Creationists at it again in West Virginia, Texas and elsewhere
The National Center for Science Education has been working for better science education and opposing these bozos for decades. They have gotten some of my money over the years. Now and then almost every state in the Union at some point in time has had people trying to stop the teaching of evolution or climate change in public schools, or, the teaching of "Intelligent Design" in science classes in public schools.

(38,613 posts)Archae
(47,038 posts)I told him first off, NO MAGIC.
He called me a "satanist" and stormed off.
Proud to be Woke
(59 posts)THANKS for your responses!
I had the shock of my early twenties when I was teaching secondary level earth science in a public school in 1985 and found out one of our own earth science teachers was teaching kids to distrust evolutionary theory. I was never told to not teach evolution... in fact it was in our curriculum and was part of the earth history unit. Yet here was this ass teaching the kids that Archaeopteryx was a fake fossil, and other total BS. Back in my twenties I was too scared to complain about him to anyone... I kept my head down and just did my work and taught the kids real facts and did exercises to teach about what natural and artificial selection are and aren't. As the years went by I became an evolution education activist. I changed careers now and am doing science in the field (not teaching). Back when I encountered that teacher teaching creationism in 1985 it never occurred to me that he might have actually chosen that career so he could mislead students and get them on the creationism bandwagon. Now, I think that might have been his motivation.