OpEdNews Op Eds 10/22/2013 at 13:53:55
By Clancy Sigal
Since Vietnam, the Missing/Killed In Action/Prisoner of War issue has been extremely emotional especially for families of those soldiers allegedly "left behind". Some POW/MIA activists see a conspiracy by the U.S. govt & the Vietnamese to withhold the "real truth" that many American POWs were never released but still are in bestial captivity.
It's hard for the Pentagon to lose their lying habit. Keep this story in mind, just reported by Bill Dedman of NBC News, whenever you read or hear a Pentagon/Dept of Defense "statement of fact". (I've edited it.)
Boiled down, the DoD has been holding fake "Arrival Ceremonies", complete with honor guard carrying flag-draped coffins of human remains of the honored dead off a "just arrived" cargo plane. Grieving veterans and MIA families were led to believe that they're witnessing the final return of Americans killed in World War Two, Vietnam and Korea.
After 7 years of this charade, the Pentagon now confesses it's all a put on. No honored dead were in fact arriving on planes that couldn't fly anyway so had to be towed into the hanger.