Related: About this forumTexas pastor urges followers to stone a 'rebellious' student to death as example to other troublemak
"You know you could squash rebellion in a public school today? Take the rebellious one out and stone him. I bet theyd shapen up pretty quick. I bet theyd figure out, Maybe I should hearken under the authorities in my life. And we see, unfortunately, our society is continually destroying itself, because [all of these] rebellious, arrogant, prideful teenage jerks that just dont want to hearken to their parents, you know, and God said they should be put to death."
"The guy thats the lazy gamer, I dont want to get a job. I just want to play video games all day and drink alcohol with my buddies, that guy should be put to death."
(26,125 posts)let's guess. He's a "Christian."
(2,678 posts)Christ-like. 🤔
(45,335 posts)6This they said to test him, that they might have some charge to bring against him. Jesus bent down and wrote with his finger on the ground. 7And as they continued to ask him, he stood up and said to them, Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her. 8And once more he bent down and wrote on the ground.
9But when they heard it, they went away one by one, beginning with the older ones, and Jesus was left alone with the woman standing before him. 10Jesus stood up and said to her, Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you? 11She said, No one, Lord. And Jesus said, Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more.
(7,572 posts)Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.
A matronly lady then stepped forward. She picked up a stone and threw it.
"Mom, I wish you'd stop embarrassing me. "
(9,116 posts)If so, how does one make that determination?
(45,335 posts)but there seems to be an ever growing number favoring a selective adherence.
(9,116 posts)Matthew 5:17
(45,335 posts)was seen as the reason why the laws and regulations of the OT no longer needed to be followed to the letter.
(9,116 posts)Christians don't follow OT law for the same reason Jews don't follow it: because they don't want to.
Some Christians, feeling guilty about it, rationalize their failure to live up the exacting moral standards set by iron age goat herders by playing semantic Twister with vague verses like the ones cited above.
(18,117 posts)the rich to pay more of their share of taxes. Let's stone one as an example.
(4,192 posts)Serious mental issues with Pastor Jonathan Shelley of Pure Words Baptist Church in Houston. Keep your children far, far away from that place. "Pure words" my ass. Me thinks the psycho conveniently skipped parts of the Bible that contradict the "stoning" of children. I've been on the receiving end of that "spare the rod, spoil the child" mentality and I can honestly say it doesn't work but has disastrous consequences on the parent-child relationship (to put it mildly).
Some people just miss the good old days when parents could beat their children with impunity. Modern living has put a crimp in their style, much to their chagrin. Good.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)silverweb
(16,402 posts)I've never heard about one of these assholes ever choosing the words of Jesus over words of retribution and punishment from the Old Testament - but they still dare to call themselves "Christian."
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)All Christians cherry pick from the bible. If anything this one is more honest about it than most by cherry picking less and just shows what a bad idea it is to be a "true Christian".
(16,402 posts)Stoning "rebellious" youth is in the New Testament? Please show me where stoning anyone is called for or justified by Jesus.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)4 For God said, Honor your father and mother[a] and Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death.
(148,450 posts)Beat them into submission. If they still do not submit, kill them.
And there you have it. Primitive responses and primitive actions. That is why relying on Iron Age writings or even earlier principles is a mistake. Today, we know better, but continue to follow the rules set up by itinerant goatherds living as wandering nomads and warriors.
Why do we continue to do that? Simply following ancient traditions is not necessary the best solution. You'd think we would have learned that, wouldn't you?
(6,675 posts)sounds like another version of abortion, if you ask me. Have a kid and if you don't like what they are, kill them. Abortion after birth and murder.
(148,450 posts)If you child talks back to you, the Bible says to kill it. God ordered children to be put to death several times in the OT, as well. Of course, those were the children of "enemies" who didn't worship that deity, but still...sometimes it was just the boy children, who were killed like everyone who "pisseth against the wall."
The OT God, himself, killed all of the firstborn in Egypt once, too, and in Noah's flood, killed everyone, save Noah and his family. Or so it is written, as an example to its followers.
The deity of the Old Testament was an erratic sort of supernatural entity, ready to lash out and mete death about anyone it chose to die. Reproductive choice, even if post-natal.
Point all that out to the "pro-life" community, and you'll get some standard explanation like, "God's ways are not man's ways."
Platitudes that substitute for rational thinking.