When is thanking Jesus for every daily thing that happens is over doing it
I believe in Jesus, I am a Catholic, I pray and ask for help when a problem is serious and I can think of no way to solve it. Lots of good things happen to me but I don't praise the Lord every minute. I need help as I am getting so much of this thanking the Lord on my Face book page that I am thinking of just leaving Face book since I cannot Amen all of this. Do people do this to prove how Christian and wonderful the are, or does it just become a habit. If I am wrong please let me know.

(44,900 posts)Last edited Thu Sep 25, 2014, 02:24 PM - Edit history (1)
when life is going well, and too little when it isn't.
When someone wrote to me, "Thank God everything worked out," I wrote back, "Everything worked out because I worked it out -- so thank me, too!"
Granny M
(1,395 posts)I make it a point to be grateful that I wake up in the morning, and am grateful every day for the many blessings in my life. Making a gratitude list every day is a spiritual tool I learned when I got sober 9 years ago. But I don't babble "Thank you, Jesus" every minute, either.
I never 'Like and Share" if Jesus is your Lord pages on Facebook. It just doesn't feel right to me.
(950 posts)But most of that is internal. If something really good happens to me, I'll send out praises on facebook, but I won't tell why.
I think some feel like it is evangelizing when they praise Him often, and they're probably just in a habit after doing it so often. Even as a die-hard Christian myself, I don't think the constant praising does much for evangelizing. I prefer to pray for and with people.
Fortinbras Armstrong
(4,477 posts)Augustine of Hippo wrote, "I should pray as if everything depended on God; I should work as if everything depended on me."