Drug Policy
Related: About this forumVermont Senate Votes to Decriminalize Possession of 1oz of mj
http://vtdigger.org/2013/05/07/marijuana-decriminalization-heads-for-final-vote/H.200 makes it a civil penalty rather than a criminal offense to possess an ounce or less of marijuana. Under current law it is a misdemeanor to possess two ounces or less of marijuana, punishable by up to six months in jail. Supporters say the change will relieve violators of the disproportionate collateral consequences that often accompany a possession charge.
The Senate modified the bill, as recommended by its Judiciary Committee, which means the House has to approve the changes in order for it reach the governors desk. Gov. Peter Shumlin has said he supports decriminalization.
In the Senate version of the bill, the third offense for marijuana possession is still a crime; the House version made it a civil penalty, regardless of the number of offenses. Sen. Richard Sears, D-Bennington, told the Senate that you really have to work at it to rack up a third offense, since people can clear their records by completing diversion.

(14,081 posts)Non Violent Cannabis Users do not need any of the following;
Cannabis users do not need diversion.
Cannabis users do not need drug counseling.
Cannabis users do not need drug rehab.
Cannabis users do not need jail time.
Cannabis users do not need prison time.
Cannabis users do not need financial punishment in the form of fees, tickets, citations, court costs, attorney fees etc.
Cannabis users do not need a criminal record.
Cannabis users do not need their families torn apart.
Cannabis users do not need their property confiscated.
Cannabis users do not need their lives destroyed with laws enacted by many who have used Cannabis.
Non Violent Cannabis users need the following;
Cannabis users need to be left alone to live their lives in peace and tranquility.
Cannabis users need the right to grow their own Cannabis for personal use.
What the U.S. should do about the on going fake and failed war on drugs;
Follow the model that Portugal uses.
12 years of success and counting.
(28,784 posts)The reality is that those who suffer from Reefer Madness need rehab to undo all the lies that have been the constant propaganda war against reefer (whose use, Anslinger noted, made blacks think they were equal to whites as justification for prohibition.)
It's hard for govts to admit they have been lying to people for more than 70 years and have waged a war on minorities and liberals under the guise of concern for people's health and welfare.
Now that cannabinoids have shown amazingly positive health benefits, the move has been to pretend cannabis is dangerous while synthetics, which may be patent protected, are better.
The WoD is an example of oppressive, unnecessary govt. involvement in adult lives.