"Medicine is another word for power, love or energy"
"Gather your medicine"
This is the heading on a flyer for a 100 hr class in EarthWalk Energy Medicine.
So I've been running around telling everyone I am tired, my medicine is low and telling MrUP I medicine him.
"Just like a mirror can be used to see things not normally visiblle (e.g. behind us or around a corner), the medicine wheel can be used to help us see or understand things we can't quite see or understand because they are ideas and not physical objects.
It only costs $1500! If anyone wants to attend, let me know!
ARGH this stuff pisses me off. Guess I need to go take my power for my headache.

(8,170 posts)then I'll be interested.
(6,785 posts)You could learn every facet of every form of woo in that amount of time. Chances are better than not most of that hundred hours is going to be trying to fleece the gullible of even more of their money.
(115,916 posts)1) Creating the Container- This is where we create the container, exploring soul loss through mask making and Shamanic Journey work ann gratitude journaling.
2) The Way of the Warrior/Leader- show up and chose to be present- we will explore the Warrior Archetype by deepening your leadership skills, somatic sensibly through the use of the Jo Kata and movement and dance.
3) The Way of the Healer- pay attention to what has heart and meaning-we will explore the Healer Archetype through storytelling and the four chambered heart
4) The Way of the Visionary-tell the truth without blame or judgement- we will explore the Visionary Archetype through sound and singing, dreams and the four fires.
5) The Way of the Teacher-be open to outcome, not attached to outcome- we will explore the Teacher Archetype through the four bones and the four rivers of life. Students will participate in practice, and utilize both therapy and techniques as they explore the deeper meanings of what each of these archetypes represent.
So basically we will have summer camp while "chosing to be present" after paying a shitload of money. Or, #1, let's play and write. #2, let's dance.. #3, pay attention to the scam. #4, it is ok to talk about how you feel ripped off. #5, learn to go forth and do the same. Woohoo!
I guess I do not have the right type "medicine" and do not "medicine" enough to see beyond the wtfness here. Come to my house for a few weekends, we'll play, bring a bag lunch and $1500. I do not think even summer camp costs $15/hr but hey, it's all about the Marketing
(47,038 posts)Watching all these white people make total fools of themselves using outmoded rituals and stuff, paying umpty-hundred $$$.
(4,261 posts)What do I call a group dedicated to lining their own pockets at the expense of the gullible? ala "Big Pharma"?