Another reincarnation question.
I have a question about reincarnation as a kind of subset to the other quite interesting thread going...
Assuming we are the luckiest folks that ever lived on Earth School, because if/when the ascension happens rather soon perhaps, depending on your beliefs,WE ARE THE ONES!... then, wouldn't we be
in our last incarnation?....
And so many questions on top of that!

(14,707 posts)what a question!
I don't think we are "done" by any means, just because we are the playful curious spirits that we are I am sure we will find other worlds to go to!
HOWEVER...that being said, i would be okay with this being my last EARTH life, and not needing to experience suffering or pain or sorrow, etc...those lower vibrations we are working on. I'd like to change the lessons to Wisdom once and for all...then go to a 'school of "higher" learning'
i wonder... i stumbled actross this thread as me and the kids were discussing near death experiences... and the choice to 'come back'
(23,156 posts)if at the end of this lifetime we've completed everything we need to complete.
I suspect it takes vastly more lifetimes than most of us realize to get to that point.
(29,135 posts)Intuition tells me I'll choose to come back (here) when Pluto returns to the sign of Gemini. Apparently, we will still have a planet by that point, much to my shock. YMMV.
(5,510 posts)in this dimension or on this planet?
I'm still having a hard time wrapping my head around all the Ascension levels & multiple dimensions.
Guess I'll be reincarnating a lot in the future!
(8,423 posts)either, so much to consider about..Maybe dimensions..
(2,649 posts)Unless you're one of those intrepid souls who volunteers to go to 3D planets to help with ascension. In that case, you'll likely reincarnate in those type worlds again. I don't believe we knew just how tough it was going to get here on Earth prior to ascension.
As for Earth, there's that whole thing about 5D and veils thinning, and it seems there wouldn't really be a need for reincarnation here, since there would be no death. Would there?
(14,707 posts)I think many of us here are those "intrepid souls" who choose to help with ascension...
My friend once said she could see me in the heavenly classroom, being one of those A students...and every time the teacher said "who wants to try this challenge?"
i would be all ..."OH! me! I'll do it!" like Warshack on Welcome back Kotter!
then "little" me gets down here and is all why did i ask for THIS!? lol
(2,649 posts)Although I don't really see my soul as an overachiever. I was more likely day-dreaming, and when the teacher asked for volunteers I raised my hand because I saw everyone else doing it and figured I'd missed something and better play along. (sigh)
(8,423 posts)the 5D part is what I was thinking about when I posed the question..Godlings changing into, or becoming something , or seeing beyond or maybe I mean that we are in no need of any more lessons...we are all
Obtaining our eventual projected refinement.
(4,225 posts)No Way!!!! I'm coming back Faster,stronger, And absolutely stunningly beautiful and extremely talented!!!..........I better stop there because i'll probley come back as a pup!
(14,707 posts)with a good home and LOTS of spoiling!
I often say i want to come back as a fat spoiled housecat, so I can have a whole lifetime to be LAZY!
(4,225 posts)"Housecat" Me Likey!!!
(15,888 posts)You might just get it!
Thats exactly what I thought by my discription......Hmmmmmm that sounds like a pug. "faster, stronger, More beautiful" .
I would much rather be a werewolf....with a pug or two in my pack!
(22,298 posts)"If there's such a thing as reincarnation, I want to come back as one of your cats."
Yeah, the cats in my family have it pretty darn good.
(8,423 posts)I have often thought my Mom came back as a cat, and to think I haven't thought of that in so long...I never know what you guys will come up with next!
(8,423 posts)be extremely talented and stunningly beautiful! It's already in the bag! You know you are already these things, honey!
(4,225 posts)
(8,423 posts)back at ya!
(29,414 posts)
and you can then be that way for thousands of years!

