I think I understand the anti-psychiatry BS on DU, now
Admitting that SSRIs and other psychiatric medications work would mean admitting that the mind and our thoughts are just the firing of neurons, and that is EVIL MATERIALISM and so is bad in the minds of both the New Agers and the mainstream Christians.

(4,261 posts)to talk about than plain old science.
(113,131 posts)People who have brains that work right simply cannot conceive of anyone who doesn't. It's the one organ in the body that garners only moral indignation when illness strikes it.
Besides, it's so much more easy to tell people to snap out of it than it is to try to get them real help.
Adsos Letter
(19,459 posts)TZ
(42,998 posts)something as complex as the shootings at Sandy Hook on meds instead of the much deeper societal problems. Plus there are many here that just are anti- Western med/luddites anyway. You know, like the people who are trying to sell their "cures" like Dr. Mercola does.
(533 posts)Hello group! As a person who highly values reason I am glad this group is here. The anti-psychology turn the board has taken is driving me nuts. If I hear that SSRI cause suidcide one more time I will go insane. The connection between SSRIs and suidcide can be explained by pointing out that it energizes the depressed before it extinguishes the depression. In that time, the depress has the energy to actually kill themselves. That's a better theory than saying SSRI create suidicidal thoughts-- which begs the question just why drugs would create those specific thoughts than any number of the innumeral thoughts one can have?
If they are against psychotropic drugs because of a wish to suppress evidence of materialism than their argument against SSRIs is absurd, as they attribute it a negative effects on the brain supporting a materialistic view.