Related: About this forumMatthew Dowd parrots GOP Propaganda re Clinton on PBS Newshour
On Tuesday, Mar 10, PBS Newshour aired a report on Hillary Clinton's attempts to answer questions about why she used a separate, non-government email account during her tenure as Secretary of State.
Matthew Dowd, who proclaimed himself to be "an independent", couldn't pass up the opportunity to parrot some well worn GOP Propaganda about President Bill Clinton and Former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton.
Down said
JUDY WOODRUFF: What about that, Matthew Dowd, and Hillary Clintons explanation that this personal server that she and President Clinton have is secure and that what she did was above board, even if she, in retrospect, thinks maybe she should have done it a different way?
MATTHEW DOWD: "Well, the problem she has, which is theres a whole part of the public that comes in with a lack of trust"
.... "I think, in the end, the problem she has in this and its part of the candidacy, the problem with her candidacy for president if she runs, is that, is this a throwback to the 90s? Are we going to back to the 90s, where we have constantly have to ask and re-ask questions and are we getting the information that were expected to get..."
Later Dowd picks up his refrain again, lest viewers not sufficiently catch his false accusations:
"Part of the reason why shes in this situation where people have a hair-trigger reaction to stuff like this is because there has been a tendency on the part of the Clintons to not always be transparent, to not always be open, to not always answer directly the questions, to not always reveal the information that people are asking for.
OF course when Dowd said: "theres a whole part of the public that comes in with a lack of trust.." he's of course, talking about the Republican base. These are the same people who TRUST FOX news!
When Dowd says:
"there has been a tendency on the part of the Clintons to not always be transparent, to not always be open, to not always answer directly the questions, to not always reveal the information that people are asking for."
He is hoping viewers will forget the GOP's endless, repetitive witch hunts of the Clintons which revealed NOTHING unethical or illegal that could be attributed to the Clintons. Dowd said the Clintons tend to be "secretive" ... but most people - other than those inclined to believe the Clintons are confederates of the Devil (i.e. Republicans) - would say, just because the Clintons didn't eagerly participate in Republican Witch-Hunts against them, and did not immediately respond to sweeping demands for personal documents from bank statements to emails to fascimiles of every check written over period of several months and other personal information - that does NOT make them "secretive" or "not fore-the-coming". Most people recognize the Republican Witch-Hunts of the Clintons were not legitimate efforts at achieving a just end but were just extra-legal political prosecutions.

(95,926 posts)and therein lies half the answer to the question of why even the public broadcasting systems now employ the same talking points and faux news that you can find anywhere else on the TeeVee and radio. And many of them also receive pay and appear on the Murdoc/Ailes shill machines... Like Maura Liasson and others. their absolute disdain for progressive politicians and values are obvious as though they can't tell which broadcast systems they are on at any given point. You know, like the claim that HRC can't tell which emails were DoS oriented and which were personal.
Until those inquiring minds can count all of HRC's pubic hairs and flaunt them for all to see, they will keep up this BS pogrom against her.