Atheists & Agnostics
Related: About this forumTwo writers criticize Garry Trudeau’s view of the Charlie Hebdo affair
Trudeau took the despicable stance of blaming the victims for offending the attackers. Some good responses to him have been posted by Jerry Coyne:
In confusing criticism of Islam with hatred of Muslims, in assuming that those angered by Charlie Hebdoare in some way representative of Muslim communities, in claiming that Charlie Hebdo had incited violence, in suggesting that as hate speech the cartoons should not have been published, Trudeau is betraying such artists and cartoonists. Again, as I [Malik] wrote in my original Charlie Hebdo article:
What nurtures the reactionaries, both within Muslim communities and outside it, is the pusillanimity of many so-called liberals, their unwillingness to stand up for basic liberal principles, their readiness to betray the progressives within minority communities. On the one hand, this allows Muslim extremists the room to operate. The more that society gives licence for people to be offended, the more that people will seize the opportunity to feel offended. And the more deadly they will become in expressing their outrage. There will always be extremists who respond as the Charlie Hebdo killers did. The real problem is that their actions are given a spurious moral legitimacy by liberals who proclaim it unacceptable to give offence.
Liberal pusillanimity also helps nurture anti-Muslim sentiment. It feeds the racist idea that all Muslims are reactionary, that Muslims themselves are the problem, that Muslim immigration should be stemmed, and the Muslim communities should be more harshly policed. It creates the room for organizations such as the Front National to spread its poison.

(13,029 posts)Who declare that the folks at CH should have expected to be slaughtered for hurting people's feelings also are the first to get out their scolding fingers anytime they perceive that "broad-brushing" of Muslims and how they react to things is occuring.
(49,533 posts)You insult his mother, you're gonna get punched in the face.
You insult someone's god, you're gonna get murdered. They can't help it, religious belief is SO SPECIAL and SO PRIVILEGED that we all have a responsibility to never criticize or mock it. If we do, well, I guess we deserve what's coming to us.
Hard to believe that's actually a position some people have staked out.
(20,805 posts) do with the attacks but were the result of economically disadvantaged/easily manipulated/something other than religion reasons...
(49,533 posts)But at the same time, the only reason people were killed was because they insulted someone's religion.
Simple, right?
(9,116 posts)...also happens to be one of the least likely to produce spree killers.
But I'm sure that's just coincidence. Along with all of those upper-class terrorists... like Mohammed Atta.
(9,629 posts)[font style="font-family:'Georgia','Baskerville Old Face','Helvetica',fantasy;" size=4 color=teal]Except when it comes to religion, then it becomes the atheists had it coming...
But I keep getting told there is no religious privilege on DU. None, just ignore all the people victim blaming Charlie Hebdo.[/font]
(33,982 posts)Called them bigots:
False flag:
Responsible for the attack: