Atheists & Agnostics
Related: About this forumSo word is getting out.....
How is beyond my. I've only talked about me becoming an Atheist here in this forum.
But here comes people to help me in my " crisis of faith" (their words). I am fine, I have way more to worry about than my soul, as I posted yesterday. I don't even want to answer my door!
Any advice?

(10,252 posts)tell them, "It's none of your business." Your faith, or lack thereof, is a private matter if you want it to be. You don't owe any explanations to anyone, if you don't want to. Disbelief in a creator god does not mean that you lack ethical morality, compassion, tolerance, patience, and the practice of peace.
I'm a Buddhist, and we don't believe in a creator god. We do believe in using our minds, logic, and reason to discover how best to behave to create a happy life.
Lady Freedom Returns
(14,180 posts)But boy, their persistent.
I've heard people talk going to save a soul, but I never knew how they would come in small packs. I swear they must have a van out there, just sending two- three's when the others go away.
Don't they have a bake sale or something else? One more knock and I'm calling the cops.
(11,832 posts)The Polite Way:
“I spent a large portion of my life trying to understand all of the inconsistencies in trying to believe in an all knowing, all powerful, all loving God. But, I’ve witnessed so much tragedy in this world that I can no longer rationally believe in such an extraterrestrial being”.
The Not So Polite Way:
“Fuck off, you ignorant Jesus freak”.
Lady Freedom Returns
(14,180 posts)They got to stop. Its 5 o'clock !
(2,374 posts)who had a great technique, that cuts right to the chase
When they start their spiel she just says:
"I don't believe in God" and shuts the door.
No wasted words or time or effort.
I'm all about this kind of efficiency.
Lady Freedom Returns
(14,180 posts)Is this something I can now expect?
(67,112 posts)Lady Freedom Returns
(14,180 posts)No, no, no!
(7,964 posts)Those types seem to have a problem with nudity.
Lady Freedom Returns
(14,180 posts)Tempting though, very temping...
(10,036 posts)I used to answer the front door in my boxers those Saturday mornings when I saw them coming.
With no shirt and scratching here and there, they don't come around much anymore.
(67,112 posts)Satanist and to get off my property before I called the cops. I would turn them into a frog!!!
Lady Freedom Returns
(14,180 posts)I still want to know how they found out!
I never thought I would have to put up with something like this.
(67,112 posts)

Lady Freedom Returns
(14,180 posts)But if they pull it tomorrow.....
I'm still trying to get my health back, I don't need this.
(67,112 posts)here. I have a very short temper for this kind of nonsense.
Lady Freedom Returns
(14,180 posts)They seem to be gone now.
Should I wait to see if they come back tomorrow or call the cops now?
I've never had something like this before.
And I still want to know how they knew about my discission.
(67,112 posts)lindysalsagal
(22,494 posts)That pretty much says it all.
Lady Freedom Returns
(14,180 posts)If I had a silver stake, I would have sold it already.
But I have an ice pick!
(10,252 posts)Some asshole little local church has put you on their radar. They probably have some pastor, who is using you as an example to control and motivate his congregation to prove how powerful his god is, and by extension how powerful he is.
In Buddhism, we call such religiosity "spiritual materialism," wherein people use religion and spirituality to enhance and solidify their egos. Eventually these assholes will give up on you and move on to another victim. I call them "scalp hunters." They want your scalp hanging from their belt to prove that they are right and brought another sinner to Jesus. That's how their thinking goes.
Post a NO Trespassing sign. Post a "Trespassers will be prosecuted." When they show up, tell them to get off your property, or you will call the Sheriff. You could also post a "No Solicitors" sign and a "Do Not Disturb" sign.
Or you could simply lie to them. Tell them that you just got baptised in the Catholic Church. Or that you're a Moslem, or a Satanist, or a Witch, or Sufi or a Mormon. Have some fun with it. Or tell them to go eat a bug.
Lady Freedom Returns
(14,180 posts)But they do have signs up.
Thank you. They pop up again, call the office.
(172 posts)"Have you found Jesus?" His response, "Is that sumbitch lost again?"
Lady Freedom Returns
(14,180 posts)
(2,107 posts)You can tell them you joined my congregation -- the Church of the "Cognitive Dissidents." That might get em off your back.
Maybe print out some pictures of John Leguizamo, or Carrot Top and hand them out when they come. Tell them they're two of our patron saints, along with Lady Gaga and his holiness, Gallagher of the melons (May his mallet forever swing).
Lady Freedom Returns
(14,180 posts)Call the office if they come back. We got no trespassing signs all over.
(63,504 posts)crisis of rationality.
About two years ago a Jehovah's Witness knocked on my door. I told him I was atheist but that I thought it would be fun to talk to him.
So we sat on the front steps on a beautiful summer day and whatever he said I would say something like "prove it." Wouldn't let him use the bible - told him it was a book of ancient fairy tales.
Went on for an hour. He was really frustrated. I think I was getting to him. Without all the bible passages he had nothing. He finally basically ran away.
Two hours later I went outside and he was still sitting in his car that was parked across the street. His head was down and his lips were moving. I brought Mrs. Lib out to see and we had a good chuckle.
(15,632 posts)A family (mom, dad, and daughter) of JWs came to her door, and she chit-chatted with them for a bit on the porch (didn't let them in), and at one point she said, "Is this your daughter? She's a cutie!" The parents nodded with pleasure, and my friend crouched down to the daughter's level and said, "Did you know your mommy and daddy are in a cult? When you get older, if you can find your way back, I'll give you sanctuary."
They booked it off the porch to the middle of the street, made some religious signs with their hands toward her house, and went back to the local Kingdom Hall where they apparently gave everyone her address as she was never bothered again.
(24,963 posts)really none of their damn business. Period. Or, if I see them at the door, I open it, see them, and close it w/o a word. I don't owe them an explanation, I don't owe them anything.