(4,225 posts)But! BUT! BUT! then you have to wait for a man to rub you're bottle!!!!...........Hmmmmmmmm Did that sound the way i think it did????
Plus you would have to call him MASTER?????/ Oh no!!!!! I'm a confirmed daughter of Lillith not of Eve. snort!
Though I gotta hand it to Mizz Barbra Eden she is still smokin hot even today!!!!
(29,414 posts)And have even turned the tables on humans with regards to exactly who is the 'master'. In many ways, that was the case with Jeannie
Of course, if you think about it, were you to reincarnate within that culture, you likely wouldn't have a problem with the master/djinni/slave part as you'd be born to it along with all the rubbing of djinni containers, be they bottles, jugs, lamps, rings, gems, et cetera...
Yes, Ms Eden has done well for herself in the looks department
(4,225 posts)You know an awful lot about Jeannnies........Just who has been rubbing on youre bottle! LMAO!!!!!! NO! Don't answer that!!!!!!
Barbara Eden was going at the Same time "Honey West" "Cat Woman" and Samantha of" Bewitched" was on T.V. Mizz Eden is the only one still around and Looking absolutely GREAT!!!!!
BTW! lets Look at those woman (above) on T.V when I was a little girl............All the good girls were blond all the bad girls were brunette.....except for Emma Peel of course who was in her own catergory. Plus they were all either magical or very dangerous.....Remember the Bond Girls Kentauros?????
(8,423 posts)What about The Girl From Uncle!????
Stephanie Powers!
The brunette thing... with Serena and Jeannie's sister...funny and telling..but so stereotypical!
Where were the redheads?? I suspect Emma Peel was auburn don't you?
(29,414 posts)was that she was brunette and had an attitude almost exactly like Serena. Sidney Sheldon could have done better, unless it was a command from some NBC suit.
And then there was the choice of her harem clothing color. They used green, as in "green with envy". It was also the costume I posted above, an outfit wore by Jeannie in an earlier season. Then it was kind of like a "traveling" costume because it was fancier than her regular pink and red one.
You know, now that I think about it, one of the main female characters in the British show "Thunderbirds Are Go!" was also a blonde, Lady Penelope. So, even puppets were blonde!
(8,423 posts)When my daughter was young, she used to tune into that, and that kind of puppetry really freaks me out!
I've got a marionette puppetry phobia I think!
(29,414 posts)since they were called "super-marionettes"
I used to love watching that as a kid, and still like looking up episodes on youtube
(4,225 posts)I always remember Emma Peel has a brunette .......but Auburn hair works for me.
(3,794 posts)Emma Peel
(8,423 posts)Every man I've ever met, had a major thing for Ms. Peel...Diana Riggs? And Steed! what a class act!
(29,414 posts)
But, so was Patrick McGoohan

