Jan Spiller's February Astrological Overview
February 2025
by Stephanie Shea
February's themes involve healing, unconditional love, opening our hearts, and standing strong in our values. We'll feel some relief when Mars stations direct on February 23, but there isn't much of a break in retrograde energies, as we'll be gearing up for both Venus and Mercury retrograde in March. However, there could be an easing of tensions and a sense of excitement about new possibilities as the month progresses.
Much of this month's astrology deals with the emotional realm, with several planets or points in the water signs, including Mars, Neptune, and the North Node. Our emotional world and quiet reflection will be the focus. But we'll also be supported to take direct action and network with others. Jupiter will station direct on February 4, lending an expansive energy towards new ideas and our communications. And with the Leo Full Moon February 12, we'll get a clear idea about what we feel passionate about and how we wish to express ourselves.
We can make the most of this month's astrological energies by dividing our time between reviewing current efforts and taking slow steps forward towards a new endeavor. We'll feel satisfaction when we can accomplish short-term goals in order to feel some fresh activity in our lives. On a global scale, there could be a vibe of confusion that causes authority figures to backtrack on statements or plans they'd previously made. It's possible that efforts will be made towards peaceful resolutions, but it could be difficult to nail down long-term agreements.
Closure on the Past Promotes New Beginnings
Mars has been retrograde since December 6, 2024, and it will station direct on the 23rd of this month. Mars retrograde cycles mark a time period where we may face the consequences of our past actions and desire to make amends for the past. Mars has been retrograde in the sign of Cancer since last month, putting an emphasis on family relationships and/or our living situation. Once Mars stations direct, it could be easier to take a more linear approach to problem solving and feel that some closure on a past situation has occurred over the last few months.
Worldwide, we could feel an easing in defensive reactions as Mars stations direct. As Mars, planet of anger and passion, stabilizes in the coming weeks, it will be easier to channel strong emotions into a productive solution. It could be a good month for individuals or groups to take action on behalf of those in need. Energy that had been spent disagreeing may finally be directed towards working constructively with others. We may see more concrete plans to help the homeless population, for example, or assistance for single mothers. Women's rights are apt to be a big topic, and some progress could be made towards equality.
Time to Speak Up and Ask Questions
On February 4, Jupiter will station direct, ending a cycle that began on October 9, 2024. With Jupiter in the communicative sign of Gemini, the stage will be set this month for making new connections and sharing our ideas. We could be ready to reveal a plan we've been researching over the past few months while Jupiter has been retrograde. We'll find our luck in February when we network with others and keep an open mind. The more questions we ask, the more likely we are to point ourselves in the right direction.
On a global scale, this could be a time period where information is revealed. We may see new information released that had previously been kept from the public. There may be some disagreement about the accuracy of the news, but it's likely to get people talking about issues that need to be discussed.
Peace, Harmony, and Love Are Celebrated
Last month, the North Node moved into Pisces on January 11. Followers of Jan Spiller's work know that the North Node is a guiding influence in a birth chart that helps people to find what approaches to life will flow most easily. The North Node in the sky changes signs every 18 months and represents an energy that can benefit the entire planet. With the North Node in the sign of Pisces, we are all being encouraged to activate our compassion and trust in the Universe. Forgiveness, letting go of the things we can't control, and feeling our connection to all living beings on Earth are scheduled to be dominant themes in 2025.
Adding to the mystical energy this month will be the planet Neptune in a conjunction with the North Node in the late degrees of Pisces. Neptune is the ruler of Pisces and enhances the psychic vibes available at this time. February provides strong support to follow your instincts and listen to your spiritual guidance. Worldwide, there could be an emphasis on compassionate spiritual leaders speaking out and motivating people to unite for peace. Music is also celebrated under this astrology, and we could witness prominent musicians spreading messages of harmony and love, and speaking out against violence and divisiveness.
