~ Dreaming & Intuition Thread for Spring! ~
I've been meaning to get around to this and since it isn't quite the beginning of the month...
so here's the usual layout:
Please designate if your post is a dream, personal vision, or actual reading on a situation.
then we can reply to the post as needed...
sorry for no poetry or pretty pics this time, it's early and I am still foggy from a weird night of dreaming
(22,298 posts)Just think of all the good things that can be done with those winnings. a few local non profits would never have to worry about funding ever again
(4,225 posts)Hey Now WolverineDG I'm my favorite Non Profit!!!!! Me! Me! Me!
(22,298 posts)no worries for the ASAH!!
(8,423 posts)kentauros
(29,414 posts)I took a nap yesterday afternoon (I had gone out to lunch with a friend, and had a margarita with it, and thus why I was tired.) I don't recall exactly what set up a rather horrible situation, but there was military involved at first (just a "patrol", not actual fighting.) The setting was at night at some kind of resort made to look like ancient native people's temples. Neon was used for some circular symbol at the top of a stone tower. Yeah, not very tasteful in execution
I know I had to go through some corridors and somehow ended up at the family house we all grew up in. (My parents don't live there any longer.) Most of my family was there, and they were all being very mean to me, making fun of my likes and dislikes, and generally pissing me off. So, I blew up back at them. I couldn't defend myself verbally, because none of them would let me finish a sentence, so I started cussing them out. I have never done anything remotely close to this "incident" in real life, and can't think of any dream like it before. Oddly enough, I know I had a good to great dream with my father only a week or so ago (don't remember the details, only the loving emotions involved.)
I was thankful to wake up for "bodily functions" and went back to sleep for a little longer. That time, whatever dream I had was relatively neutral and calm, though I don't remember it now. I only hope I can shake the feelings from that other dream soon. It was not the least bit fun to go through...
So, any ideas?
And thanks, FirstLight, for starting this again I don't always share my dreams and usually only when they're weird and relatively positive. So, I hope I'm not posting too much negativity with this one.
P/med you Kentauros!
those family cussout or otherwise throw a fit dreams are really important! not negative at all...I think it's a way for us to release or otherwise act out the frustrations we carry from day to day...and sometimes i don't even think it is always directed at those we vent on...(even in real life, huh?)
funny, i often have dreams that take me back to my family home, even though the house was sold years ago.... probably because it was a long time point of reference for me and also cuz it has a huge view and it gives me that "overlooking' feeling...
I had a weird one last night too... and even went BACK into it after nature called at 5am...so go figure...maybe it's planetary messengers
(29,414 posts)is a mainstay of many people's dreams. I can't think of any that take place in my parents' current home, even though they've lived in it for about twenty years.
Thanks for the interpretation of how it's related to everyday frustrations. I didn't think I really had any, but they are there, in other forms (such as neighbors, out apartment "handyman", and so forth...)
I think I went back into a dream earlier this week, too, and remembered that was rare for me, but it was an enjoyable dream as I recall
(22,298 posts)using recognizable forms to help you "clean house." I've had those dreams myself, once when I was moving & cleaning out boxes deciding what to take with me & what to trash. At night, I would dream doing the same with memories & emotions.
(29,414 posts)that they are the product of our mind sorting out and "dumping" or forgetting the day to day things we've experienced. I feel that's probably true for the minor things and some whole dreams, but not all.
But, as I said above, this is likely an interpretation of my mind dealing with some daily frustrations. I only hope this one was the last for a while. I almost didn't want to go back to sleep after it. I did anyway in the hope of "resetting" my mind and emotions. That did work, and I woke up feeling better than the previous time
(29,135 posts)But I survived the crash.
(14,486 posts)...or flying...or both?
interesting...could it be another attack you see? or are the planes symbolic of systems crashing, i.e. the banks, social safety nets, etc?
(29,135 posts)And FWIW, I do not, I repeat, do not see another terrorist attack via airplanes anytime soon. Other issues related to terrorism and national defense, yes; airplanes, no. And again, no.
(15,812 posts)is akin to what computers do in defrag..............It's no accident that EMDR is based on the same eye movements that we have in REM sleep--basically processing memories in ways that integrate them with the totality of our experience.
