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(29,047 posts)
(60,025 posts)
(60,025 posts)and introverts + group is a contradiction in terms, don'tcha think?
(34,195 posts)Loner group
We could, though, talk about issues we have as introverts. For example, the perception on the part of the rest of the population that there's something, wrong, that we aren't "normal."
I could talk about the frustration suffered by my extroverted mom and I growing up, when she spent all kinds of energy trying to get me out of my head and engaged with the world around me.
Did anyone else's mom determinedly seek out people with kids their age and make overtures to "make friends" for them? Mine did...all the way through 9th grade.
(60,025 posts)So I was happy that they preferred to be doing things by themselves most of the time.
But my Mom hated for me to be myself, esp. in summer.
Luck of the draw if you get an extroverted or introverted parent.
(46,179 posts)there is my mom and I: extrovert and introvert. There are my 2 grown kids: 1 of each. My kids? The extrovert had no problems. The introvert often needed me to stand between him and the world, because I was the only one who ever "got" him.
(37,468 posts)
(3,865 posts)when it's 105 fuckin' degrees and too hot to leave my apartment. See, usually when I feel like I do now - restless -- I would go to my garden, go for a walk, sit under a tree and read a book -- I cannot do any of that.
stuck inside.
you are thinking - i could read a book inside.
Nope - can't. don't. not sure if it is my vision or my brain, I can only concentrate out-of-doors.
don't want to be on computer, don't want radio, tv or music.
thinking about asking someone if they want to see if it is too hot to sit on this bench in the park, maybe after the sun goes down.
what I'd really like to do is take a book down there, and invite someone and they also bring a book or whatever-- cuz I don't feel like being alone nor do i feel like making conversation.
have you ever felt like that?
basically i feel all discombobulated due to weather, ill at ease, do not know what i want to do.
(46,179 posts)The Loners group doesn't talk much, lol.
(16,922 posts)there are some large postings numbers from folks on this thread.
face to face? um no not so much
because this way it's on our terms; our timing, our choice of topic, our choice of whom to listen to or respond to.