Full Moon in Leo Reveals Bold Ambitions
The February 12 Full Moon will be at 24 degrees of Leo, stirring energies of playfulness, pride, and bold ambitions. During this Full Moon, we'll be guided to reevaluate the new beginnings that have been happening in the area of romantic partnership and creativity as well as reaching the goals we set for ourselves under the New Moon on January 11.
This Full Moon signifies a time to recognize our creative nature and mobilize the power of our personal will to make life more fun. We're likely to become objectively aware of the reality of the situation at this timein terms of what we need to manifest our dreams and what we can do to shift present outcomes.
We could see a flare-up of egos during the days around this Full Moon, which could lead to people overpromising and going out of their way to impress others. On the world stage, we may witness authority figures acting rashly in an attempt to display their importance and power. However, Leo energy also evokes feelings of generosity, so hopefully we'll also see some examples of kindhearted leadership.
Love on Our Minds
Between February 1 and 13, Mercury will be in Aquarius, helping us to achieve an objective viewpoint and come up with solutions that could work for a group of people. The first half of the month will be a good time to nurture friendships, new and old. Networking on your own behalf and to help others get the word out is likely to be the most effective during these days.
On February 14, Mercury will move into Pisces. In many parts of the world this date is celebrated as Valentine's Day, so it is especially fitting that Mercury is moving into the romantic sign of Pisces at this time. Since Mercury rules our intellect and mental processing, people will have love on their mind as we move into the second half of the month.
Once Mercury moves into Pisces, it could be more difficult to solidify agreements and nail down the details of a plan. The second half of February can be best utilized for creative visioning and taking time out to connect with a Higher Power. We can set ourselves up for productivity by taking the pressure off and working at a pace that supports our need for rest and inner peace. It could be helpful to write out daily to-do lists, as this astrology can create a distracting energy that causes forgetfulness. It will be a powerful time for creating music or art.
Lighting the FIre Within
As we enter the month, Venus will be in the sign of Pisces, reminding us to enjoy the beauty around us and enjoy using our imagination. On February 3, Venus will enter Aries, activating our desire for physical exercise and the pursuit of personal goals. This will be a good month to focus on feeling good in our bodies and building our self-esteem. Venus in Aries is our cue to light the fire within ourselves and be the motivation we've been waiting for!
When it comes to romance, our passionate nature will be awakened. Whether attached or single, this astrology inspires us to make romantic connections. For those who are single, be aware that Venus will station retrograde on March 1, so it won't be a good time to make new relationship commitments. The energy of Venus in Aries is perfect for enjoying the moment without fixating on the future. Everyone can use this astrology to bring more fun into their lives and stay present for the people who are offering them uplifted feelings at this time.
Wishes for the February 27 Pisces New Moon
Please note that this New Moon falls within a Mars Retrograde cycle (December 6, 2024 February 23, 2025), so take your time in compiling your wish list, and make sure your wish sits well with your gut instinct before deciding whether or not to keep it on the paper.
Since February's New Moon occurs in the sign of Pisces, during the New Moon power period it is especially potent to make wishes in areas ruled by Pisces. Among other areas, Pisces holds the key to imagination, inner happiness, emotional sensitivity, artistry, trusting a Higher Power, music, psychic abilities, escapism, addictions, and surrendering to Spiritual Help.
Sample wishes
I want to find myself easily staying in my own kind, loving nature.
I want to be more sensitive to others.
I want all debilitating sensitivity easily lifted from me.
I want the quality of gentleness to become a stronger part of my character.
I want to experience total forgiveness in the situation with_____.
I want to feel love and compassion for_____.
I want to easily find myself remembering that everyone is doing the very best they can, with the information and tools they have.
I want to respond with compassion to those who are in need.
The exact time of the February 27 New Moon is 7:45pm Eastern Standard Time. The first 8 hours after the exact time of the New Moon are the most powerful for wishing, but up to 48 hours later will still work.
Clouds Passing
(3,418 posts)Finding stability by connecting with our higher selves through the heart looks to be a trend for the entire year.
(61,284 posts)🙌💞
(358 posts)This was very uplifting and I sure needed to read this. Bookmarked