Atheists & Agnostics
Related: About this forumAnnouncing! 2016 MARCH MEME MADNESS!!!
Last edited Fri Feb 19, 2016, 09:47 AM - Edit history (1)
Instead of the usual Meme of the Week/Month, for March 2016 I'll be running:
32 Memes have been selected and ranked for a head-to-head/one-on-one competitions each to be decided by DU Polls.
Many good and high quality memes have been left to the wayside due to being slightly out polled in the weekly and monthly polls.
March Meme Madness has been prepared to give a select set of 32 memes a 2nd chance to rise to the top.
Starting February 29th the first of 5-rounds of Polls/Games will be set-up for the DU community to participate in selecting the March Madness Winner.
Round #1 – All 32 (Polls will Run 2/29 to 3/6)
Round #2 – Sweet 16 (Polls will Run 3/7 to 3/13)
Round #3 – The Agnostic 8 (Polls will Run 3/14 to 3/20)
Round #4 – The Final Atheist 4 (Polls will Run 3/21 to 3/27)
Round #5 – March Meme Madness - The Final Word (Poll will Run 3/28 to 4/3)
Starting Bracket: Make Your Predictions Now!
A clean list of Round #1 Games and Assigned Memes will be posted later (the image file is hard to read as is).
The Meme Groups:
Group A
Meme #01 – Thinking the World is Wrong (2014 Meme of the Year)
Meme #05 – Divine Choices
Meme #09 – Choose Wisely
Meme #15 – Destroyed by the Truth
Meme #18 – That Awkward Moment
Meme #24 – Grayling – Religious Complaints
Meme #28 – Made God Commit Suicide
Meme #32 – Religious Infection
Group B
Meme #03 – Origins of Morality
Meme #07 – Needs Money
Meme #11 – Sociopathic
Meme #13 – Atheist Pig – BIBLE
Meme #20 – Absurdity
Meme #22 – Militant Fundamentalist Atheist
Meme #26 – Puddle Theology
Meme #30 – Kill the Amalekites
Group C
Meme #04 – Who Is Arrogant
Meme #08 – Batman or God
Meme #10 – Norwegian Beaver Cheese
Meme #14 – Persecution vs Contradiction
Meme #19 – Erroneous Assertion
Meme #23 – Choice of Sacrifice
Meme #25 – Perfect Ignorance
Meme #29 – Marking Their Territory
Group D
Meme #02 – Everything to Live For (2015 Meme of the Year)
Meme #06 – Respect is Earned
Meme #12 – Rampage
Meme #16 – Sober
Meme #17 – With Gott Anything is Possible
Meme #21 – Tasty and Filling
Meme #27 – Should Be Thankful
Meme #31 – Yule Tree
Larger Images will be Available once the Game Round Original-Posts are Set-up
No Tie-Breakers. Ties will be decided by me at the end of each polling round.
The image files in this post will be updated periodically.
Have Fun Everyone! Start Filling out your Brackets!
(mods please pin this post)

