Related: About this forumVFW, American Legion, both or neither?
Curious if any of you are members of the VFW or AL. I'm eligible for both organizations and, as I get a bit older, I think it might be nice to be in a group of veterans and contribute to veterans issues. That being said, I'm not interested in hanging with a bunch of MAGAts either. Any thoughts?

(28,713 posts)He came back from WWII something of a pacifist and he found more like minded combat vets at the VFW. He felt there were too many hawks at the Legion who had never seen a day of combat.
Though that was a long time ago.
(6,269 posts)VFW hand down. In the early 80's visited AL. There are too many rabid racist, bigoted members. After observing and listening for a time, I never went back.
(59,161 posts)VoteVets may suit you better.
(2,299 posts)I did join VVAW years ago. That said, I do prefer VFW. Eligibility requirements are stricter, you have to be an actual veteran to join, not so the Legion. In addition, the Legion was formed as a paramilitary organization for the purpose of strikebreaking and protecting the very rich. I know that they're no longer that type of outfit, but still....
(18,093 posts)I'm a member of IAVA but that's a largely online organization. I just wanted a way to connect with folks who have a similar experience, without the rw bs
(711 posts)The American Legion post here faded away because there was an attitude that younger members didn't have anything of value to add to the organization because they didn't have enough "life experience". It became a " club for old dudes ".
I tried to join and was directed to the Women's Auxiliary. Felt totally insulted.
Personal experience, of course. Years ago, so there wasn't a MAGA component; just old dudes being old dudes. Guess I'm saying to make sure they're inclusive.
(4,387 posts)I live in a small town in rural Tennessee, so, of course, mostly Republican.
But the rule is, no politics at the post, and we dont serve alcohol, so we all get along well.
It's a good organization, we help local veterans, and I've made some really good friends. I serve in our Honor Guard, providing military honors for those veterans who have passed. I'm proud to do that.
(18,093 posts)Feel free to DM me if you're not comfortable advertising it to the world. Thank you for sharing your perspective
(1,028 posts)Im just not a joiner.
Isnt that a post draft campaign ribbon?
(24,006 posts)I think they both do some good work for vets, and I contribute to both. But I don't attend AL meetings, I'm just not a meeting/party person. Plus, yes, I'd guess most of the folks at the meetings would vote R. Maybe some day I'll attend a meet, just to see.
Basic LA
(2,047 posts)But my only interaction anymore is getting the monthly magazines. I like all magazines but for the Legion & VFW mags it does get depressing to keep seeing the same smiling face of Ronald Reagan on page after page each month in both adds and stories. These are basically Reagan fanzines and reinforce the old misperception that to be Patriotic one must be Republican. (Yet I keep subscribing! )
(40,915 posts)Many chapters of both are disbanding or joining forces to use the same building as older vets are dying off.
Many VN vets were looked down upon by the 'old dudes' and got a bitter taste of it.
That shrunk their future membership of both organizations.
(37,549 posts)and I get mail saying I should join a local chapter. I called the local commander they
suggested, he asked me who my sponsor was. I said I am a veteran why do I need a sponsor while
you have social members and Sons of the AL. He said we can't just take anyone you could be
a criminal basically. I asked another member and was told they just want to be sure you are not black
or other things they don't approve of. So I say fuck the AL.
(542 posts)When I came back from Nam I considered joining the Legion. That was going strong in my area at the time. The "old timers" didn't want any of us "drugged-up hippies". I have never considered the Legion again. I belong to the VVA-Vietnam Vets of America, the VFW, and the DAV. I don't attend meetings and I don't participate in many activities. I did join a local Vietnam Vet group that we formed and spent a lot of time with them, but they are getting old and the group is getting pretty small. Out of all of them, if you qualify, the DAV is probably the best. If you aren't combat-wounded, the VFW is a fine organization. Check around and go to a few Posts before you join. Some are great, and some are merely bars with a small group of drinkers who happen to be Vets. Pick a good one and give it a try.
(34,224 posts)I'm a Vietnam Era vet, but never had an interest.
(89 posts)Good evening, all. I was a member of both until 2000; my local posts strongly supported Bush (as, it seemed, the national magazines) and that was the end for me. I stayed with DAV because of the mission and joined V4P as an at large member but don't engage in local chapter events (they can be rather absolutist). I do follow, with interest, Vote Vets during "traditional" campaign season. At this time of my life, I spend all of my non-household time doing volunteer stuff in my community while able. In answer to the original question: for me, neither of them; I won't try to answer for others. Cheers.
The Polack MSgt
(13,532 posts)My VFW post is probably 2/3 African American, and most MAGA vets belong to the post 15 miles away. There are Republicans in our post, but out and out Trumpsters can't abide.
There are also Vets who are Democrats at our post that were motivated to join there to avoid drunk MAGATs up in their ears at every Friday Fish Fry.
Visit local Posts from the VFW, American Legion, AMVETS or really any veteren orginization. See what community projects they're active in. Sample the atmosphere, listen to the regulars - What they say and how they say it. Then decide baseed on that.
I do believe that these national orginizations are important voices advocating for Vet issues in Congress, but local comunity participation is important too and that means working with those regulars.
Choose the ones that piss you off least
(18,093 posts)I've got a feeling that the VFW posts in Nashville may end up being a more tolerable environment from a political perspective, as opposed to out here in the burbs. I'll probably start there with a visit. They seem to have pretty regular weekly events
(5,397 posts)VFW not as bad.
(9,924 posts)Very recently I checked out the VFW Post nearest to me. I can admit to being a little fucked off lately, but was nearly shocked to find I may be the one who needs to chill out if I want to fit in. There are MAGAs there, but politics and religion are banned at any hint of disruptive behavior.
Its not my grandfathers or dads era of VFW anymore. Good luck with your search, the local post (waiting on a copy of my DD-214) has music a couple nights a week, we chip in, theres a guy whos volunteered to cook for the last 15-20 years, all the bartenders are also volunteers who do it out of a sense patriotism.
The overriding theme seems to provide a place to chill, and relax. I may need to work on calmness but no matter what, if its a good post and youre a veteran you have a place. If not, fuckem, and find a post that cares about veterans, over politics.