Humor vets ,Santa this year survived Texas star in 1970 it's official Santa is a stud
We just got the warning order on Christmas party. My goodness Santa has fruit salad as awards my friend sgt major. Will be playing Santa Claus this year VFW he retired I think 94 -95 army. He caught shrapnel in his derrière in August of 70 he told me once, Purple Heart airmobile medals airborne wings CIB RANGER and SF qualified halo. Why even a infantry drill sgt pumpkin patch and one divorce he caught a Jody . What I’m saying is Santa is high speed and low drag. We will be erecting a tent not a GP large. Due to Covid and the failure of trumpig and his administration on dereliction of pandemic.
Each child in need will get to see Santa and receive a toy and have pizza doing Christmas party. And then every child on the list will have two maybe three presents delivered before of their desires we hope to open up Christmas morning the list keeps on growing economic apocalypse that fine people are dealing with. Will make it work even if we have to dig in our wallets little ones deserve a Christmas. As Christmas fund is like five thousand eighty dollars , boog the chocolate lab and Duncan the golden retriever puppy will be reindeers. Boog says hey Duncan they’re will be kids and pizza it’s a cool detail. I’m just happy all of us are that we can pull it off this year has been a bitch. All of us are fathers veterans and love kids.