Didn't know this Group was here!
I have a bunch of observations about the current times/events and this seems a good place to express them, if I may.
It's hard to know how far back to start... Let's take the last few weeks since the Solstice in Dec.
The outer planets have been getting activated by a number of aspects that come around once in a century or two and then some are an annual event, the important thing is to notice how the energies released by these aspects indicate what we are experiencing in our politics... past present and future and extrapolating that understanding to figure out what's likely coming up in short order.
We have, since the middle of December, had Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury and Uranus make a station and begin forward motion (in geocentric terms, of course). Then there was a Solstice, a change of season, an eclipse with another one next week and a whole bunch of stuff I can't even get into without losing my point.
This year, we started with an ongoing line up of the inner planets and Mars and Jupiter along with these eclipses. But a big couple things happened when the big news about the nightmare in DC, Uranus became stationary last Saturday. The planet of shock and awe, the effect lasts for weeks if not longer, Cohen announced he'd be talking to Congress right about then, right? Big surprise for some.
Then Pluto and the Sun got together yesterday, an annual event, but in between an eclipse set and while other stuff of importance is occurring, we suddenly get this news of the FBI investigation with IQ45 as the target (and don't forget that Russia is a Scorpio country, we are Cancerian).
What I think, and have since this all got started in 2016, is that all the dark nasty stuff is about to emerge on the public stage and we are due for some serious soul searching as a species when it's all done. We are likely going to find out things that will horrify us but will give us the tools to change what is wrong, at least that's what I'm hoping the final outcome looks like.
There is much more to come but I think we have the proper House to start making this correction, if not, we are not just toast as a country, we'll be burnt, soggy toast. I'm hoping for a healing of humanity, that would be the positive outcome.
I know the info isn't really precise but I get big picture visions and sometimes very detailed stuff, this is big picture, seems to be coming in pieces.

(18,998 posts)I get these lucid dream moments, a lot of what is happening sits right on top of a lot of things in my natal chart so I guess I get the free movie version.
Anyway, it's like I have to tell someone about what the speculations are, even though they are speculations. It just seems that we need to be prepared because something intense is coming up in the next couple months with regard to our country and its very future. By the time Cohen has had his say before Congress, around Valentine's day, we can expect some big fireworks kind of events, by the 17th things should be settling down. It's just a feeling but a strong one... those are usually the ones that actually end up happening.
(15,891 posts)And I find the astrological connections fascinating.
Let's hope we are just about to the -darkest before the dawn - part of this saga.
(95,902 posts)They are saying that late Feb/early March will be significant, I agree. We have one more event, Saturn and Uranus, I think, that will be clashing around then and then things will ease up for a while.
I find it interesting to watch events out there in the world and even right in my town unfold and then look at the calendar and see what was going on at that time, very educational if you want to understand astrology. A lot of people think of it as a belief system, it's not. It's an ancient form of time keeping, that is all. That it can be read in the past, present and future is what makes people wary, I think.
Anyway, yeah, what is going on is indicated in what is seen in the cosmos and from what I can tell, we need to all commit this year to be activists, all of us, to force Congress to do its job, we only have to put hard pressure on one house now since the House is in good hands. We need to oust this fraud yesterday so asap is the best we're gonna get but we have to demand it relentlessly until we get what we demand.
(5,034 posts)You'll feel at home with Starlight News.
(53,410 posts)This used to be a pretty active group but when one of the really good mundane astrologers started her own blog everyone pretty much left to follow her. Her name is Nancy Waterman and she is also known as Starlight on her blog. She does political astrology of the US and is very good. Lots of other astrologers and a lot of political Wonks follow her blog and there is a lot of commentary that goes on which is similar to the community in DU. I think youll really like it. Check it out.
I visit it regularly and its because she has a great following who also know what theyre talking about. I think youll fit in nicely.
(95,902 posts)I will check it out, probably just lurk but it's good to know you folks are out there. I don't discuss it much outside of a small circle of friends.
(53,410 posts)but on Starlight News Youll feel like you came home!
Its is an incredible community there and they can use someone with your abilities! You will be welcomed.
(95,902 posts)I was a little unsettled when I saw it up on the "Latest" page. Which is why constantly explain the "it's not a religion" part.
It looks like a good site, those who do the explaining are more advanced in explaining than I but when it comes to interpreting, I seem to just look at it and a transparent movie of events gets rolling, always been like that. Along with the aspects that are involved lighting up like highlights. I kind of had to learn bout it so I could navigate my really unusual life path... it comes and goes. When stuff is really high intensity, like the last couple years, I get little sleep and lots of insight. I can't wait for this stuff to settle down so I can sleep a little more.
(24,309 posts)Ill check Nancys site out. Im happy to see some action in this group here on DU.
(53,410 posts)Its a great site!
(23,550 posts)Blood moon eclipse on the 20th of this month.
Interesting times!