(29,414 posts)And if any of y'all react to the length with "tldr" (too long, didn't read), I won't be offended. I wrote this up early this afternoon when I had the chance to get on the keys
Centaur Dream - 4-14-12
This is likely many dreams together as my sleep was constantly interrupted by indigestion, and generally disturbed sleep.
I'm unsure how this part started but it was surmised in a kind of documentary that were we to have an "atomic" war (the word "nuclear" was never used nor inferred), the bombs would disrupt gravity in weird ways. The documentary had this scenario happen, and, being typical of dreams, it happened in "real life" within the dream. I was in a downtown type of area but it wasn't Houston. The freeways were over hills, making me think of northern Texas as well as Austin. It seemed like Arlington, but as a conglomerate of known cities to me.
The effects of the bombs were first noted in the documentary for affecting the freeways by tearing them apart, and lifting the building materials lazily into the air. Nothing seemed to leave the planet, but vehicles went with the ripped-out surfaces. When it happened in the dream, I was in the downtown part of this city. The sidewalks and roads around the base of the buildings were floating up out from around their foundations, and kept tethered in the air by the utility lines and pipes. You couldn't get into the buildings if you wanted, and I was in one of them, looking down with my fellow employees. We knew we had to get together to survive, and some took the lead in doing so.
I know I ended up with a group doing some kind of medical research, though I don't know what that had to do with survival. The survival stuff was part of an earlier time and didn't seem all that important any longer, like maybe this was another dream, just tied to the first one for surroundings.
The woman in charge of our department was much like Dr. Cuddy in the medical show House though that was mostly in her demeanor and a little of her looks. I just followed the instructions given to me, as some others argued with her for a bit. I only know it was some kind of molecular manipulation for curing some disease. I didn't really get much further than running some tests, and I don't know what results I got, though it feels like they were positive.
The dream changed to either another one or forked away from the last bit, and I was in a kind of basement "lair" but it really just looked like a basement or warehouse workshop. There were three other people at one point, though later it was just the one guy working on a project that remained. He had long straggly hair, and appeared to know something about cybernetics. He had some kind of cybernetic attachment in his head, such that he could "plug in" with whatever he was creating. He also was able to move his hands through the workbench and material surrounding the piece, wrapping wires around it. The piece was like a coil of some kind, though its purpose was beyond that. I don't know what its final purpose was, only that I hung out there for a time, as the other two left, leaving him and I together.
He finished his piece, plugged it into his head again to double check and set it, then handed it over to me. It really only was just a rectangular metal box a couple of feet long and only a few inches on a side (like 2" x 4-5".) It may have had some kind of effect on matter like he had been using when making it. In a way, he kind of reminded me of the Canadian fringe-researcher, John Hutchison, only with light-brown hair, and more of a kind of nefarious air and connections. Still, he was a cool guy, and off I went with the device in their car, driven by the other two. I never did find out what it was for or what we were going to do with it, but our little trip went through my old neighborhood in Nassau Bay, and it was a very different place, of course.
One thing that I think had come on the news while I was in the workshop was something about an Asian man being changed in form, and he was one of many in the country. His race was either Korean or Japanese, but I'm leaning toward Korean mostly. I had been kind of excited about the news, seeing as he had changed into a centaur. I was given no such luck in the dream, and so had some other purpose going on.
We drove through the neighborhood with me in the backseat of an older and large sedan, like something from the fifties or early sixties, with rounded fenders and ends. It was also painted a dark color, like black or navy blue, and I sat back there looking out the windows as I clutched this device. The landscaping was quite good in places, lots of flowering plants and beautiful shrubbery. That was most apparent around the homes where the Korean family lived. Thus, as I was admiring the scenery, I saw the new centaur out playing in the well-landscaped front yard with his children and other family members. He seemed quite happy and accepted by them for what he was. Our car never stopped, as if the driver never noticed or wasn't interested. The other passenger up front seemed just as disinterested.
The Korean man had been kind of pudgy in build, much like me currently. As I recall for my body in the dream, I was in good condition, as I always seem to be. I don't think I've ever dreamed of myself in my present overweight form, as if that other reality represents our "true" forms in Spirit. I suspect the latter is the case most of the time. So, I'm not sure why I perceived this man as somewhat overweight, and keeping that paunch even on his rather skinny centaur form.
