Mercury retrograde
Sept 17 - Oct 9! Grand daughter due Oct 6!!!
And the Pope's traveling here then!
(31,622 posts)What does the retrograde bring the rest of us, in your estimation? Anything as good as your family news, or not?
The repubbie debate is tomorrow. Interesting timing. It will be fun to see who makes the biggest gaffes.
(137,839 posts)Retrograde is usually anything BUT good news, all kinds of things go screwy! Perfect example, my other daughter JUST texted me she received an overdraft message as an OLD check she'd written was JUST presented, putting her in overdraft territory!!!
What IS Mercury retrograde, really?
Three or four times a year, Mercury passes the earth in its orbit. As it rounds the bend, Mercury slows down and appears to stop (station) and spin backward (retrograde). Of course, it really ISNT moving backward, but much like two trains or cars passing each other, this creates the optical illusion that one (Mercury, in this case) is going backward.
In astrology, Mercury rules communication, travel, and technologyso all of these areas go haywire for about three weeks.
To top it off, Mercury retrograde also has whats called a shadow period (which we explain in this post about Mercurys shadow), so you may feel the retrograde a couple weeks before and after it actually happens.
So how not to have a nervous breakdown? Dont start anything new. Review all your contracts before you sign. Renew your commitments, rather than making new ones. Prepare to repeat yourself often. Its like learning a new dance. Or something.
Note to all 21st-century dwellers: Mercury retrograde can crash electronic equipment. Back up your computer, calendar and cell phone address book. Expect delays if traveling, and pack a book to entertain yourself while you wait for the tardy bus or plane. Get in touch with old friends and dont be surprised if people from your past track you down. You might hear from the most RANDOM ex-boyfriends and childhood classmates during retrogrades. Mercury also rules contracts, so think before you ink. Either wrap up important negotiations before the cycle starts, or wait to sign documents until Mercury goes direct.
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(31,622 posts)My daughter's lawyers are having a case management hearing on Sept. 22 for some things that have been happening to her. My daughter's deceased husband has a vindictive ex. The ex can't challenge anything to do with the estate, so she has her daughters doing it. They are trying to be named executor, instead of having my daughter manage her husband's assets.
It is just to be nasty, because the estate is insolvent. The house, already sold, was property held in joint tenancy. They can't do anything about that. They probably want her furniture. Other than household goods, there is not much. Greedy, greedy, greedy.
I am worried that things will not go well for her. She seems confident they will. I wish I shared her confidence.
She said something about no decisions being final until Nov. 8. I hope that is firm!
Maybe things will go wrong for them, not her. LOL.
(31,622 posts)All sorts of bad stuff! I sure as heck don't want to lose any MORE from my investments! And political upheaval! HELP!
(22 posts)I would put a bigger importance on the long Pluto retrograde instead
(137,839 posts)As to Pluto, which I haven't studied: