You Have Chosen To Remember
You Are Not Alone
You may sometimes feel lonely, but you are never alone. When you extended out of Gods mind and were created, the eternal essence that is Him became forever you. You may be suffering in despair, yet He is there. You may be saddened by the results of ego-based decisions in your life, yet He is there. You might be in the deepest caves of sorrow, and yet He is there always and fo...rever available to you. Where you are, He is.
When you share an idea, it is extended out from you and yet at the same the idea does not leave its source. The idea is strengthen by sharing. The idea is strengthen both through the individual who has heard it, and by reinforcing it in you. If an idea can be strengthen through sharing, and at the same time not leave its source, then you can start to understand how you can through free will grow, yet without having ever left God. You cannot hide or walk alone anywhere in this world. For if where you are He is, then so too will you find Him when you choose to see the truth in your brother and sister. If everyone, everything and all were birthed through this One Source, then He must be available to you in everyone, everything and all - all the time.
As much as the ego would try to dim it, there is a light in you that cannot be extinguished. This light exists in everything He created. A flower extends this light to you through its fragrance. The ocean extends this light to you when it massages your body with its waves. A tree expresses this light by extending its branches to shield you from the heat. The wind expresses this light by caressing your hair. The rain expresses its light by baptizing you with the gift of life. The grass expresses this light by softening the path you walk on. Your brother and sister present you this light by offering you the opportunity to love them. Your children offer you the extension of His light by gifting you the honor to hug them. Your enemy offers you this light by giving you the opportunity to forgive him. The beggar in the street offers you this light by giving you the chance to experience compassion. The stranger in the other car offers this light by letting you show him patience and kindness. And so you see, there is no place His light, your true essence is not. Even in your darkest hour, know you are not alone, have never been alone, and that till the end of time, will never be alone.
Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter and Light.
James Blanchard Cisneros
(5,198 posts)I am amazed at how much light and wisdom is coming through these days!
(3,794 posts)Thanks
(8,423 posts)Especially when you find yourself in not so great moods.