He really was an interesting centaur, with a great dapple-gray coat over his whole lower body and legs. He was too far away for me to really notice the color of his hooves, mostly because they were sunk in the grass a bit. He may have had dark-colored "socks" though, and maybe one or two lighter, like the white portions of the dapple. His overall body was really quite spindly. His barrel was skinnier than one would expect, with equally spindly legs. Still, he was quite nimble and even managed to get "tackled" by his kids. When he was standing he was very tall, making his body seem more like a foal, while still having proportions seen on mature horse-bodies. And despite having a far younger lower body, he was still a middle-aged man up top, wearing glasses and just looking like he was at least in his forties. He also looked happy to be alive, to have that change happen to him, and his family and possibly his friends, didn't seem to care, either.
I didn't get to linger beyond those few seconds, but it was enough to get a good idea of his new life. Our car kept going through the neighborhood, leaving the centaur and his family behind. I never found out anything more about that or my device as the dream was gone after just a little longer.
My impression right now as I write this is that I have glimpsed another reality, where someone has gotten to be a centaur as they would want it to be, whether in another dream-reality or another world entirely. The same is true for the weird goings on with gravity and the matter-manipulation device. Whether these are technologies being utilized now or in our future, I do not know. However, they are real technologies and something will come of them in our lifetimes. I am very interested in seeing such "fringe" technologies accepted, though I am skeptical in some cases. I simply do not take my skepticism to the extreme as the debunkers do. I like to think that these home-hobbyist/scientists might know things the "established" deep-thinkers don't (or can't admit due to how their communities are structured.) And having discussed things like this with like-minded friends, it's no wonder some of it comes through my dreams. If only I knew more about electricity and magnetic theory...
(4,225 posts)But you said yourself that you were having Digestive problems all night that kept waking you up.
Dreaming of "Basements" "Pipes" and such.....yeah Indigestion for sure!!!
Hope your feelin better today.
(29,414 posts)jalapeño potato chips before bed!
So, no other thoughts about the rest of the odd dreams?
(29,135 posts)It was at least as big as any protest I've ever seen images of. Couldn't tell which city, but considering it was an entirely spontaneous vision, which almost never happens to me, I feel confident it will become reality.
(14,486 posts)I'd like to see some MORE of something, for sure...
(75,480 posts)I found a Red Tail Hawk feather on the ground in front of my car when I went out. I hope it's okay to post about it in this thread as it is a message from the spirit world of sorts.
So I looked up the meaning and this is what I found:
The hawk comes to you indicating that you are now awakening to your soul purpose, your reason for being here. It can teach you how to fly high while keeping yourself connected to the ground.
As you rise to a higher level, your psychic energies are awakening and the hawk can help you to keep those senses in balance. Its message for you is to be open to hope and new ideas, to extend the vision of your life.
The Hawk is an animal of flight. It soars through the air looking down, and sees everything. It has a larger perspective of what is going on down below. With its keen eyesight, it looks down as it soars through the air looking for its prey. It can see the smallest of creatures below.
The Hawk is known as a messenger, similar to the planet Mercury, for the hawk soars close to the Grandfather Sun, as does the planet. When you listen to the power of the Grandfather Sun or Wise Spirit that lives within, you are protected from all types of harm.
The Hawk teaches you to be observant and take a close look at your surroundings. It soars with the power to overcome difficult situations. It soars in circles over the life of the earth, asking you to circle over your life and view it from a higher perspective.
The Hawk has a distinct cry, one that most people are aware of. Its cry signifies awareness. If you hear the cry of the hawk use your intuitive ability to discern the message and seek the truth.
If a hawk has soared into your life, you require a higher perspective. You need to see the details of what is going on and look at the bigger picture. Take a look at your situation from above.
I wonder what I should be looking for? Anybody got any ideas?
The bummer is that I can't keep it. It seems it's against the law to keep the feathers of those hawks. I still have it and I suppose if I don't display it, no one will be the wiser.
(4,225 posts)It was a gift to YOU!!!! You didnt pluck it for crying out loud!!!
Looks like you already have the meaning in your last post!!!!
(75,480 posts)I have another date with that guy tomorrow. I can't seem to be able to say no, but I have to end it with him tomorrow. Maybe that's the message?
(14,486 posts)Hawk is very sacred, it is always good to get messages from Spirit like that. I see how the feather can be a message to watch for more messages!
