Sunday's Wish: To Serve
(I thought ASAHers might appreciate this. )
While the idea of "serving" and acting with compassion and empathy -- or simply being compassionate and empathetic -- are often viewed as weaknesses within many cultures, it has always been my very strong belief that having compassion and empathy are the foundation of true strength. Authentic strength. The kind of strength we need not only to get through each day on our own, but to ease the suffering of others and, in doing so, work toward actively creating a world that is free of the myriad challenges and horrors that are in our awareness each day (if we are aware, that is). When one person or innocent creature suffers needlessly and callously, we all suffer, for more of us now realize that we are all truly and intrinsically connected (hence the puzzle piece icon used at Wishadoo and Wishadoo-related sites).
We as individuals can't help every person or creature in need.
We as individuals can't fix all that is wrong with this world.
Yet we as individuals can make a choice to serve, being mindful that each intention and each action contributes to healing the whole -- one empathetic thought, one compassionate act at a time.
Being of service will come in many different forms, unique to each person. I'm asking you today to consider the concept of serving, perhaps in a way you haven't thus far. Allow your heart and mind to open to the possibility that you can be of service in more ways than you may know.
Service is not a form of moral obligation. Its more about feeling the potential of the universe, the latent energy within the universe that is waiting to be released and expressed through you and your own unique qualities. There is no single paradigm of service. How do we truly release ourselves into the field of action? - James O'Dea
One way I have chosen to serve is by creating three projects that are just starting to take shape and make sense to others now, though they have been in my mind for many, many years. I offer them all with the intention of being of service:
Our Collective Good offers inspiring, empowering content to help us Manifest Wisdom. We can then put that wisdom into action at Wishadoo.
Wishadoo offers tools and resources which help us Manifest Compassion.
Wishables are here to inject a lighthearted, fun, hopeful presence, reminding us to believe in the power of our heartfelt wishes, and to believe anything is possible, especially when we come together to manifest our wishes, hopes and dreams. Wishables Manifest Joy.
Please read Judith Rich's blog post Living Transformation: How Can You Serve, which offers many thought-provoking nuggets of wisdom regarding the concept of service and how transformational this approach to life can be, not only for us, our families and communities, but for Humanity.
" What determines whether the kind of service in which you engage the greatest part of your waking life is transformative or simply a means to an end? Is it possible to be doing an everyday, routine kind of job and create a transformative experience, or does one have to become a Mother Theresa in order to be a true servant?"
Take a moment today to consider how you may serve, then click here to make a silent compassionate wish....for yourself, your loved ones and Humanity. Remember, we're all connected.
Please share this post...share the website links....share the compassion, wisdom and joy.
Original Post:

(3,621 posts)It does not lessen you to be in service to another. Quite the contrary. Your true service, the true _expression of your soul and the gifts you carry within you always expands you. It always unfolds you, and fully engages the gifts of your soul. Service attracts to you great measures of grace, love, help and assistance from the Angels and from all the beloved caregivers of creation. All who serve Creator, all Angels rush into cooperation with you in joy and expansion and _expression. (The Angel of Service through Christopher Dilts)