A request for healing thoughts, energy, and light to our son's girlfriend.
She went from watching TV last night to being in tears with a horrible headache in a matter of a minute or so. My son was there and went along when her mom took her to the ER. Still waiting to hear the results from last night's ct scan. My son said that her pupils were pinpoint and not reacting to light when they first took her in. Also, she said her body felt tingly all over. Even with those symptoms, they had her go sit back out in the main waiting room after the ct scan.
Really worried and feeling a bit like a monster because I wanted my son to come home and not spend the night in the ER waiting room. He wasn't allow back with her in the ER, so he was in the waiting room with all the flu cases. I didn't want him driving tired into school this morning then going straight to work tonight. I asked him if he had heard anything overnight. The only text he got was from her mom that said they finally found a room and admitted her around 5am but they still hadn't seen a dr at that time. They had given her some meds to help with the pain.
Any healing thoughts, prayers, light and/or energy you could send her way would be very much appreciated. She's 20yo, our son is 19.

dawg day
(7,947 posts)that it's something the doctors can fix-- or just a sudden-onset migraine or something that will pass.
I hope they get a specialist in there quickly! I don't know where you live, but here there's that new EEE mosquito-borne encephalitis which causes brain inflammation, and that's been a real worry this summer.
(12,360 posts)We have lanternflies, kissing bugs, and stinkbugs.
we can do it
(12,838 posts)woodsprite
(12,360 posts)alittlelark
(18,963 posts)and also thinking the symptoms sound almost exactly like those a friend of mine had a couple of years ago. It took 9 days for them to diagnose West Nile Virus... this is in New Mexico!
(12,360 posts)Delphinus
(12,188 posts)So sorry to hear about this - and sorry that this group doesn't get a whole lot of attention.
(12,360 posts)They didn't find anything on the ct scan or other tests that they did. She did have a few days where they administered some kind of slow drip IV "cocktail" that is supposed to control severe migraines. It had benedryl, 2 kinds of migraine meds, and an anti-nausea med.
She worries me so much. We love the girl. She complements my son in every way and he complements her as well. What drives me nuts is that she is diabetic (type 2) but doesn't take it seriously at all. The way she thinks is that she might as well eat what she wants, let her pancreas totally fail and then spend the rest of her life on a continuous glucose monitor and insulin pump. I'm type 2 as well, so I do know a bit (and so does my son) of how to check glucose levels, what to watch for re: highs/lows, and what the complications can be from disregarding care. The first thing I asked when he said they were heading to the ER was did he check her blood levels and did they have a list of the meds she was on.
I suspect she'll be my daughter-in-law some day. I really wish she'd take better care of herself.
(12,360 posts)It was very much appreciated.
They never did "diagnose" her with anything. All tests came back normal. They treated her for a severe migraine since they couldn't pinpoint what else it could be. She back home now and is supposed to head back to work tomorrow.