Phil Sedgwick - Skyscraping Jan. 8th
SkyScraping: Rarified Retrogrades ~ 08 Jan 2025
This year kicked off with Saturn and Neptune retracing degrees recently transited while retrograde. Saturn resumed direct motion in November, marking this effect. Neptune turned prograde in December, in a similar effort. As these planets transit previously encountered degrees, they work to clear their shadow - those degrees transited before and now being replicated. This marks a superb time for reengagement based upon whatever retrograde review occurred of any matters related to manifestation in the real world (Saturn) and those concepts and aspirations conjured and requiring creative embellishment (Neptune).
As mortals likely feel with emphasis, Mars now retrogrades. In Cancer, he marks the midpoint of the current retrograde on 16 January when he opposes the Sun in Capricorn, and simultaneously conjoins the Earth in Cancer. On this day, despite the retrogradation, a potential do-over opportunity exists. Given you know now what you do, and considering this marks additional realizations about the real world requirements of recent launches, all perceived changes can be installed and more readily appeal to the need of potential users, subscribers, customers of ones efforts. And things can be done again, overlaid with what happened before, with reclarified intention(s).
Mars is the second most rare planet to retrograde. Between the years 1700 and 2050, he moved in reverse motion a very slight 9.49% of the time. Given the rarity, Mars retrograde feels more difficult to sort. Thus, it is especially important to utilize this retrograde midpoint to reboot ones personal computer in life, symbolically speaking. Dont forget to update those drivers before the reboot!
Soon, as in 30 January, Uranus in Taurus turns direct and focuses his sights forward again. While his direct motion does not ease predicting what shifts and changes the extremely inclined planet intends to bring about, what we can collectively experience in this time is the mental emancipation that occurs when what will happen begins to happen with less preamble. Truly, this begins to settle some of the angst in the airwaves. We know more of what will and will not happen.
Jupiter in Gemini next makes a contribution to sorting everything out and realizing where one should place belief and hope as he turns direct on 4 February. Expect an abundance of clarification regarding what one meant, intended policies and protocols that one pushes for installation (and perhaps legal passage). Here, the proof is in the pudding and what was proclaimed or promised before may or may not be what unfolds. It may feel like mnemonic ping pong keeping up. It is always good to assign some optimism to new declarations in the spirit, Okay, this can work... and work more efficiently that previously assumed. Mental hopscotch complete, personally, its a great time to redeclare those things you sense others did not fully understand when you first laid out your doctrine/concepts/agenda for consideration.
Mars goes direct on 23 February and reingresses into Leo on 18 April. Expect that to be seen for the good one does perform, all aspects of life benefit from a bit of embellishing touch. You know - panache.
In what seems like no time to spare at all Venus retrogrades on 2 March. This is quite notable as she is the least likely of all planets in our solar system to be perceived through the retrograde filter. From 1700 - 2050, she shuffles in reverse a mere 7.23% of the all available days.
Venus, like any other planet enjoys the ability to apply fixes when in direct alignment with Earth. In her upcoming reversal, this occurs on 23 March. On this date, she conjoins the Sun in Aries and opposes the Earth in Libra as well. Fixes can be made to any and all economic declarations. And if done with a sense of integrity and forthright fairness, no harm, no foul is the life referees call. Similarly, one may reassert declarations of all needs and wants. If one previously made no such pronouncement though a desire existed, this would be the day. Sure, its not a work day, but things can be performed online very easily these days. So, as they say, No worries. Just declare as you require.
Some may proclaim despair about advancement in the real world with Mars and Venus retrogrades occupying the majority of the first quarter of the year. Actually, using the retrogrades to refine, revise, reaffirm, reengage or any other constructive re-, this goes a long way in creating good will, credibility, value and result.
A key element to keep in mind about any retrograde is the fact that the motion is based upon relative positioning of the retrograding body with Earth. No classical planet ever moves in retrograde motion. Its like a passenger on a speedy jetliner looking out the window at a propeller driven airplane landing on a parallel runway. As the jet catches up with the prop aircraft and takes the lead, the slower moving aircraft, for a brief moment, appears to stop (marking a planets station), then flies backward while facing forward. Its not really backing up... its just the relative motion thing. And when airplanes are turning to line up with the runway, it can be reality distorting. I recall once watching a large jet evidently fly sideways (but it didnt) as the aircraft I rode made its turn toward final approach.
Its all about perspective, perception and point of view. Keep in mind when life seems to be going sideways, clarity, intention and action clear of other mobilizations in progress become paramount to consider within ones own forward motion.
More soon.
(55 posts)Thank you for posting!
(4,644 posts)Thank you for bringing it to our attention!
He is a deep space astrologer & quite good, imo.