Warren Stupidity
(48,181 posts)progressoid
(51,092 posts)This is fantastic.
(4,033 posts)Last edited Mon Feb 29, 2016, 09:21 AM - Edit history (1)
Round #01 – Game ScheduleGroup A:
Game #01: Meme #01 vs Meme #32
Game #02: Meme #15 vs Meme #18
Game #03: Meme #09 vs Meme #24
Game #04: Meme #05 vs Meme #28
Group B:
Game #05: Meme #03 vs Meme #30
Game #06: Meme #13 vs Meme #20
Game #07: Meme #07 vs Meme #26
Game #08: Meme #11 vs Meme #22
Group C:
Game #09: Meme #04 vs Meme #29
Game #10: Meme #14 vs Meme #19
Game #11: Meme #10 vs Meme #23
Game #12: Meme #08 vs Meme #25
Group D:
Game #13: Meme #06 vs Meme #27
Game #14: Meme #12 vs Meme #21
Game #15: Meme #16 vs Meme #17
Game #16: Meme #02 vs Meme #31
(18,219 posts)So, what do we win if we pick the winner?
(4,033 posts)...Oops...hmmm...yeah...a't think of that.
Way to zero in on the flaw in my plan... ...(just kidding)...
Uhmmm...How About:
1) Bragging Rights...
2) The Undying Adulation and Adoration from your Fellow A&A'ers
3) A medal
4) A Hug
5) A Group Hug
5) Slow Clap
Sorry, I got nothin'
(22,340 posts)Then you would have bragging rights wherever you posted on DU.
(4,033 posts)...I like it.
But, I presume predicting the final winner will be fairly rare, and would require a non-editable declaration of which meme would win the "Final Word" round.
Any ideas for other badges that wouldn't require such a level of... precognition?
(18,219 posts)so I may be wrong about this March Madness. But I do know that our local newspaper has a contest where everyone fills out their brackets, sends them in, and if you have predicted the winner, you win. I don't know what you win for that either.
Of course, it is next to impossible to predict the winner. But I think that is the point. But since there is no prize, it doesn't matter, does it?
(63,504 posts)something like:
"Not Believing Puts People Out Of Work"
(4,033 posts)Here are the remaining/surviving meme from Round #1
Round #2 - Polls/games to be created shortly
Final Scores – Round #1: 3/7/2016 – 8:30 AM (ish)
Group A:
Game #01: Meme #01 vs Meme #32 3/1/2016 - Score 25 / 3
Game #01: Meme #01 vs Meme #32 3/2/2016 - Score 29 / 3
Game #01: Meme #01 vs Meme #32 3/3/2016 - Score 30 / 3
Game #01: Meme #01 vs Meme #32 3/4/2016 - Score 31 / 3
Game #01: Meme #01 vs Meme #32 3/7/2016 - Score 32 / 3
Game #02: Meme #15 vs Meme #18 3/1/2016 - Score 18 / 10
Game #02: Meme #15 vs Meme #18 3/2/2016 - Score 20 / 12
Game #02: Meme #15 vs Meme #18 3/3/2016 - Score 21 / 12
Game #02: Meme #15 vs Meme #18 3/4/2016 - Score 22 / 12
Game #02: Meme #15 vs Meme #18 3/7/2016 - Score 23 / 12
Game #03: Meme #09 vs Meme #24 3/1/2016 - Score 9 / 19
Game #03: Meme #09 vs Meme #24 3/2/2016 - Score 10 / 21
Game #03: Meme #09 vs Meme #24 3/3/2016 - Score 10 / 21
Game #03: Meme #09 vs Meme #24 3/4/2016 - Score 10 / 23
Game #03: Meme #09 vs Meme #24 3/7/2016 - Score 10 / 24
Game #04: Meme #05 vs Meme #28 3/1/2016 - Score 20 / 6
Game #04: Meme #05 vs Meme #28 3/2/2016 - Score 23 / 6
Game #04: Meme #05 vs Meme #28 3/3/2016 - Score 23 / 6
Game #04: Meme #05 vs Meme #28 3/4/2016 - Score 23 / 7
Game #04: Meme #05 vs Meme #28 3/7/2016 - Score 24 / 7
Group B:
Game #05: Meme #03 vs Meme #30 3/1/2016 - Score 22 / 3
Game #05: Meme #03 vs Meme #30 3/2/2016 - Score 26 / 4
Game #05: Meme #03 vs Meme #30 3/3/2016 - Score 27 / 4
Game #05: Meme #03 vs Meme #30 3/4/2016 - Score 28 / 4
Game #05: Meme #03 vs Meme #30 3/7/2016 - Score 29 / 4
Game #06: Meme #13 vs Meme #20 3/1/2016 - Score 3 / 22
Game #06: Meme #13 vs Meme #20 3/2/2016 - Score 3 / 25
Game #06: Meme #13 vs Meme #20 3/3/2016 - Score 3 / 25
Game #06: Meme #13 vs Meme #20 3/4/2016 - Score 4 / 26
Game #06: Meme #13 vs Meme #20 3/7/2016 - Score 5 / 26
Game #07: Meme #07 vs Meme #26 3/1/2016 - Score 20 / 8
Game #07: Meme #07 vs Meme #26 3/2/2016 - Score 21 / 10
Game #07: Meme #07 vs Meme #26 3/3/2016 - Score 22 / 10
Game #07: Meme #07 vs Meme #26 3/4/2016 - Score 22 / 11
Game #08: Meme #11 vs Meme #22 3/1/2016 - Score 13 / 13
Game #08: Meme #11 vs Meme #22 3/2/2016 - Score 13 / 16
Game #08: Meme #11 vs Meme #22 3/3/2016 - Score 14 / 16
