Related: About this forumPatches seems pretty healthy, but he's pretty much confined himself to the top of the bookcase next to the window
He gets down to use his box and if anything scares him, he runs into the bedroom. Kitties can be a little quirky sometimes. The Revolution treatment for fleas seems to be working, but I still have them around the house, so I ordered a half a pound of Food grade diatomaceous earth. I also ordered a new cordless vacuum cleaner. Both are arriving tomorrow, so wish me luck. Im open to any suggestions or tips

(64,088 posts)Just guessing.
I was thinking about Patches last night wondering how he is doing.
Have you researched the potential side effects of Revolution yet?
Thx for the update.
(38,613 posts)I believe he is intelligently, avoiding hanging out on the carpet where the fleas must be breeding. Of course hes getting room service and as Im bringing his food to the bookshelf. He may just stay up there to be spoiled, even after I get rid of the fleas, if I do. that bookcase by the windows is always one of his favorite spots. And yesterday he got down to get into a cardboard box. I think he knows the fleas are in the carpet. He likes it when I brush him. Im just overwhelmed by all this. And the psychological exhaustion from the election isnt helping. I feel like Trump is ruining my golden years with this shit
(64,088 posts)And many flea control meds seem to affect the nervous system from what I've seen.
Yes, no doubt he realizes fleas are in the carpet.
And I'm sure he is enjoying room service atop his bookcase. lol
I agree. rump has ruined many of my "golden" years as well.
Thx for the update!
(38,613 posts)

Polly Hennessey
(7,732 posts)Figarosmom
(4,725 posts)Because of fleas on the floor. Rent Stanly steamer and clean the carpet. That'll kill them all and f k ea season should be just about over.
(10,453 posts)Also, I have used Cedarcide with great success. Spraying around the doors, on the porch, along the baseboards in the house. They also have granules if you need to treat your yard.