts)Hang in there.
(48 posts)I might be a hipster loner because now that everyone is doing it, I don't want to be one anymore.
(though I'd be better if we had competent leadership.)
(12,061 posts)Are you nobody, too?
Then there's a pair of us don't tell!
They'd banish us, you know.
How dreary to be somebody!
How public, like a frog
To tell your name the livelong day
To an admiring bog!

(26,240 posts)I'm going to check on people tomorrow - via technology - who are living alone." Friends, etc.
(12,061 posts)I check on my neighbor each day. Brought groceries to my grandparents.
We gotta take care of each other.
(25,954 posts)thanks for asking
had a friend call today, he's made a list of ppl to check in on
we had a short chat, i encouraged him to carry on...
just another day, my kids and i check in, share pics, vids etc
all is well
(12,061 posts)Existing... a Frost poem comes to mind. Does the road not traveled exist?
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
(1,020 posts)When you arrive at a fork in the road, take it.
The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,538 posts)Since I've been isolating myself (since last Thursday) I've been gorging on Netflix and Amazon Prime, but I've also been making a mental list of all the stuff that needs to be done around the house and that I no longer have any excuse to put off. If I really have to stay in for the next 18 months, this place should be a fucking palace by then.
(12,061 posts)Lots of time for cleaning and gardening.
It's going to be extremely difficult for my teenager to adjust to the seclusion from his friends.
Guess we'll either adapt or go bonkers.
(113,131 posts)because hoarders are sitting on piles of it in their garages, this is a gift for most of us introverts. It's a great excuse not to get out and be social, a great excuse to avoid parties we don't much want to go to, and a fabulous excuse to get out of things like meetings at work.
Being an introvert in a world full of extroverts who push stupid team building exercises at us when we'd really rather just be quietly productive, thanks, is incredibly uncomfortable. We'll emerge from this will fully charged personal batteries, while the extroverts will be very frayed around the edges.
So fellow loners, introverts, and garden variety misanthropes, I salute you. If it weren't for toilet paper hoarders, we'd probably look back on this as the good old days a couple of years from now.
(12,061 posts)Im recovering from surgery, so now's a good time to sleep bunch. Luckily, I stocked up on necessities before going in, so Im in good shape to stay home for a while.
(8,147 posts)to have my own room.
A young lady comes in twice a week to help around house. Lovely person, but I am insisting she take a paid vacay. My two classes a week canceled. I might get a little lonely. Even me, might. But I always can entertain myself. Think will go back to books, the real kind.
(12,061 posts)If you haven't seen the movie Rocket Man (1997), you should watch it. Its pretty darn funny.
(8,147 posts)Aquaria
(1,076 posts)I'm not making my usual weekly grocery run and post office trip. Those were my primary "change of scenery" activities. Other than doing those, I could go weeks or even months without going anywhere else.
If I get desperate enough, I'll take a walk around the block, to break the cabin fever.
(12,061 posts)Ready for sunshine and spring flowers. Im seriously concerned about folks who are always on the go and social. Isolation is gonna be tough for alot of people.
(50,568 posts)I have more than enough to do including going online and hanging on DU.
I only leave to go to my P/T job as a cashier at a grocery store.
I'm grateful for my health and for what I have.
That being said, I look forward to the restrictions going away.
(12,061 posts)You're on the contagion front line. Dont work yourself too hard.
BTW, did your landlord fix the door for you?
(50,568 posts)He's a good guy.
(34,769 posts)backtoblue
(12,061 posts)"May we find that we have become more like the people we wanted to be.."
Love it!!!