Gun Control & RKBA
Related: About this forumThese numbers are too real. We. Need. Change.
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These numbers are too real. We. Need. Change. #NeverAgain

(17,502 posts)statistically, a kid has a greater chance of dying of a brain injury on a high school football field than getting shot (12 high school football players per year on average vs 10 K-12 students per year on average).
(23,152 posts)If you claim the numbers are not real, what numbers do you have to refute them?
(17,502 posts)ffr
(23,152 posts)To distract from your assertion, does not address substantiating your claim: the numbers are not real
Let me put it to you this way. If I were to claim that the numbers weren't real, but then went off on a tangent about something that doesn't substantiate my claim, then I'm simply arguing for the sake of arguing, I'm not backing up my claim that the numbers aren't real? Do you see that?
So my question to you would be, okay, you refute the numbers are real, what numbers do you have that refute them? Are the numbers inaccurate? Explain.
Welcome to D.U.
(49,445 posts)
Unless your claiming that kids are ONLY killed in schools.
(23,152 posts)I have made no such claim or proposition.
If you wish to rebut the OP, please post appropriately. Calling me out for something I have not said gives the appearance you want to take your argument with the OP claimant with me. I have no association with them. I am not a co-author of their data.
(49,445 posts)It is false because somebody that you are using as a reference, your citation, to support your proposition, that person took the TOTAL homicide number and put them on a picture that claimed it was student deaths in school.
The title of your original post is, and I quote:
"These numbers are too real. We. Need. Change."
That is not a quote of somebody else, those are your words.
Then, you post a couple of pics from somebody's Twitter feed to support your proposition. That also becomes part of your proposition because you are using it to support your title and proposition.
Here's your OP in case you forgot.
Now, do you think that if you were quoting NRA propoganda you could slide by with "I make no such claim"?
(17,502 posts)read the WaPo article.
BTW, try to talk your kid out of playing high school football.
(49,445 posts)It is 2,268 days from January 1st, 2012 to today, March 18th, 2018.
Your assertion, therefore, is that 3.17 students were murdered in US schools PER DAY for the last six years.
Well, that's bullshit. You're wrong and you're displaying and propagating falsehoods.
According to the CDC, 6,649 children between the ages of 5 and 18 were murdered in the years 2012 to 2016. That's 3.46 per day for those years. That's combined, that's everything.
Quite obviously, somebody found the TOTAL number of kids murdered in those 2,268 days and photoshopped it onto the picture of the footwear being laid on the Capitol lawn. And then they claimed it was the number of students killed in US schools.
This is unbelievably false propoganda. You should delete the OP and apologize.
(4,880 posts)This instead seems to be your "assertion."
If you can't figure out what the OP is posting, even though it is presented with a picture to keep your attention, I suggest you just leave it stand for others, who arn't so debilitated, to take in and think seriously about.
(49,445 posts)I just did the math.
The OP is posting, at minimum, glaring errors.
Are you supporting his/her assertion that 7,182 students have been killed in schools since 2012?
(23,152 posts)Who is "the person?"

See, that's you posting a subject line, then that's you posting citations and references for your subject line.
Or did somebody else do that?
(18,630 posts)...In your reply does your use of "OP" mean original post or original postER?
(23,152 posts)discntnt_irny_srcsm
(18,630 posts)The OP (meaning post and/or poster take your pick) is posting, at minimum, glaring errors.
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(23,152 posts)1) Your assertion is that 7,182 students have been killed in schools since 2012....2) blah, blah, blah
In 1, you claim I have made an assertion that is in fact the claim of someone else, and 2 you go on about shooting down your straw man.
A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent
Here are more numbers according to Newsweek:
According to Snopes, a review of deaths for children 17 or younger for years 2013 to 2016 (2017 was not yet available), found 5,683 firearms-related deaths, or an average of 1,421 per year. Extrapolated over the five-year and three-month period, the tally is about 7,460, Snopes found.
(49,445 posts)That is your proposition. You took somebody's assertion and supported it; ergo it is your proposition.
Denying that it is your proposition is gaslighting.
And you're disproving your own post with your own reply:
According to Snopes, a review of deaths for children 17 or younger for years 2013 to 2016 (2017 was not yet available), found 5,683 firearms-related deaths, or an average of 1,421 per year. Extrapolated over the five-year and three-month period, the tally is about 7,460, Snopes found.
That is a total. The picture you posted and support (making it your proposition) it taking a total and then claiming it is the number of students killed IN SCHOOLS.
It is false.
(23,152 posts)
(49,445 posts)You make a proposition and cited evidence.
(23,152 posts)does not tie me into what they claimed. I'll let you figure it out.
(49,445 posts)That is, the subject line of your own OP.
Straw Man
(6,848 posts)It's all reposted, with no original content. So why post it in the first place?
(49,445 posts) I think the discussion can be laid to rest.
(49,445 posts)
(18,630 posts)Far fewer children have been killed in schools.
The estimate for 7,000 child gun deaths traces back to a June 2017 study by Pediatrics, a peer-reviewed journal. It found that 1,300 children die from gunshot wounds every year. The study looked at children from birth to 17 years of age.
There isn’t one uniform way of tracking school shootings and deaths, but no matter which what you look at it, the 7,000-figure isn't accurate.
My male bovine excrement meter is blinking.
(23,152 posts)Here are more numbers according to Newsweek:
According to Snopes, a review of deaths for children 17 or younger for years 2013 to 2016 (2017 was not yet available), found 5,683 firearms-related deaths, or an average of 1,421 per year. Extrapolated over the five-year and three-month period, the tally is about 7,460, Snopes found.
It's low as it relates to children killed by firearms (~7,460), but it's not entirely specific to "students killed in U.S. schools."
I agree with your conclusion.
(18,630 posts)
The CDC records a total number of 5-18 year old persons killed with a firearm from all of 2012 through the end of 2016 to be 5,501.
( )
I have also run the numbers for 5-18 year old persons killed with a firearm due to "legal intervention" which is 82. This mean that of the 5,501 5-18 year olds killed in violence by a firearm, 82 were shot by police. All of those numbers are for everywhere not only school property.
(4,880 posts)You can almost be sure that more money will be spent to keep bridges from collapsing starting now compared to what is going to be spent keeping kids from dying in the our schools, on our streets and in their homes.
(Just another red herring for those that can stomach them.)
(12,590 posts)Their "religion" is a misreading of the Second Amendment. Their greed and selfishness are directly responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans and the statistics would no doubt show that the NRA's policies have killed more American children than all of the other known terrorist organizations combined. We need to redirect the resources of the war on terror to the homegrown variety.
Directly responsible? Certainly not by any legal standard, and arguably not by any ethical/moral standard. Spare us the outrage. There is no argument for outlawing the NRA that doesn't fly squarely in the face of the First Amendment.
(17,502 posts)"I don't like democracy when it doesn't go my way, and the first amendment shouldn't apply to people who disagree with me". It is the same nonsense right wingers spewed when Obama wanted to appoint some lawyer who represented Westly Cook in an appeal.
or as lawyer/ethics blogger Josh Marshall points out:
Also, groups like ISIS and Al Qaida, the Irish Republican Army, Red Army Faction, KKK, has killed (and some continue to) kill children. That is why teachers are armed in some countries (especially girls schools in places like Pakistan). Just because the children are not American, does not mean they don't exist.
You are advocating for attacking the first and second amendments.