Illinois Bill Would Help Block Federal Militarization of Police
This discussion thread was locked as off-topic by krispos42 (a host of the Gun Control & RKBA group).
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (Jan. 29, 2016) A bill filed in the Illinois Senate would prohibit state and local law enforcement agencies from obtaining certain types of military hardware from the federal government, and would require public notice before they acquire authorized equipment. Passage of this legislation would represent a big step toward stopping the federal militarization of state and local police.
Sen. Steve Stadelman (D-Rockford) introduced Senate Bill 2256 (SB2256) on Jan. 27. The legislation would prohibit local police and county sheriffs from procuring the following military surplus equipment from any federal program.
Tracked armored vehicles
Weaponized aircraft, vessels or vehicles
Firearms of .50 caliber or higher
Ammunition of .50 caliber or higher
Grenade launchers
Camouflage uniforms
The legislation would also require a local police agency or sheriffs office to give public notice within 14 days after requesting allowable military surplus equipment.