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Sherman A1
(38,958 posts)
(2,679 posts)In General Discussion go very fast and easy to get missed.
I know some of us dont check in often.
(10,074 posts)of that place, having gone through basic training there in May, June, and July of 1966. Hotter than the hinges of hell. I hope they name it for someone who would be honored for it to bear his or her name.
(24,006 posts)Jun/Jul 1966, Fort Bliss TX. It hit 100+ many days, but, as they say, it was a dry heat.
Aug/Sep 1966, Fort Polk, LA. It only got into the 90's, but super humid.
Fort Polk is probably on the list to be renamed. Named for Confederate General Leonidis Polk.
(8,912 posts)TexLaProgressive
(12,402 posts)He said it was the arsehole of the army if not the world, and he was a DI at the time. And Leesville was a fistua.
(2,679 posts)My roommate in Jump School was from the LRSU company with the 10th MTN at Ft. Drum.
He hated it.
(14,134 posts)Last edited Mon Dec 6, 2021, 05:30 PM - Edit history (1)
Youd have to be a sadistic to loved benning
(8,912 posts)JustABozoOnThisBus
(24,006 posts)... and would get more confused if both are then renamed to "Joint Base Clark". Military seems to favor the "Joint Base" generalizations these days.
(4,686 posts)It was transferred back to the Philippines back in 1991.
(14,134 posts)I know its a long name but its fact
(14,134 posts)That gave three guys I went through osut infantry and airborne school with herpes yet we could name fort benning after her. We was all up at Bragg and yep std these 3 ass clowns dumb fucks they caught medical PCs. No clue on her name 😂