Now the Sun and Uranus start
The Sun is now exactly 1 degree from conjunction with Uranus, over the next 6 days, as it approaches square to Pluto at 9 degrees; this is when we're gonna see the heavy stuff happen world-wide.
Keep your eyes open. Drive safely. Do NOT underestimate any "opponent" you may have at this time. Watch your temper.
Yet, get things off of your chest.
Watch the blows to "the powers that be"; Pluto.
(29,135 posts)Heh. Hope those don't wind up being my last words.
(11,033 posts)o my!!
(18,775 posts)They're interesting and much appreciated.
(6,486 posts)Thanks Rick!
(8,423 posts) previous times I have noticed that I actually go thru the flavor or characteristic you describe ahead of time, ahead of the fact.
Earlier this week, I truly lost my temper(for me, anyway) and got some things off my chest. The things needed to be said.
Definitely witnessed a temper flare by a family member.
But maybe the energies that come in are felt more sensitively by others at different times.
Thanks for letting us know, as always!
Melissa G
(10,170 posts)I feel paranoid even getting in a car. How long does the car stuff last as I am teaching a teenager to drive?
(3,794 posts)no
Melissa G
(10,170 posts)with my teenager!
I wish I was just teasing. She is getting better, but it's a slow process. The astrological aspects don't scare me; the teenager's skill set or lack thereof is what frightens me.
PS. I'm just also recovered from that 18 wheeler tire tread incident. Another friend of mine (chiropractor who has been working on me since the accident) had the exact same thing happen to her 3 weeks later, different stretch of the same highway.
(3,794 posts)I hope you heal soon!
(6,486 posts)I am not anxious, though and this is new. And I am feeling kinder towards myself. I am thinking that I should feel proud of what I have done in my life rather than ashamed of what I have not been able to accomplish yet. And that it is OK to not accomplish everything that one can possibly do if one runs around every second working so very hard........
That it is OK to rest and hey what is that - enjoy?
Sanity Claws
(22,098 posts)I felt extreme fatigue and very achey on Wednesday. Since then, I've slowly been feeling better but still am not totally myself.
Interesting to hear that others are feeling exhausted.
(3,794 posts)I don't know what's causing that with such hugely dynamic planets being activated now unless you burned the candle at both ends as they approached and gave you hita of false adrenaline. That IS common.
Hope you both get some rest
(6,486 posts)and was stung by a spider all at the same time and have been getting better slowly but surely, but taking is super easy along the way. So the tiredness is not from doing anything other than recovering.
This tiredness feels different though, as though it is giving me the chance to see something that I usually rush past......
Thanks Rick
(14,486 posts)it just happens, i poop out by 12-1 pm...and have to lay down... not like i am over achieving or waking up early, not like I am not getting enough sleep...just have to hit the "reset" button mid-day for some real dreams either, just pass out and rest...then get up and go on with the day, weird.
(3,794 posts)your body is getting used to this huge new NEPTUNE residence in Pisces
it will be ok
(14,486 posts)i guess that makes for more dreaming too? I have been dreaming up a storm at night/early morning...! how long is Neptune there? i assume a long time since it's an outer planet.
(3,794 posts)BlueToTheBone
(3,747 posts)You are working on your 20 year plan and are right on time!
(14,486 posts)or will we also be seeing this in our own microcosm? How do i look at my own chart abd tell where this 'lights me up"...?
The thing i am feeling most profoundly is the time-compression factor... it isn't that noticeable in the moment - but first it was january and february flying by, now we are almost to April already, and then I think this week actually seemed to slip past even faster too... it's really a mind boggler!
(3,794 posts)It is certainly "hitting" in your chart, AND is pounding away at the collective.
The very nature of Neptune is to NOT worry about "your own chart"; just melt
into the collective. With your very powerful Uranus, you will have no trouble
doing so. Think of your role in the collective, that's what it's saying. It's also
what I've dedicated the past two newsletters to; Neptune.
In "your" chart; it's in the 5th house of creativity, children and expression. Don't try to figure it out; it will just ruin it.
Keep on track becoming a light-worker, that's what this whole Neptune thing is about. Neptune/Chiron = 2012 Mayan Calendar.
There is no separation
I'm not sure where you are getting this, but Neptune has nothing to do with time-compression; seems much more like a Uranian thing
(14,486 posts)I have definitely been hearing more of the "be in service to humankind and the planet" from my guides...
Thanks for clarifying. And yea, i have felt a little more often than not that i am 'melting into the collective' as this unfolds. It's weird, i am plugging away at my daily life and following my bliss and yet i keep finding myself in the position of holding the collective for prayer, love and kindness, meanwhile at the same time purging all the people and even the establishments that do not follow that path or feel good for ME... it's a strange dichotomy, but i guess it's all in alignment.
Thanks for clarifying the Uranus-time-thing, I'll have to look at it more... but yea, these days and weeks are really flying! it's wild!
(15,812 posts)silverweb
(16,402 posts)[font color="navy" face="Verdana"]I've forwarded this information to a couple of people I especially want to be alert to the energies around them.
Hoping for a consultation with you as soon as a major debt is paid off -- certainly within the next few months, maybe even in time for my birthday!