Please Send Protection To Our Building, Someone Tried Kicking In Our Door :={
I was just informed that someone tried to gain access to our building by kicking in our door to our Pronaos.
We were to have our Convocation tonight, however, we had to cancel because we cannot gain access either. I'm glad they weren't able to gain entry, however, now we are inconvenienced by their actions. We are still struggling financially and this is now an unnecessary cost. Heck we have an alarm system and apparently the dimwits didn't trigger it.
Oh well at least no one was there, no telling what would have happened if there was. I know that I definitely don't feel safe going there without someone else there with me. I have gone by myself in the past, but not anymore. I don't like it that I suddenly feel so dependent on someone else having to be there with me.
Sanity Claws
(22,098 posts)MagickMuffin
(17,311 posts)for giving of the Light
I appreciate your contribution.
(4,225 posts)Surrounding, You, the Pronaos, and all its members With a thick bright white light Spiraling in its intensity to keep all safe,Sound,secure,and healthy with waves of COMFORT! !!!! I'm so sorry MagickMuffin! It is a total Breech and intrusion on every level of the physical and psychic. Luckily they don't sound very adept at their criminal enterprise.Very likely to have a short career!
Holding you and yours very close in light and love!!!
(17,311 posts)Hopefully the dimwit ended up with a sore foot. It is a metal clad door after-all. Of course I don't like to inflict pain on anyone, but sheesh.
Apparently this has happened on more than one occasion. We have been meeting at this building since 1982. I have been hoping we could increase our membership and move to a better location. I will continue to work for this goal.
Again, Thank you Sweetie
Oh and yesterday was our monthly experiment night. The experiment was entitled Concentration, Contemplation and Meditation. I'm thinking of doing it next Thursday instead of other discourse. Being Master has advantages
(4,225 posts)And you so are a master and so derserve it too!
Now me on the other hand Would definitly take undue advantages which is why I'm NEVER made Master! LMAO!!!! Why doesnt everybody want to PLAY!!!! Why does it always have to be PLAY NICE!!!??????
Melissa G
(10,170 posts)MagickMuffin
(17,311 posts)I can feel your Love and I appreciate it very much!
Melissa G
(10,170 posts)icymist
(15,888 posts)You obviously have some protection since they did not get in! Surrounding you and your meeting place in a ball of Light!