Atheists & Agnostics
Related: About this forumWhat's everyone been up to?

Missed ya guys. Thought I would pop in for a hello.

(24,743 posts)- Hun, Atilla The.
(5,043 posts)
(23,365 posts)My favorites are lectures by Lawrence Krauss as well as PBS SpaceTime, Curious Droid, Dr. Becky and a new one I found yesterday, Physics Girl.
Science is so interesting because it's real, unlike those myths that so many people have faith in.
(5,043 posts)I love science docs. I found my old “god that wasn’t there” the other day. Still as good as when I got it...of course it’s free now on YouTube
(7,579 posts)They put a camera in the cab and you follow the rails. I've been to Switzerland, Japan, England, and elsewhere. They even have rides through my home town.
Train fans, like myself, are a cult. Unlike religious cults, we don't care if you're not a member.
One aspect of these videos I find odd are the tunnels. They're not lit, so you travel in almost complete darkness. A lot of tunnels are short, so you zip right through, but some can be very long. In one video, the passage took over a half hour. You would think that they would edit that out, but it appears to be bad form among purists.
What they do edit out are long waits at stations or sidings. Apparently the commandment is, if it moves it stays.
My favorite train zooming by a church.
(5,043 posts)My kid was a train fan so we would visit museums and took train rides on his birthday so I will have to tell him this is available.
(24,743 posts)London to Brighton Cab Ride side-by-side, 30 years apart (1953, ‘83 & 2013)
(5,043 posts)Cool 😊
(5,376 posts)After 7 plus decades of fundamentalist-evangelism (aka southern baptist), recently giving that up in favor of Atheism, I'm so far doing pretty well loosening the ties that bound me all those years, pursuing truth and beauty instead. I watch a lot of the Atheist Community of Austin's YouTube show, The Atheist Experience. It's been very helpful and reaffirming.
I'm also adjusting to being a California newbie, having moved here almost a year ago. Involves living a hermit-like existence, which is fine, plus of course spending lots of time on DU.
What you been up to??
(63,504 posts)Sad to see some of the old hosts go but time moves on.
(5,376 posts)Glad Matt's still on board and I'm liking his recent co-hosts. In fact, listening to yesterday's show now. Bat Cruise video was fun. Maybe someday...
(5,043 posts)I hope it runs smooth, although I know better. I’m a 4 generation so Cali native. It takes some getting used to. Welcome though.
I am finally in a gallery co-op with my art. It’s taken a while but it’s my sanity. Especially since 2016. We should have some DU public get together for the Cali DU’ers. Just a thought.
(5,376 posts)I'm way up here in what's called the Lost Coast--gorgeous area but not called "Lost" for nothing. Best wishes on your gallery. Any place online where I could have a look at your art? No problem if not. Take care and stay strong.
(5,043 posts)It’s a co-op with an old (75 years) association. It is abstract art I just have a little instagram account but the only place where it can be bought is in the gallery.
Been doing this for about 5 years and I work in a couple different mediums. DM me if you are interested and I will give you the name of the Instagram account.
Stay safe up there with the wildfires. Keep your forests swept (god trump is an idiot) If you guys decide to meet in the middle I’m all over that. when I first joined they had many meetings back East and as you know it’s freaking vast out here. Take care and once again “welcome”
(26,325 posts)Our numbers are growing.
(5,043 posts)The primaries are coming...since I’m not into Facebook, I figured I would hang around to see if DU gets hit with ”concern trolls” (I would gladly help out if necessary).
In 2004, it was a clusterfuck (with the different primary factions because Kerry was polling at like 4% until Iowa) although with Cheeto in chief I don’t think we will have aa much of a problem getting behind whomever is chosen. A piece of lint is preferable to trump.
Good to see you again.
(26,325 posts)Trying to stay determined without stressing out is a daily challenge.
(5,043 posts)I come back to see how things are (last time I came back I saw BMUS, Trotsky, onager, Heretic, Warren, you and many more, a couple years ago...but then I stress out (not because of them) lol, although you are all filthy heathens from way back
instead it was constant whining by members of another I have to step back as well. I have no time for that.
As far of as the politics, since I work at home mostly. I make myself turn off the news but that son of bitch likes constant media if I go too long between news cycles I have to play catch up. Luckily, the print news has been calling him out.
No Facebook
Limited Twitter
Limited Instagram for art only.
Perspective and balance have become everything.
I have to admit though that it is nice to see so many names still hanging in there even if they only pop up once in a while. My art is my mental sanity literally.
(26,325 posts)
It is good to see familiar names again.

It's hard to catch up with all the new scandals isn't it. I've started exercising more and binge watching series. Really, anything to keep from starting to gibber like a rabid chipmunk every time I see or hear the idjit.

(5,043 posts)I am proud I hid with my Game of Thrones and other delightful binges like stranger things...It’s so nice.
I rarely watch regular tv. But when I pull an MSNBC binge day when a hearing comes on or like this week with a little good news for small d democracy, it’s ok for me to watch.
I tune in because they usually refuse to televise his rallies or lies instead just putting up the tweets.
(still addicted to it) lol, I will always be addicted to politics. I’m hopeful the next generation has more engagement.
(5,376 posts)
(44,217 posts)Gelliebeans
(5,043 posts)👍😊 will have to check this out today while I work on a piece of commissioned art I have to finish.
(4,261 posts)On IV antibiotics.. all good, wound needs to heal tho
Much catching up, yes?
(5,043 posts)I hope you are feeling better? I did a little stint in the hospital for minor surgery in January.
IV antibiotics are no fun. Thoughts with you as you heal Solidarity for the infirm.
Fingers crossed my two auto immune diseases keep quiet and behave. Good and bad days. Ya know?
I have been sketching when I can’t paint. Going back to the basics. Keeps me busy as I listen to the news...and fume about the sexual assaulter in chief or whatever expletive available to describe him.
Hoping he will have the footnote in history of at least being *impeached by the house even if Moscow Mitch circles the wagons in the senate.
Then we can troll trump and his maga supporters forever.
Just heard about Joe Wilson (wow those were some crazy days on DU) Patrick Fitzgerald was our hero!
Sad news to Wilson’s fam. He was young 69.
(4,261 posts)I do this regularly lol... If it wasn't for the medical fraternity I would have no social life
It's all good tho I was worried about losing the foot, but an MRI said I could keep it
So I'm happy. It's all due to what side of the fence you're on I suppose
Thanks again for the best wishes