Related: About this forumHas anyone heard any more buzz about the Army bringing back the old 'pinks and greens'?
I think it would be wonderful. The old pickle-green Class A uniform sucked. And todays' choice of ADU's or dress blues is a little impractical.
The last I heard was an Army Times report from last year. Anything a little more recent?
(33,979 posts)in May, but nothing. My son is in the army so I'll ask him tonight about it.
My son told me the issue was not brought up at the last meeting of the Uniform Board. Seems there is a lot of objections seeing that they officially adopted the ASU...Army Standard Uniform, which allows the dress blues to be worn without the jacket. Different trousers and my son it wasn't cheap to convert. I guessing the modified ASU is much like our Class B's with the Class A trousers with the green shirt, tie and rank denoted with the epaulets.
(2,679 posts)Who ever picked them had to have hated the Army
(14,008 posts)My mom picked the Greens
(2,679 posts)Shes a Russian isnt she.
(14,008 posts)DashOneBravo
(2,679 posts)She was in the Navy.
(14,008 posts)DashOneBravo
(2,679 posts)DashOneBravo
(2,679 posts)On Veterans Day. Should be issued in 2020
(69,034 posts)We're going to have a superb-looking Army again...
(23,949 posts)The new light-colored pants will show coffee stains. So the old uniform is more practical. When I wore the greens, we didn't have berets. It was a choice of garrison cap (fondly known by another name) or the bus-driver flat-top hat.
(2,227 posts)retired in 2015 wearing Blues as an O-6. I like the Blues, but as our formal uniform. Much rather wear the Pinks & Greens as a day to day uniform....but as a retiree I don't have a dog in the fight anymore....!
(23,949 posts)... is they have severely shrunk since I left the Army in '68. How does that happen?
(2,227 posts)pwb
(12,215 posts)Aristus
(69,034 posts)pwb
(12,215 posts)No one. Tan or kaki never pink. wikipedia can call it whatever they want. The army called them dress greens.
(69,034 posts)The style goes back to WWII and Korea.
My father called them pinks and greens. So did the old calvary sergeant in my Army Reserve unit.
Wikipedia didn't just pull the term out of their ass...
(12,215 posts)The picture you show is what i wore in the regular army in 1969 but with green pant and its not pink. Find a picture with the pink and i may accept that our Army wore Pink. Prove it. You do know wikipedia can be edited by users right?
(69,034 posts)If pink was inappropriate for soldiers, no one told Germany's tank crewmen, for whom pink has been the branch color since before WWII.
And it was the wearers of the uniform themselves who called the trousers 'pinks'. In the old WWII color photographs, they have a slight pinkish hue, which is distinctive from the sand-colored, more traditional khaki color.
Here's a good example, with the the three officers on the right, with slightly newer uniform trousers having the pinkish hue that gave them the nickname you seem to dislike and refuse to believe wikipedia didn't invent:
(12,215 posts)?