I heard recently that our guides and helper spirits are SOOOO eager to assist, but they cannot act or speak to us unless we ASK.
So in order to hear your guides, keep the conversation open, keep listening, and good luck!
(5,198 posts)--I love this thread! Love reading about dreams, they are so cool.
Night before last I was in a construction site located where I grew up as a child. There was a lot of concrete and a big building being built. I offered to design a round garden as a feature, I had in mind to incorporate the compass directions and have plants and herbs that corresponded to the directions, and to honor the nature spirits there--but I only shared the design part with the construction workers. I was looking around for the old house but didn't see it.
(14,486 posts)is a really cool one!
I am fascinated by dreams too...I find sometimes the part of me that craves a nap is really the part of me that wants to play in the Dreamtime.
Finding ways of incorporating some of our guides' whisperings in our sleep is part of that for me, defining the wheat from the chaff of what really sticks out and holds meaning or answers...
I had a strange one while napping today, after a stressful weekend and no real time for recovery the past couple days, i finally crashed & burned this morning for about 4 HOURS! I had stumbled onto this area while driving, like tucked back into red rock cliffs that were high and steep (almost vertical) it was like a huge compound of sorts... big trucks, airplane hangar, people in matching shirts (not really uniforms, but you know, khakis and polos) and there were classes going on in little rooms , like trailers that were placed into cuts made in the rock cliffs... It got weirder after that...something about teleportation, something about interactions with specific individuals there, not sure if I was trying to hide or blend in, but I knew something they didn't and there were a couple people who were there to help or guide me ...there was definitely a guy of interest, and we exchanged numbers or some kind of information to connect again....
and even though that was a more 'out there' dream...i think there was more to it
(5,198 posts)In some of these construction/laboratory dreams I wonder if we are experimenting and imagining how to integrate ourselves into the new paradigm. I wonder if we are trying to work out how to do it and what that means? Just a thought
(29,414 posts)Yes, he really did
I wasn't going to post this one, until I saw felix' post above about more construction and buildings. This one has them and some other engineering stuff.
Now, Mr. Coburn in context, with what I remember.
I was in the basement of what seemed like either a derelict building or just an old one with old technology. Kind of steampunk-like. One of my former coworkers (Autocad drafting work) was there, and I know we got lost at one point. I know he went up the stairs, that were dingy and moist, no carpet, just metal, like on a ship. I followed him and ended up in a room with some engineers and maybe some other designers. I think my father was there with the other engineers (he's a petroleum engineer, retired.)
They had a task for us, to design a means of transmitting electricity because the normal grids were decaying and being torn out. They wanted something along the lines of a pipeline, though it would be small and use Tesla technology to transmit the power. I think the design was mostly done, and I was there more to give my approval to the project (I've never worked as a manager on any project in my life!)
The design was actually already prototyped, as a plastic pipe with very wide-flared ends and filled with ash. I don't know what kind of ash, but it was plant-based. Why that was considered a good conductor of electricity, I'm not sure, but it was the design we were going to use.
Okay, so we had our design, now we just had to deliver it. I think we were in the same building as the CEO or whomever it was up at the top of the place. I took the pipe and went upstairs, found an elevator and went up almost to the top. There was an atrium up the center, and glass walls all about. I saw the lanky (and younger) James Coburn in a suit (light gray maybe with some light blue in it.) He was complaining to someone and asking where I was when he saw me through the glass walls and I had to take another elevator up a half-level. A few more stairs inside of his office (like three or four) and I could hand the thing over. Although, I don't think I had it in my hand by then (you know how dreams are!) I was really only there to say we had completed the design.
At that point he said we had done it wrong, or that I was wrong in my choice of design, something like that. He asked where the toroidicon (I think that was the term) was and I thought he had it. He shouted at me that he didn't, but the tone between each of us was kind of joking about it all. He kicked at something like a car tire and said that was the size of the toroidicon we'd be using. I said I thought we'd be using one the size of the top of the building (think of the tower Tesla built in Colorado.) He didn't say anything to that, but we were laughing about it by then.
I felt like it had been some kind of test and in the dream I even knew this or felt it, thus my joking with him when we met. Nothing much else that I can remember happened after that, and I woke up for the day.
I've had actors in dreams before, but I think this was one of the weirdest ones, though thankfully not disturbing (I had a truly bizarre and disturbing one about twenty years ago that involved a celebrity/character.) I wonder if he was visiting...?
