Related: About this forumDoes God Care What You Wear?
Disease. Poverty. War. God has a rather busy time of it, but if we look at some of the tenants of many faiths one is led to believe that God spends his time caring about what you wear, rather than what you do (particularly if you are a woman). Not all Sikhs wear a turban, just as not all Muslim women wear a veil, just as not all Jewish men wear a yarmulke, or, just as not all Christian women cover their heads in places of worship. Strict adherents of faith structures would argue that those who do not follow their clothing requirements are not devoted in the same way was those who do, however surely that is much more about culture than faith?
There are as many motivations for people wearing religious clothing as the people who wear them. For many wearing religious clothing is a demonstrable way of showing the wider community who you are and what you believe, so that you are immediately recognised as a beacon of what your faith stands for. Of course, the problem with this can arise when people do not practice what they preach. Contrary to the belief of some pious modestly wearing members of religious communities just donning religious clothing does not create some kind of super spiritual barrier that either stops you behaving badly, or at least stops you getting caught!
Of course, one should always start with the principal that one should be able to wear what they want, be it religious clothing or maybe political clothing cloaked in religious dogma, or anti-religious clothing. Often, religious clothing is a political statement wrapped up and presented as religious obligation. Nearly always, this is manipulated by men. God does not care what you wear. We all dress according to our cultural norms. What we wear has nothing to do with faith or lack thereof. What we wear has nothing to do with behaviour that could be considered anti-God. Often, clothing as religious expression becomes an end in and of itself and has nothing to do with the adherents relationship with God God has nothing to do with it at all.
A manifestation of a male ideal of what women should wear sits at the heart of most religious codes of dress. This is not about God. When one thinks of religious clothing, the word that immediately comes to mind is modesty particularly when you are framing the question in the female context. This raises serious issues for women in the 21st century. The question of modesty is more a question of patriarchy and control. It is about men imposing their own frailties on women. There are very few rules about what men should wear, but a plethora of guidelines when it comes to women, which would most certainly suggest that it is not God who cares what we wear, rather these are man made rules, to ensure the subordination and restriction of women. Man has been running religions since they were first created.
Does God care what I wear? Of course, he doesnt. However, men on the religious right irrespective of faith construct tend to be rather obsessed about this issue. God does not care, men who foolishly think they speak in his name, do.
(12,515 posts)Otherwise he would have clothed Adam and Eve. It was their shame that caused them to cloth themselves.
And winter.
(7,567 posts)Religious clothing laws are not about showing faith. They are intended to identify non-believers.
The reason many of them are about headwear is so that God can pick out the infidels from his cloud in the sky.
(4,074 posts)I can not speak to the motives of God, however some followers leave me puzzled, regardless of how oddly they are dressed (and I wear dhoti).
Consider that some people argue, the actions of humanity can not overpower God's plan and control (cars and cattle do not change the environment).
Consider further, that some of the same people accept the claim that Adam and Eve, by one act, altered God's perfect plan in paradise.
(35,336 posts)it is easier to think God has dictated every facet of their lives.
The seem to get a special satisfaction at being the ones living EXACTLY as God want them to.
(148,398 posts)They do not exist, according to all available evidence.
However, since gods were created by human beings, it's clear that some human beings do care how people dress. Especially wymyns. Wymyns must wear modest clothing to help mens control their voracious lusts. Unless, of course, such wymyns are individual objects of those mens's desires. In that case, they should wear nothing at all.
Always remember that mens are unable to control their base animalistic desires. It's not their fault, see...
(26,050 posts)...that I could not control my behavior because of my genitalia.
(15,291 posts)Deuteronomy 22 : 5 A woman must not wear mens clothing, nor a man wear womens clothing, for the Lord your God detests anyone who does this.
Deuteronomy 22 : 11 Do not wear clothes of wool and linen woven together.
Deuteronomy 22 : 12 Make tassels on the four corners of the cloak you wear.
Leviticus 19 : 19 Keep my decrees. Do not mate different kinds of animals. Do not plant your field with two kinds of seed. Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material.
You may discount Paul's instructions about clothing in the New Testament, but the dictates in the Old Testament are supposed to have come from God himself.
(15,134 posts)with all sorts of ridiculous nonsense.
Clothing restrictions also apply to men, at least according to Orthodox Jews. So that nonsense is not completely explained as just patriarchal control of women. Although of course this set of gods are part of the defining examples of patriarchal religions.
(9,116 posts)There is no God. What you wear is apparently important to humans. Some humans more than others.... i.e., humans that still believe in a sky wizard.