Philly Is the City of Brotherly Love Unless Your Brother Drives an Orange Car Apparently
Philly Is the City of Brotherly Love Unless Your Brother Drives an Orange Car Apparently
Jason Torchinsky
Today 1:33pm
Now, I know nothing here is close to the sorts of discrimination people suffer every day based on their race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or whatever, but this is still absolutely maddening and completely inane. Here’s the deal: there’s a man with an orange 2007 Volkswagen GTI (a coveted factory
Fahrenheit edition) ,
and he’s being harassed and had his car vandalized about parking on a street he has a permit for because his car is orange. That seems to be the sum total of the issue. That’s just insane.
The story was first published in the
Philly Voice, who spoke with the car’s owner, a 25-year-old medical student named Korey—he’d prefer his last name kept anonymous.
Korey lives in the East Falls neighborhood of Philadelphia, and has a Zone 8 parking permit, which, on the off chance that you’re not intimately aware of Philadelphia’s zoned parking system, means he absolutely has the right to street park his car in his neighborhood, no question.
Well, one neighbor does seem to have a question, as they’d left a handwritten note on his car that read
“MOVE YOUR CAR!” it read. “No one wants to see your bright orange car every time they look out their window. Park on another street. You have no right to park here.”
Again, just so we’re clear, Korey has the Zone 8-given right to park his car there. He lives around the corner where street parking isn’t available, but that’s okay, since he paid for a parking permit to park on any of the streets in Zone 8, which includes Ainslie Street, the street around the corner.