Game #08: Meme #11 vs Meme #22 3/4/2016 - Score 14 / 17
Game #08: Meme #11 vs Meme #22 3/7/2016 - Score 15 / 17
Group C:
Game #09: Meme #04 vs Meme #29 3/1/2016 - Score 20 / 3
Game #09: Meme #04 vs Meme #29 3/2/2016 - Score 23 / 3
Game #09: Meme #04 vs Meme #29 3/3/2016 - Score 23 / 3
Game #09: Meme #04 vs Meme #29 3/4/2016 - Score 25 / 3
Game #09: Meme #04 vs Meme #29 3/7/2016 - Score 26 / 4
Game #10: Meme #14 vs Meme #19 3/1/2016 - Score 21 / 4
Game #10: Meme #14 vs Meme #19 3/2/2016 - Score 24 / 4
Game #10: Meme #14 vs Meme #19 3/3/2016 - Score 24 / 4
Game #10: Meme #14 vs Meme #19 3/4/2016 - Score 25 / 5
Game #10: Meme #14 vs Meme #19 3/7/2016 - Score 26 / 6
Game #11: Meme #10 vs Meme #23 3/1/2016 - Score 12 / 15
Game #11: Meme #10 vs Meme #23 3/2/2016 - Score 15 / 16
Game #11: Meme #10 vs Meme #23 3/3/2016 - Score 15 / 16
Game #11: Meme #10 vs Meme #23 3/4/2016 - Score 16 / 17
Game #11: Meme #10 vs Meme #23 3/7/2016 - Score 18 / 17
Game #12: Meme #08 vs Meme #25 3/1/2016 - Score 17 / 10
Game #12: Meme #08 vs Meme #25 3/2/2016 - Score 19 / 10
Game #12: Meme #08 vs Meme #25 3/3/2016 - Score 19 / 11
Game #12: Meme #08 vs Meme #25 3/4/2016 - Score 19 / 12
Game #12: Meme #08 vs Meme #25 3/7/2016 - Score 19 / 14
Group D:
Game #13: Meme #06 vs Meme #27 3/1/2016 - Score 12 / 11
Game #13: Meme #06 vs Meme #27 3/2/2016 - Score 13 / 14
Game #13: Meme #06 vs Meme #27 3/3/2016 - Score 13 / 15
Game #13: Meme #06 vs Meme #27 3/4/2016 - Score 13 / 16
Game #13: Meme #06 vs Meme #27 3/7/2016 - Score 15 / 16
Game #14: Meme #12 vs Meme #21 3/1/2016 - Score 1 / 21
Game #14: Meme #12 vs Meme #21 3/2/2016 - Score 2 / 24
Game #14: Meme #12 vs Meme #21 3/3/2016 - Score 2 / 25
Game #14: Meme #12 vs Meme #21 3/4/2016 - Score 2 / 26
Game #14: Meme #12 vs Meme #21 3/7/2016 - Score 2 / 28
Game #15: Meme #16 vs Meme #17 3/1/2016 - Score 11 / 12
Game #15: Meme #16 vs Meme #17 3/2/2016 - Score 14 / 12
Game #15: Meme #16 vs Meme #17 3/3/2016 - Score 14 / 13
Game #15: Meme #16 vs Meme #17 3/4/2016 - Score 15 / 13
Game #15: Meme #16 vs Meme #17 3/7/2016 - Score 17 / 13
Game #16: Meme #02 vs Meme #31 3/1/2016 - Score 22 / 3
Game #16: Meme #02 vs Meme #31 3/2/2016 - Score 24 / 5
Game #16: Meme #02 vs Meme #31 3/3/2016 - Score 25 / 5
Game #16: Meme #02 vs Meme #31 3/4/2016 - Score 25 / 5
Game #16: Meme #02 vs Meme #31 3/7/2016 - Score 27 / 5
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)
(4,033 posts)It just keeps on getting more difficult to choose...
Round #3 – The Agnostic 8 (Polls will Run 3/14 to 3/21)
Round #4 – The Final Atheist 4 (Polls will Run 3/21 to 3/27)
Round #5 – March Meme Madness - The Final Word (Poll will Run 3/28 to 4/3)

(18,791 posts)I just discovered's great.
(4,033 posts)...there will be a delay of a few days before another poll is posted.
(on vacation and only have a small screen which is not conducive to clean posts)
(4,033 posts)Destroyed by Truth

Thanks everyone for participating!
And thanks to Mr. Blur for my spiffy new medal:
The Croix de Grrr and Bar

Very much appreciated

Note to Mods: I would say it is time to unpin the thread if deemed appropriate.
(4,033 posts)Hey all,
In the spirit of Scientific Method where past errors are presented and corrected when new information is discovered, I am making this post because it has come to my attention that our 2016 March Meme Madness Final Word, was a mis-attributed Carl Sagan quote that should be properly be attributed to Patricia "Pat" Christine Hodgell:
"If it can be destroyed by the truth, it deserves to be destroyed by the truth."
"That which can be destroyed by the truth, should be." — P. C. Hodgell, in her 1994 novel Seeker's Mask.
I do not believe it detracts from our collective sentiments and intent or our the fun in selecting, but just wanted to set the record straight.
If anyone has the time and inclination and the skills to create a quality image, please post a new graphic with the corrected quote and attribution.
In Peace and Reality,
(3,321 posts)of Carl Sagan. A person I have always looked up to. He was always a personal hero to me.