Astrodienst Newsletter for January
Bild: 2025In 2025, the collective field will receive some new impulses. Mars-related issues will be on our minds in the first half of the year. Mars will form exact oppositions with Pluto in January and April (see below for more). In addition, two planets will enter Mars-ruled Aries: Neptune in March and Saturn in May. It is about new beginnings, new departures, and the innocence of the beginner's mind. Saturn and Neptune will bring these issues sharply into focus. When they conjoin for the first time in July, structures that are no longer viable could come under severe pressure.
Uranus also changes signs in July and enters Gemini for the first time. The energy of renewal will then increasingly focus on communication and the media, science, and the world of ideas in general, thus influencing the quality and direction of the new beginning. We will publish more on the respective topics in the newsletter and website at the appropriate time.
Image: Mars + PlutoThe new year begins under high tension. Last November, Mars and Pluto opposed each other on the Cancer-Capricorn axis (see November 2024 newsletter). They are forming the second of three oppositions, which is exact on January 3. Retrograde Mars is in Leo, and Pluto is in Aquarius. The basic mood is quite different from that during the first opposition. Although it is again about self-assertion and power-conscious action, the focus is now on freedom and how to regain it. In these first days of the year, remarkable social developments could begin out of the blue, but fierce power struggles could also break out, demanding a great deal of attention.
On January 3, Venus enters Pisces, indicating a highly refined energy that also includes the victims and outcasts of this world. This sensitive and compassionate attitude is a crucial counterbalance to the often ruthless assertiveness of the Mars-Pluto connection.
On January 6, Mars retrogrades back into Cancer, where he will remain until mid-April. This could awaken old feelings of powerlessness. Since Mercury in Sagittarius is squaring Neptune in Pisces at the same time, some things could feel more dramatic than they actually are. Be mindful of your thoughts, and don't believe everything you are told. Mercury enters Capricorn on January 8, allowing you to take a more analytical view of events.
Image: CancerOn January 13, the Full Moon is in Cancer, sextile Uranus in Taurus, and in a loose conjunction with Mars, which is still trine Neptune. Mars is still slightly aspected by Pluto. The Sun trines Uranus. On the 14th, Venus squares Jupiter in Gemini. On the 16th, the Sun reaches the exact opposition to Mars.
The days around this Full Moon could be stormy and emotionally challenging. We can no longer ignore the differences that arise, and it takes a lot of patience and insight to meet the different needs. Practice serenity and stay centered within yourself. Try not to shut yourself off from the challenges but engage with the emotional events to avoid becoming rigid.
Image: AquariusOn January 19, Venus conjoins Saturn in Pisces. The Sun enters Aquarius and reaches Pluto on the 21st. Now, the focus is on relationship issues. You can consider the upheavals of the last few days and their effects soberly and honestly. Seek ways of a new togetherness where fronts have hardened.
On January 23, Mercury opposes Mars and trines Uranus. Language is now becoming a powerful tool that some might use as a weapon. Creative writing can be a welcome outlet and enable creative flights of fancy. The trine of Venus and Mars on January 26 significantly supports all creative activities.
On January 29, the New Moon in Aquarius trines Jupiter. Mercury has reached Aquarius the day before and is now conjunct Pluto. One day later, on January 30, Uranus ends its retrograde phase, and the trine between the Sun and Jupiter becomes exact. The quality of time brightens up noticeably and invites us to take steps into the unknown, take the world as it is here and now, and shape our lives.
Image: calendarThe astrological events in January already anticipate some topics that will occupy us throughout the year. Many of the goals that were previously socially relevant have lost their luster, challenging us to redefine them and break new ground. Time will tell which new goals will establish themselves in the social context. However, personal development is everyone's responsibility.
The astrological mood in 2025 could make it necessary to examine the topic of new beginnings more closely. The focus is on motivation for one's own actions. If your life goals no longer resonate with your inner, soulful motivations, this year could be a time for significant corrections.
Image: Psychological HoroscopeAstrodienst's psychologically oriented horoscope interpretations can provide valuable assistance in this regard. For example, Liz Greene's Psychological Horoscope enables a profound examination of areas of the psyche that are otherwise rarely consciously perceived. If you want to explore your "shadow sides" and their hidden potentials in more depth, choose The Seven Sins by Liz Greene. Should you consider a career change, Liz Greene's horoscope Career and Vocation can offer insights into your deeper motivations.
Image: Yearly HoroscopeForecast horoscopes such as the Yearly Horoscope Analysis by Liz Greene or the Transits of the Year by Robert Hand show you which inner issues will be relevant over the next 12 months. This will help you to deal with crises and difficult times in your life and make the most of the opportunities that arise. You can find free interpretations of your personal time quality in our free horoscopes "Today and Tomorrow" section.
With kind regards
Your Astrodienst Team
This is from Liz Greene's website
Again, please let me know if you find this of value and I will try to remember to continue posting. If nobody likes it, I won't. But it is my understanding Liz is a Jungian Analyst, so I always find value to her work. (Loads of free stuff at their web site as well.)
Clouds Passing
(3,174 posts)You have brought me back to astrology and things esoteric. Much appreciation.
(60,789 posts)NJCher
(38,438 posts)Last edited Fri Dec 27, 2024, 10:30 PM - Edit history (1)
November horoscope done by Mythic Astrologer that Rosie talked about in one of her last four videos? It was at the end and is about trouble trump faces in the new year. Here's the link, but you really should watch Rosie talk about it.
Has lots of good Kamala info in it, too.
12/27: I'm editing to post the date of the episode I mention in the first paragraph: it's the 12/20 and says this in the description:
Dec 20 Biden at WH video, JFK, Jackie Kennedy, Beau Biden messages, Gov shutdown averted, Elon upset
This one is very interesting because of the people who come through to reassure this is not being ignored. I won't say who--that would be a spoiler--but oh, will you love it when you watch it.
I get such a kick out of Rosie. She can be so funny. I think when she imitates the persons coming through that it's almost impossible for her not to take on their voices, diction, and mannerisms. She does it humorously, but it's also something that just comes over her. Because of her sense of humor, she is able to handle it in a light-hearted manner. In this one she does an imitation of Melanoma, and it was enough to make me burst out in laughter.
I also like Corinna, although I wish we could see her, too. She has valuable input and especially in the episode where her German ancestors come through to tell her this round of fascism is unlike what Germany experienced. trump and his chronies are mainly here to raid the U.S. treasury. Camps would be for migrants, but not the rest of the population. A story came up, however, about how U.S. born citizens could get swept up in it, so really, nobody is safe.
(60,789 posts)I'm all about learning of tfgs upcoming problems (and not beyond gloatigwhen karma strikes lol).
(38,438 posts)I've had an astrodienst account for decades and have about 20 charts stored there of various people. I like it when someone complains to me about when am I going to get a break or whatever. I say I'll do their chart and tell them, which I can do at astrodienst in minutes. Then I look at it and tell them. They come back to me amazed after the date and tell me they thought astrology was nonsense but now they're taking another look.
(60,789 posts)And The Mythic Taror, cocreated by L8z & Juliet Sharman Burke, another Jungian Analyst, us my all-time fav deck (out of dozens lol).
They sure are accurate & quite insightful.
Thx for sharing.
(4,406 posts)Of trump and the karma surroundings trumps start of his Presidency . Not going smooth with the opposite energy from mars and Pluto.
More norms will be shattered to the likes we havent seen.
(55 posts)Been a subscriber for many years.
I also recommend Cafe Astrology for those who may not already know about it.
And AstroSeek is a good web site for looking up progressions.