(95,902 posts)
(1,926 posts)Fascinating info.
(95,902 posts)
(12,061 posts)Glad to see everyone!
(95,902 posts)
(52,669 posts)Is it due to the July 4th date or our isolationist tendencies (safe and secure in our shell but ready to fight like mad when our safe shell is threatened)?
(95,902 posts)it's the sun sign which says a lot about us including the traits you mention. On top of that we are, collectively, nostalgic, into the water thing - whether we're having a water war or some form of water sport or lounging by water, we're all about it - and we're lazy when it counts, seems we're workaholics because we think it's going to make us rich only to be duped into being over productive for lesser gain than is fair. We can be easily victimized if we don't pat attention, and we have issues with that too. We're reactionary rather than proactive and always wonder why we didn't see it coming.
We have a lot of good traits but we have to pay attention to have continued success and survival. Space cadet mind set isn't good for us but that's our default mode.
(52,669 posts)does that effect our relationship and the outcome of our current situation?
(95,902 posts)I would say yes. Two water signs in conflict, inherently. Since Cancer represents water in the fluid state, we are much like that and we spread in ebb and flow most of the time and in phases more than other cultures... look at our lust for fads and fashion. Russia being Scorpio, water in the form of ice - fixed water, mean rigidity and weighty presence, unbending, harsh. One way to determine some details might be to look at Russia's chart and the US chart and then look at the current setting. We have Pluto flaming off about once every couple days right now with Mars, Neptune and Uranus firing off like the chorus so we have a lot of volatility potential in all of that along with eclipses which have long term effects. Mars and Pluto both rule Scorpio while Moon rules Cancer, we seem more agile but if we get too close to ice for long enough, we will become ice too. With Neptune in the mix, ruler of Pisces where, consequently, a lot of activity is recently and currently, we (US and Russia) are certainly the planetary stars for good or ill and much of it in the fog... Pisces/Neptune represent water in the form of mist, representing dreams, deception and/or confusion/clairvoyance.
I am sure we can prevail but it's going to be painful. We'll need to rely on our higher selves to overcome a lot of the obstacles rather than rely on lower energies to temporarily cover up our wounds without healing them... again.
(52,669 posts)will likely rely on the lower energies since we are Cancerian and prone to laziness. Very interesting info to think about...thanks!
*Off topic: when I became a teacher I student taught with a teacher who was into astrology more than I am and she confided in me about the way she seated her students. As teachers we are given a list of students and their basic info such as birth dates She would seat her students according to their signs and who they were compatible with. It actually worked quite well and she had fewer behavior problems and disruptions using this method.
(95,902 posts)I would.
So Cancer is an interesting sign, the lower energies are certainly not in our favor but we have seen how unpleasant it can get with obesity, apathy and victimhood.
We need to try and head for high energy to get beyond this crap. The good part is that Cancer is a cardinal sign so we have an easier time of deciding to transition in the best part of the year (timing) and we have nostalgia - that could be helpful in some areas - and we are caring overall and nurturing so we have those traits we can use to bring us into a better place than we came from. Let's hope we take that path.
(24,309 posts)Im happy to see you here 2naSalit. Im new in this group too. Your OP was fascinating to me. While I know a little bit about astrology, I am very eager to learn more. What you are reporting rang true with me despite my limited astrological experience. From an empathic perspective, the political, social and cultural energy that is being generated at the moment is exhausting and is also coming to a head. I have lucid dreams almost daily that are full of chaos and disruption...so much so that my meditation practice is suffering because I am having trouble tuning it out.
I read that this used to be a very active group. Id sure like to see that again...if we can ever relax for a minute and talk about something other than the sad state of our union. I hope to see you here again.
(95,902 posts)I'm usually apprehensive about coming out of my shell in public, but I've been a student of astrology most of my life. I met a really cool astrologer after a major tragedy and it made me realize the true value of real astrology, not the crap from the newspapers. I still maintain my relationship with that astrologer, I learned most of what I know from his publications. He created the Cosmic Kalendar that has been helpful over the yearsm especially if you know what you birth chart looks like. Here's a sample (today's entry):
(4:32am) can produce an illusion that great opportunities might materialize throughout
the day. However, shortly after this moon-Jupiter rapport, Mercury unites with
Saturn at 13 degrees of Capricorn (5:32am). This potent convergence reminds you that
logic, common sense and pragmatism are required to make progress in key fields of
expertise. Sky turbulence is more the rule than the exception later on as a trio of
cosmic naysayers gain strength Jupiter in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces
(10:59am), Jupiter moves on to make a parallel with Pluto (9:07pm), and the first quarter
sun-moon phase clocks in at 10:47pm (energizing 24 degrees of Capricorn
and Aries). Its definitely not every day that three provocative aspects occur in less than a
12-hour time-span. Be tenacious in order to prevent a problem from mushrooming into a
[Note to readers: All times are calculated as Pacific Standard Time. Be sure to adjust all
times according to your own local time so the alignments noted above will be exact for
your location.]
This calendar has been my lifeline many times when I needed to understand my strange life and it's unusual path.

(24,309 posts)There is a a lot on that site. It appears I can acquire a birth chart there in addition to the Cosmic Kalemdar. I have always been very interested in knowing more about astrology but did not know where or who to turn to as an accurate and reliable resource. I would like to incorporate astrology with the Tarot and I see that the author also co-created a set of Tarot cards which is exciting. I am shy about talking about my spiritual path but it seems safe in this group. Good stuff.
(95,902 posts)I met Mark back in January of 1983, I was gifted a major reading and it was a great awakening to how to figure out my life after a major, life altering tragedy. It was really good timing that this encounter took place at that time.
It's still a long, hard slog but I'm here and that's where it's at.
I learned much of what I know from reading what he's written, getting reports on occasion. He sees me as an anomaly and we agreed to stay in touch over time so he couple examine what happened compared to what we predicted. The calendar is very helpful but it's easy to get too absorbed in it sometimes too.
Mark and his wife both created Tarot decks. I don't mess with those myself but I learned a lot about them over time.
I must say, I don't have many folks, outside of family, with whom I can talk about this stuff. there's so much more but online doesn't seem to be the place for sharing that.
(189,215 posts)