Atheists & Agnostics
Related: About this forumAdditional name for atheists?
Haven't posted here often, but hey, since this group exists (unlike that other entity), why not get some feedback on the non-believer name I go by: cosmost.
Cosmost combines 'cosmos' with 'most', in the dual sense that the cosmos is all that exists & also is 'the most', a complimentary term common among '50s teens, hipsters, Beats, & jazz devotees. Admittedly, the latter definition is meant as a joke (which is what I consider theism to be), but I think the main idea is apparent.
Cosmostism can be equated with Naturalism & its offshoots, but I'm not aware of any atheistic label that refers specifically to the universe. If there are any, please post.
Anyway, just a thought for The Day HE Came Back. (Sam Raimi, are you listening?)

(8,868 posts)I believe it was Sam Harris that pointed out how odd of a word atheist is. There aren't typically names for groups that aren't associated with something. There isn't a name for a non-astronomer.
(26,329 posts)Last edited Sun Apr 4, 2021, 05:15 PM - Edit history (1)
Well, maybe there is. Flat earthers?
(8,868 posts)
Lord Ludd
(585 posts)We should refer to ourselves for what we believe, not for what we don't believe. Fortunately, there are several names from which to choose -- freethinker, secular humanist, naturalist, materialist. Just thought I'd add a whimsical label.
Random Boomer
(4,288 posts)I don't worry about what we call people whose favorite color isn't blue, or people who don't swim in ocean waters on a Thursday, or people who own cars that aren't white.
If a Christian asks me whether I believe in their god, then I'll admit I'm not a Christian. If someone is curious whether I believe in the Roman gods, I'd have to say no. If belief in tree gods ever comes up in a conversation, then no, I don't believe in trees gods. If someone asked me if I'm a Buddhist, I'd let them know that I don't have much knowledge about Buddhism, and the same goes for being a Muslim, but chances are good that no, I'm not believer.
I don't believe in Aztec gods, Mayan gods, Etruscan gods, Egyptian gods, so many many gods I don't believe in and so many more I've never heard of before, but probably wouldn't believe in if I did know them.
There's not a word for that. There's no word for just living my life and not-believing in all the crazy, cock-a-mamie, abstract deities that humans have managed to conjure in their imaginations for the past 400,000 years.
(26,329 posts)I dont know the answers and the uncertainty doesnt bother me.
(2,803 posts)with my sincere believing Mother. I said why isn't religion focused on individual rights and advancement of human achievement.
And she said, with slightly raised eyebrows and a mildly shocked expression, that is humanist, with a tone that suggested that alone is the only answer needed.
I like, secular humanist, because, it seems to work to end prying into my beliefs.
Trueblue Texan
(3,217 posts)...I guess Im identifying as a Pastafarian these days.
Lord Ludd
(585 posts)...and I'm trying to get rid of some old-age flab that seems to have found a permanent resting place. (At least until *I* find a permanent resting place.)
(24,742 posts)I mean.....ARRRRGH, ya Piker!
Trueblue Texan
(3,217 posts)Thanks for the invite!
Laffy Kat
(16,572 posts)Binkie The Clown
(7,911 posts)Lord Ludd
(585 posts)& received the non-response I expected.
Trueblue Texan
(3,217 posts)ohh...if you're a realist, the Lord never disappoints!
Binkie The Clown
(7,911 posts)You can't expect god to answer through your toaster if it's not plugged in.
(24,742 posts)to refer to Atheist, Agnostics and Free-Thinkers.
See how well that turned out?
I just go with the actual definition;
A = Without
Theist or Theos = God
One who is without a god or gods.
I don't have one, I don't need one and even if they actually exist, I want nothing to do with them. They can fuck off and go create another world where children die of bone cancer.
Fuck that nonsense.
(15,166 posts)... exclude the possibility of an intelligent creator. There's just been no objective evidence of one.
Some people use agnostic to describe me, but atheist works just fine.
I know this much... the more that humanity has discovered about the universe, the more HONEST it appears. So if there's an intelligent creator, at least it seems to be an honest one. Even quantum physics leads to predictable results.
(23,937 posts)Lot of baggage. Logos can come into it. Mind. Creation of the gods.
Pragmatist comes to mind. Realist. Unfortunately, with all the research that's been done into Mind surviving death and reincarnation, those terms would seem to deny verifiable paranormal realities. If I were in your situation, I'd probably choose agnostic, as in no-knowledge-by-experience. For myself, I prefer Gnostic to Christian, because the Church couldn't dissect a parable with a laser beam and has just been such a failure in living up to Christian values.
old as dirt
(1,972 posts)Here's video about cultures from Cauca (one of 26 Departments of Colombia), showing the diversity of Cosmovisiones of the many cultures of Cauca.
The first 90 seconds is from the municipality of Patía, where my wife is from, and represents the Cosmovisión of her culture and religion (Roman Catholic).