Please remember our congregation in prayer, as we move to call a new pastor.
Approximately 7 months ago, our pastor resigned due to serious health issues. We have since been led by a wonderful interim minister, an elderly, retired American Baptist missionary. In April, the congregation nominated seven of us, myself included, to a pastoral search committee. Having examined church finances, denominational and church preferences regarding college or university education, seminary training, church history, denominational dogma and church doctrine, etc., we presented three options to the congregation for consideration: a full-time minister with benefits, a full-time minister with some benefits or a part-time, transitional minister (bi-vocational or retired) with no benefits.
Our recommendation to the congregation was unanimous-- a full-time pastor with benefits-- and that recommendation was preferred by 94% of the congregation. On motion and second (gotta love Baptists! ), the pastoral church committee was charged with creating a full church profile for distribution to prospective candidates, seeking resumes regionally and nationally, interviewing candidates, visiting likely candidates in their present congregations, inviting candidates to preach a sermon at our church and, ultimately, recommending a candidate to the whole congregation.
Remember us in your prayers, as we enter this final stage of our search. Pray that God will lead us in this work.
Thank you!

(9,805 posts)My brothers church (Presbyterian) is going through the process now and he is on the committee. They had a candidate that was rejected by Council due to an admitted past gambling problem; some felt uneasy about him handling finances. So they are starting the search over. It's hard to replace a beloved retired pastor as they are doing. My church will be doing the same in 4-5 years when our wonderful pastor retires, not looking forward to it.
(6,647 posts)Our much-loved minister retired. We've received a lot of help and guidance from our denomination. We have a committee that has evaluated applicants and interviewed ones that they found compatible with our congregation. The leading candidate will be here one Sunday next month to do a service and a workshop.
Best of luck/wisdom/guidance in your search.
(6,944 posts)We are completing the making our church DVD 'prospectus', and will be publishing our call for a pastor in the regional and national denominational publications in December.