Unions at Catholic workplaces called ‘magisterium in word and deed’
For unions the fertile ground lately is adjunct professors at Catholic colleges. When unions and Catholic institutions collaborate, one expert calls it a 'true magisterium in word and deed.'

A new report by the Catholic Labor Network found that about 500 Catholic workplaces in the country are unionized. (Credit: The Daily Signal.)
Mark PattisonAugust 21, 2016
WASHINGTON - According to a new report by the Catholic Labor Network, about 500 Catholic workplaces in the country are unionized.
That number represents a relatively low share of the total number of Catholic institutions in America, since there are some 6,800 schools, 630 hospitals and more than 240 colleges and universities, but it still indicates a significant footprint for organized labor within the Churchs entities.
The vast majority of unionized workers are in three distinct fields: health care, K-12 education and college education, with a smaller cluster in social services and other service professions.
Catholic social teaching endorses the right of workers to form labor unions and calls upon labor and management to establish cooperative relationships to advance their craft and the common good, said Clayton Sinyai, the reports author, in The Gaudium et Spes Labor Report, issued in mid-August to be available in time for Labor Day, which this year is Sept. 5.