10 Things That Aren't In Your Bible
There are many things Christians think are in the Bible, but arent. Heres a list of 10, in case you are interested.
I. The Rapture
There are a bunch of American Christians who think that the Rapture is taught in the Bible. Its not. That doctrine was not developed until 1830, by a guy named John Nelson Darby. He based his entire theological system off a girls vivid dreams, and read his interpretation into the texts.
II. LGBTQ Clobber Passages
There are 6 or 7 so-called clobber passages that many Christians think condemn the LGBTQ community. They are incorrect. There is nothing in the Bible that condemns us. There are passages that condemn certain practices that involve coercion, but nothing that condemns same-gendered love. To read a condemnation of the LGBTQ community into the Bible is to engage in a gross anachronism.
III. Violent Jesus
Many Christians love themselves a violent Jesus, one who is gonna come back to kick ass and take names. The problem is that that Jesus never existed. Sure, a Jesus who flipped tables and got angry existed, but not one who endorsed actual violence. To see a violent Jesus in the text is to eisegete rather than exegete.

(23,937 posts)specifically cited. Apparently, neither race nor sexual "normality" was important to the disciples who approached him. The word eunuch was also used to describe a gay man.
The comment about heaven is way wrong. The writer's problem is that he doesn't understand the parables, Christianity's greatest failing. Theologians insist that the parables can be understood as playful extensions of Jesus's public statements. Not at all, which is why special eyes and ears are needed to understand them, not the eyes and ears we use to follow the external storyline.
(18,395 posts)i will study this topic more.
The Rapture
There are a bunch of American Christians who think that the Rapture is taught in the Bible. Its not. That doctrine was not developed until 1830, by a guy named John Nelson Darby. He based his entire theological system off a girls vivid dreams, and read his interpretation into the texts.