Atheists & Agnostics
Related: About this forumI'm now an Atheists.
I have been a Christian all my life. Keep telling myself that the lord would help me. Been telling myself be a good person I would be rewarded. 41 years and I keep getting the worse of everything.
Asked others what I have been doing wrong. I get told to prey more and I must look at all the bad I am doing.
I have been following all the rules and still in pain. I even get told I need to give more Mons to the church.
Hello, I've had two start a GoFundMe to make rent and eat.
I've had it. I'm not putting in so much time and energy into something that does not exist.

Buzz cook
(2,691 posts)Is ether god knows best or you're not asking right or hard enough.
Basically its blaming the victim for the failure of the belief system.
My first attempt at atheism was based on the same thing. Circumstances led me to doubt myself. It wasn't until I studied the logical and factual failures of theism that I finally became comfortable as an atheist.
Finally learning the absurdity and humor of the whole thing has erased any lingering fears I had.
Lady Freedom Returns
(14,180 posts)I am sick of believing in something that has never showed it exist.
(16 posts)My story is similar to yours.
I just believe there is a belief far different than how I was taught, that suits me at this point in life.
I am closer to athiesm or perhaps what the Native Americans believed in, being connected to the earth & sky.
Religion is symbolism & sometimes we need to detach from all symbols we were taught in order to come into our own.
Peace ~
Lady Freedom Returns
(14,180 posts)Can't believe it has taken 41 years to see this. You would think I would have put two and two together when I learned about Santa.
(5,376 posts)Took me 'way too long to embrace Atheism, but I finally took the step, and glad I did. If you are interested, I would recommend watching the Atheist Experience programs on You Tube. They have been a real plus for me, as I continue on my journey to common sense and yes, truth.
Stay strong!
Lady Freedom Returns
(14,180 posts)I have to think of myself than some fairy in the sky right now.
(52,673 posts)There are a lot of atheists out there and the number is growing (I believe I read 16% of Americans are). Facts and science are becoming more real to more people than myths and stories.
Lady Freedom Returns
(14,180 posts)It's been good people and me that's helped me in the past.
No "great power" ever seemed to want to step in, not even the scary "Lucifer" has tried to buy my soul.
Going price is $1,000,000 tax free, if anyone is interested...
(22,494 posts)Look at pew polls, state & national, new and old. Belief in a God can run 50% in some states. "Nones," meaning those with no religious affiliation can easily be 50%. Going to church regularly can run even lower. Depends on how you ask the question.
(52,673 posts)As you correctly stated, it is how you phrase the question. Some people do not subscribe to any organized religion and some are afraid of saying (or committing to) that they are an Atheist and say they are Agnostics instead. All I know is that I meet more non religious people every year and I am happy to see this progress toward accepting reality and facts over myths and tall tales.
(13,968 posts)He married a devote Catholic and they go to Mass every week. Work on charity and volunteer for the church. Good people.
He said he likes the Our Father and recites prayers. but does not recite parts about Jesus.
Me. I said the whole thing makes no sense. So there is this guy, sitting on a big chair. He looks at Jim and says, Jim was late for the meeting with 3H this morning. I think he maybe needs a hang nail.
3H helped an old lady across the street and he deserves a $50 lottery ticke --- eh, it wasn't that big a deal. A $5.00 lottery ticket win.
--- and he's gotta make decisions like this, billions of times a day.
So then Jim gets sick and his wife asks the parish to pray for him to get well. They forget that God not only knows but controls everything. So if Jim got sick, its because God wanted his ass to be sick. Praying would go against God's will.
So Jim. Faith is working your ass off, trying in something you know can't possibly be true.
He stopped and puzzled over that for a bit.
Lady Freedom Returns
(14,180 posts)I've been told that what has happened is part of " his great plan".
Exactly how can a good person suffering be part of some great plan?
Response to 3Hotdogs (Reply #9)
Lady Freedom Returns This message was self-deleted by its author.
(2,343 posts)to freedom!
Lady Freedom Returns
(14,180 posts)
I do feel liberated. I can still be a good person, but don't need to just to make some sky mobster happy.
Now I see why all atheist I have met had a scene of peace about them.
(23,955 posts)thoroughly corrupted by the western/Roman godman belief. That 's Christianity 1.0 and it's stuck there. You're probably familiar with scripture, so I'll just allude to some.
Don't do something that lands you in jail. You can't get out until you've paid your debt to the penny. To keep it short, just bump everything up to a spiritual level. You must pay off a spiritual debt. That's karma.It's your soul that works off the spiritual debt. I'm keeping this brief.
The prodigal son, really the god system. Starts out with the son/divine spark setting off. This is soul. Son/soul journeys to different(spiritual) realms, its divine strength losing strength the farther it is from its source. It finally gets to our world where it is surrounded by unclean flesh (pigs in Jewish culture). Lots of unclean flesh bodies, one soul. This is reincarnation. The parables son finally rises above having to dwell with unclean flesh and can return to the source.
The vinyard workers who work different hours for the same pay. Working the vinyard is parable speak for doing soul work on earth. The souls sent out first must need more time on earth to accomplish what more developed souls can achieve in less time, but all souls will be given time (and pigs!) to attain the ultimate reward. Is this grace?
The master who gives his servants the same sum of money to increase. The resulting yields vary. This is soul growth and some people will direct their lives towards soul growth more effectively than others.
In NONE of the parables does God intervene for humans. You contain a divine spark. That part is immortal and perfect. What else could you want?!?!
So, the god system means that we are placed here to be God's agent, to help others over self. God doesn't swoop in and save us. Be strong. The more you tolerate the difficulties found on earth with peace of mind, seeing "unfairness" as opportunities to rise above frustration, anger, hate, envy, etc., the more the soul flexes its spiritual muscles and grows.
This is a very brief look at what churches should be teaching. The Way is helping others.
Lady Freedom Returns
(14,180 posts)I have gotten the worse end of everything since I was a child. Been helping people all my life as well. Even after the Tornado, I was a survivor volunteer.
So the Karna thing is not all that.
(23,955 posts)Both of her children are good people, but some people might be disturbed by their both being gay. Not my friend. She then married for love to someone she knew had problems. She moved from her home town so he could be Mr. Farmer. He worked with chemicals and didn't take precautions, exposing her to heavy metal toxicity. Her brain is calcifying. She has migraines, but reacts badly to any pain relief. She developed vertigo and now has to use a walker. Still she falls over, breaking her fragile bones. Last time, she broke her ankles and wrists. Not easy to use the walker with casts on all your supports. Her husband abused her, once kicking her out of their car fifteen miles from any town...he's a bastard. She finally left him. Went to a neurologist who, when she couldn't pay the last $300, sued her. Now she rents a room from a man who was nice, but now doesn't bother to speak to her. I don't know your story. It may be as bad or worse as Sherri's. I'm not trying to make you feel better by comparison!
She's an inspiration to everyone who knows her because despite everything, she can laugh. She loves visiting with her daughters and grandkids. She still thinks of others. She can't do anything to improve the world, but the love she exudes keeps the rest of us motivated.
Right now she's on cloud nine because she's been approved for a support dog. This person whose eyeballs vibrate all over creation managed to read 76 pages of the training manual for Pearson, the dog. And I was going to do an audio for her, but she read it! We were so proud of her! She's on disability and it's not enough, so we supplement, but wish it was more.
I'm so sorry life has been a bitch. I really am. Just hang in their as best you can, like Sherri. It may be that your destiny was to show those around you that spirit can triumph. Material possessions (but we do need enough to get along), physical health, worldly success, none are truly important. Spirit triumphant is a real success.
And anytime you want to vent, come here. People here listen and care. I love you! You're real.
Lady Freedom Returns
(14,180 posts)
(4,261 posts)Don't proselytize in the Atheists Forum. Not only is it bad manners, it can get you booted from the group.
Please be respectful of our haven. Go for your life in the Religion FOrum, that's what it is there for, but leave us to our peace here.
Thank you