James Coburn
(5,198 posts)a very young Houdini was on a poster in my dream from 4-17, on the wall above me in a photo/ webmaster sort of laboratory, with a guy in a wheelchair reminiscing about how long he had worked there. It was understood that the Houdini looking fellow was now old and the poster photograph was taken like 20-25 years prior.
I felt an awareness of timelessness from this and my other dream above, of how as we walk on the Earth we are walking on our ancestors, and perhaps our own previous lives? I felt at home in these dreams, and an awareness of layering of one life upon the other. I have spend a lot of time in labs in this life, worked in darkrooms, and so have many of my relatives.
(29,135 posts)Felt like a mental/intuitive thud (not something I heard in the distance.) Don't know what it means, if anything. But I did have a...not so great feeling about it. "A disturbance in the force."
Time: 5:13 p.m.
(8,423 posts)that all of you wonderful lovelies remain in joy ...and radiate the best divine light at all times
because I truly depend on your sunshine!
And secondly, but foremost.. I wish for a smooth, smoother, smoothest transition for my new life with my daughter, in a new home near my family, and the ability to do it just as smoothly.
(29,135 posts)kimmerspixelated
(8,423 posts)Sanity Claws
(22,098 posts)For the last few nights, I've had dreams where it seems that I'm receiving genealogy. As I woke up yesterday morning, my mind was going on about generations in a family and I got the name Kevin Oak. In thinking about it, Oak is a tree and I thought perhaps it has something to do with the family tree.
Last night, I had a dream where I was reading a tombstone, one with a name and date. The year 1859 stands out. Then there was handwriting over the stone with a junior and other dates added in.
The best I can figure out is that deceased family members are trying to reach me.
I posted this to see if anyone else is experiencing anything similar.
(75,480 posts)Whoever he is, he's hawt!
Sorry, I'm not much help here.
Thanks for making me laugh.
(75,480 posts)I've hesitated to post this for awhile cause logically it seems too far fetched to me. Also, I wonder why I keep getting intuits on this man as I seldom think of him at all, but he keeps coming through, first my vision of him drowning, which was accurate cause with his heart problems he was drowning in his own fluids and now this persistent one that won't go away. The message is that he got this new heart so that he lives long enough to be put on trial. Now whether he will be arrested somewhere and actually put in a docket or if it will be a trial in absentia is not clear to me.
(29,135 posts)...without going into details, the president and the party which controls the U.S. Senate in July of 2013 will both be Democrat. House will still be controlled by Republicans at that time.
Other thoughts: Limbaugh IS done. And his official demise cannot get here fast enough, damnit. (I cannot believe the Missouri legislature...a security cam? For a statue of him?!)
I still maintain that Mitt Romney may not be the Republican nominee. I hope it's Romney, as I've become convinced he will be easiest to beat, but I think the GOP side of the race is still a toss up.
(31,625 posts)Anything? That is coming up soon.
(29,135 posts)Can't get a strong yes or no to come through on that. But I feel the chances are more like "no" than "yes" on the question of whether Walker will be sticking around or not.
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)I got home late last evening after an awful night at work. I didn't sleep well and woke with a terrible headache. After getting everybody breakfast, I took a shower and went back to bed.
Dreamed I was very sick and feverish. An Irish nurse I've met in our er just twice was taking care of me, giving me some herbs. There was a group of nurses and healers around me. She said something about the herbs running things through me. I was very, very hot, but finally felt myself relax more and felt the prana flow through my arms and legs better.
I woke up feeling somewhat improved, but am still very weak. I took my temp a little while ago. It is .7 below normal (97.9...viral?). And then to double-check, I took my auxiliary temp which should be 1 degree below the oral, but was 2 1/2 degrees below (95.4).
I have lately found it very difficult to recover from muscle strain. I planted for an hour or so on Tuesday. My legs collapsed out from under me on Wednesday. My arms and legs just go limp. Not paralysis...just weak. A couple weeks ago, the day after some shoveling in the garden, I could barely lift an empty small glass to put it away. My right elbow still aches (soft tissue).
(29,135 posts)I had a healing dream, too. It was one that really "hit" my deep fears, too. And it all worked out okay in the dream. So I have a good feeling about my future right now.
Hope you can find some solutions to the weakness issues.