He kind of looks like Hugh Laurie...
Emma Peel
(29,414 posts)
(3,794 posts)Now Thats a smokin hot Man!!!!!!! Yum!!!! And the accent makes my toes sweat!!!!!
(3,794 posts)going to be with sweaty toes?
Ummmmmmmm Slippery when wet?????
Yeah My brothers and Dad felt the same way about Mizz Emma, Rick.
(3,794 posts)howls!
Funny, how she almost seems lame now
Now: Barbara Bain...
(29,414 posts)if that's what you mean. And then there were the Flint movies with James Coburn:
As for knowing a lot about genies/Jeannie/djinn, yes, I do. Let me know if you want to see my bookmark folder on them sometime
Oh, and Roger often had a girl of every hair color, too. I can think of one specific instance where he wished for a beautiful redhead! (and got his wish)
I looked at an image search of Emma Peel, as I always remembered her as brunette, but it appears to range from that to auburn. I guess it depends on the lighting and photograph quality.
And don't forget Mary Ann and Ginger, neither of whom were blonde:
(8,423 posts)Ever notice how "Ginger Grant" was definitely a spoof on Marilyn Monroe?
Facial mannerisms, etc.??
(29,414 posts)Growing up and watching Gilligan's Island in reruns, I didn't notice that comparison, probably because I didn't know who Marilyn Monroe was, either.
(8,423 posts)that's how old I am! But re-runs definitely... BUUUT! I didn't think of Marilyn when I saw Ginger..back then as well!
(4,225 posts)So did Kennedy. Gilligans Island came along not to long afterward......Didnt it????
(8,423 posts)It sure did....I think it's possible that their might have been the slight fantasy that they were hoping Marilyn was only shipwrecked on a desert island...wouldn't that have been nice..kind of thing, instead of the ugly truth.
(8,423 posts)much more than Ginger!
(29,414 posts)"Down to Earth" as they say. Plus, she can cook Although I would think that the castaways were close to being vegetarians most of the time, what with all the coconuts they consumed. Presumably, they fished. I never saw them catching wild pigs!
Of course, being their primary cook, I would guess that Mary Ann was also responsible for the gutting and cleaning of said fish. Gilligan would probably screw even that up
Hey, Gilligan got to be a djinni once, too
I always hoped to look more like Ginger then Maryanne when I was little though.
(29,414 posts)had the proper clothing for living on an island
I have no idea now who was more appealing to me what I was younger and watching GI. Mostly likely, I was more fixated on Jeannie by then, and GI was there just for general entertainment value
(4,225 posts)I always liked "I dream of Jeannie" and "Bewitched" over Gilligans Island any day. LOL!
I remember when Goldie Haun ...Hawn.... became the break out blond bombshell of "Laugh in" too LOL!
(29,414 posts)I didn't get to watch Jeannie on primetime, even though I was old enough. In our family, my parents dictated evening programming, and we were a Bewitched-watching family. Jeannie was not watched because "it was a stupid show" according to them. I had to discover it in reruns, as well as the spinoff cartoon in the early 70s.
I stopped watching Bewitched after a while, though I did like their spinoff, "Tabitha", when it aired.
If you've ever read my blog, then you probably know my history with this genre, and how it's affected my life overall
(4,225 posts)So was Butterflys are free!!!
(29,414 posts)even the most advanced spiritual types among us reincarnate again, most times just because they love being in this physical life. They no longer need to reincarnate, but they do anyway, "because it's fun!" Or so I've read
Now, how about this: how many of y'all believe that you can re/incarnate as something other than this human body? Do you believe you can come back as an entity such as a fairy, a deva, a djinni, a mermaid, or even become an angel or spirit guide? From the things I have read, dreamed, channeled, and perhaps, learned to believe, all of them are possible, whether on this Earth or other realms.
It's a big universe out there, in so many ways
(4,225 posts)Thats the feeling I get on it too.
(29,414 posts)Or for the idea that anything is possible for incarnations/reincarnations?
But mainly
"even the most advanced spiritual types among us reincarnate again, most times just because they love being in this physical life. They no longer need to reincarnate, but they do anyway, "because it's fun!""
(29,414 posts)but one of the other things I remember reading in a Monroe book was how some of us are literally addicted to Life here, and can't wait to come right back into it, without much in the way of setting up the life ahead of time. "Anything will do" is the attitude of many souls. I would assume they are the 'younger' ones
Personally, I'm addicted to that other realm I may or may not hail from...
(4,225 posts)Good looks,Money.Good luck, Woot!!!!!! ........Of course I'll probley take myself out early out of pure nervousness..... nerveyness Snort!
(29,414 posts)Is that like being Extra Nervy? You'd have to be to keep coming back!
(4,225 posts)STYLE!!!!! LOL! (All I wanted for Christmas was a spell check on D.U.)
(8,423 posts)We got to ponder the different aspects of reincarnation and then we got to go back in time to classic 60's tv, drooling over Barbara Eden and then The Avengers.
So shall we go on to The Monkees(RIP DJ), and then Laugh-In?? Those were my favorites for the Monday night line up, which seems like a fairy tale back then, doesn't it?
(29,414 posts)If our incarnations can take any form in any reality, then even this reminiscing of 60s television can be representative of those possible realities. Of course, for the aliens in Galaxy Quest, the plight of the castaways in Gilligan's Island was a true tragedy
(pertinent quote at 6:13)

(8,423 posts)You are quite handy with the images!...Also, I notice that your sig line notes Engelbert Humperdinck! I actually remember watching that show! I always thought he was supposed to be like a replacement for Tom Jones or Dean Martin, when you blur the lines a little! HA!
(29,414 posts)
I may have seen Engelbert on TV as a kid, too, though I only remember Lawrence Welk and Liberace

(8,423 posts)actually hear most of it! Dang!
(29,414 posts)The sound is there, so maybe turn up your speakers for that clip, and then remember to turn them down