The rise of the Catholic bully (SAFE HAVEN)
Last edited Sun Jun 9, 2024, 02:13 PM - Edit history (1)
Catholic bullying is spreading across the land. In the latest example, Minnesota Bishop Robert Barron's Word on Fire organization threatened Commonweal magazine and theologian Massimo Faggioli over Faggioli's April 22 essay, "Will Trumpism Spare Catholicism?"
The commotion is too weird to behold.
To be clear, no Catholic, let alone a bishop, should want to be connected to Trump, whose ongoing legal entanglements and documented disrespect for women and migrants are outside the pale. That Trump benefited from a strange Catholics for Catholics fundraiser at Mar-a-Lago, where a man identified as Father Dennis led what he called "the meal prayer" and former Trump national security adviser Flynn said they would "do the rosary" is enough to warn anyone.
The "suicidal conservatism" Francis worries about stifles growth and, he said, leaves people "closed inside a dogmatic box." Those U.S. bishops who cannot think out of the box and there are many daily damage the beliefs of Catholics who think Catholic social teaching is a good thing and who wish for less clericalism and more transparency in church matters, to start with, where, exactly, does the money go?

(12,677 posts)Period. And The Klan was Southern Baptist. Now they're finding common ground? Oh, Brother, indeed.
(5,370 posts)magicarpet
(17,770 posts).... was incubated and given birth.
《Opus Dei enjoys growing popularity in political spheres and most recently in the Supreme Court of the United States of AmeriKKKa. A Fascist brand of Catholic Theocracy will be melded into the political landscapes come hell or high water.》
Opus Dei: Neofascism Within the Catholic Church
What we are seeing today in the fight over birth control is a revival of a very old, and very dangerous kind of Catholicism. It is not one supported or practiced by most Rank and File Catholics. It is a kind of Catholicism which has done irreparable harm. It is a kind of Catholicism unfit for existence in the modern world.
It was the underpinning of the regimes of Mussolini in Italy, The National Catholicism of Francisco Franco, in Spain; The Parti Rexiste in Belgium; The Irish Blueshirts; The Croatian Ustae, the Nazi puppet government in Croatia, and ultimately, was the kind of Catholicism practiced by the Sainted Josemaría Escrivá, founder of the Catholic order Opus Dei.
Link to source,..
Former Justice Antonin Scalia:
Said about the court after Judge Scalia's confirmation,...
But as Sen. Jeremiah Denton, R-Ala., correctly predicted at the time, Scalias arrival on the court still made a real difference, rallying the troops until a seismic shift in the high courts jurisprudence was possible.
..... The seismic shift in the US Supreme Court eventually came about through the hard work of Leonardo Leo of the Federalist Society. His hand picked Fascist candidates for nomination and confirmation to the SCOTUS came to fruition and Leo engineered the ultaconservative supermajority of 6/3 for the Fascist Republican Party as they captured and now control the highest court of the judicial branch.
The infamous troika that served Donald Trumps regime so effectively was constituted of the arch-conservative, powerful, Federalist Society, the CIC (Catholic Information Center, an ultra right-wing think tank), and Opus Dei. Pat Cipollone, who served as Trumps White House Counsel from December 2018 to January 2021, was listed as a member of the CIC Board until CIC stopped publishing their board list in October 2018; today, his daughter-in-law is a law clerk for Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett. William Barr chaired the CIC board in 2014 and served there until 2017, when he joined Trump as Attorney General. Following his departure as AG in January 2021, Barr returned to the CIC as a senior fellow, and last October (2021) became the new St. Thomas More Chair.
Interlocking troika board members and officials are stunningly hidden in plain sight. Leonardo Leo, a self-declared Opus Dei operative, was also the executive vice president of The Federalist Society, and Chair of the Board of Directors of the CIC (which, by the way, is two blocks from the White House). Leo hits every base. All this is a matter of record.
Opus Dei encourages Catholic laypeople and priests to embody Catholic doctrine through their chosen professions. What do you think this means to people whose chosen professions are as Washington power brokers?
The extremely powerful man who forwarded five names to the Senate for approval as supreme court justices was Leonardo Leo. It was Leo who pushed Mitch McConnell to nominate Justices Roberts, Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett. The troikas role in installing Trumps justices is also a matter of record. According to Church and State, Of the Supreme Court members, six (Brett Kavanaugh, Neil Gorsuch, Clarence Thomas, John Roberts, Samuel Alito, and Amy Coney Barrett) are current or former members.
Others have also identified the late Justice Antonin Scalia as an Opus Dei member; his wife attended Catholic Information Center events and his son has spoken there. Church and State Magazine writes that Leo has been a longtime friend and champion of Justice Clarence Thomas, and that when John Roberts was nominated for the Court, Leonard Leo assured conservative Catholics that Roberts will not follow the same path as Anthony Kennedy (who apparently went squishy and liberal). Leo, perhaps the most integral individual in the selection of Brett Kavanaugh, was present at the White House ceremony when Trump announced Kavanaughs nomination. Gorsuch was raised Catholic and went to the same elite Catholic prep school as Kavanaugh, but became an Episcopalian when he married an Anglican. Yet he speaks frequently at conferences of Catholic legal scholars seeking to expand their influence on policy, and he concurred with majority decisions in the SCOTUS cases of Hobby Lobby and the Little Sisters of the Poor (whose name always sounds to me like Hummel figurines).
Justice Clarence Thomas:
Growing up as a devout Catholic, Thomas originally intended to be a priest in the Catholic Church but was frustrated over the church's insufficient attempts to combat racism.
Chief Justice Roberts:
In 2005, John Roberts became the third Catholic Chief Justice and the fourth Catholic on the court.
Justice Samuel Alito:
Justice Samuel Alito, who wrote the opinion that overturned Roe v. Wade, says his Catholic faith makes him mindful of 'real world' impact of SCOTUS decisions.Sep 28, 2022
Justice Neil Gorshch:
Another, Neil Gorsuch, was raised in the Catholic Church but later attended an Episcopal church, though without specifying the denomination to which he felt he belonged.
Justice Brett Kavanaugh:
The remaining six justices -- John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Sonia Sotomayor, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett -- are Catholic.
Justice Amy Coney Barrett:
Barrett is a practicing Catholic. Since birth, she has been a member of the Christian parachurch community People of Praise, an ecumenical covenant community founded in South Bend.
(5,370 posts)It's unfortunate the Little Sisters of the Poor became involved in this because they have done some good world-wide.
It all reminds me of the Steinbeck quote where he says, "it's not that the evil thing wins -- it never will -- but that it doesn't die."
(17,770 posts)