Atheists & Agnostics
Related: About this forumI Have Noticed a Strange Phenomenon in My Town
Often times before work, my wife and I (we work at the same place) go out to a local bagel shop, Starbucks, or some other breakfast place around town before we head to work. I have lost count the number of times I overhear some group of men talking about Jesus Christ or some other religious topic. I think some of them must be from different Christian churches around town because they seem to be comparing notes about their congregations but not always, sometimes it is just a pair of guys sitting and talking about Christ. Always middle-aged white men and they tend to speak very loudly like they want people to hear them.
I've never experienced this frequency of conversation until the past year or so and now it seems as if it happen almost every morning. My wife knows that it annoys me to sit near these people so we try to find a quiet corner. I never thought of this town as particularly religious but they seem to be coming out of the woodwork these days.
Is this just my town or has anyone else noticed this in their town?

(52,673 posts)I have been here since 1986 and I never heard anyone discussing religion in a group in public, thank Dog!
Comatose Sphagetti
(836 posts)Not here.
And this is a blood-red rural area.
(1,979 posts)He goes to Denny's after the bars close to preach to the drinkers who are trying to enjoy their Grand Slam Hangover Cure. His life is nothing short of a train wreck no home, no phone, estranged family but he persisted in trying to recruit to the occult that is his crazy church.
Been like that since I moved here in 2006. Because I am an amateur Bible scholar (albeit an atheist), I sometimes listen in, mildly amused at their utter failure to grasp scriptural doctrines.
(7,619 posts)You hear the word "Christian" on the street - referring to political candidates, schools, businesses, people, study groups. Nine to four Republican/Democrat. However, I have seen NO Trump signs in yards in two years; a few still seen on cars; will be interesting to see what sprouts next year.
(24,906 posts)
Joe Nation
(1,067 posts)If they were talking about unicorns and fairies I'd probably just chuckle. I don't really care what they believe I just wish that they would keep it within the walls of their churches.
(63,504 posts)The first time was in Tennessee. It really took me aback. We are from the midwest and had never heard or seen anything like that. There was actually 2 groups with leaders who're reading something out of the bible.
Haven't seen it yet up here, but we usually don't do breakfast out anymore.
(19,545 posts)Free country, etc. Their business.
Is it that you think they are looking for somebody to pick a fight with them?
Some folks really do believe that Christians are an oppressed minority, somehow. It’s crazy.
mountain grammy
(27,585 posts)The Jesus is strong there. Everyone praying for everyone, keeping god too busy to do much of anything, I guess.
(9,844 posts)In deep South Texas. Not sure how I would respond to that. I lean towards pointing and laughing.
(478 posts)I regularly see one or two groups of people seated around a long table or several shorter tables pushed together with bibles out. I assume they are discussing the text. I have seen this for the past three or four years, so it is not tied to the current presidency.
This is in the food court of a complex that includes a small mall, two universities, a charter high school, and several state office buildings.
I am not sure where I would rather these people work.
(26,325 posts)They think they are witnessing when they talk that loudly in public places.
(3,540 posts)Either at the stop or on the bus. They talk loudly about "jaysus" and how "blessed" they are before finding some excuse to start approaching the other passengers. They usually start with small talk about the weather or ask for directions but the "god" pitch is never far behind.
My personal favorite is the well-dressed middle aged guy carrying his bible who always manages to target the most attractive young women he can find. I'm sure he is just trying to fill them with the holy spirit, or something like that.