Related: About this forumSeed Sharing thread.....let's start sharing!
Last edited Thu Feb 9, 2012, 03:12 PM - Edit history (2)
I am starting to plant things in preparation for the coming year's garden - have lots of things I can share - some unusual flowers, lots of experimental sweet peppers and some hot peppers and experimental eggplant, and of course, lots of tomatoes.
I will post a list here later on tonight.
Who else wants to share/swap some of their treasured garden seeds?
Here is a list of seeds that I am happy to share - will indicate which are the most "first come first served" due to relatively low numbers of seed.
Hibiscus - coccinea (tall growing, perennial, red flowers), sunset (tall growing, best as an annual, yellow flowers with magenta center) - both are very easy from seed.
Columbine - saved from pods of plants growing at a garden in western NC - mix of purple and pink shades - perennial, bloom second season, not as easy to germinate (freeze seed, barely cover, needs light, takes a long time)
Eggplant - various saved seeds from hybrids - name the color and shape - I've got eggplant with green, black, lavender, pink and striped skin colors - long (bulbous type) to slender. They are so easy to grow well, especially in 5 gallon pots. Biggest issue is flea beetles early in the season.
Sweet Peppers - various saved seeds, name the color and shape - bell, long (frying type), ripe colors of red, yellow, and orange; unripe colors of green, yellow or purple.
Hot Peppers - various saved seeds, again - name the color, shape, size and heat level. too many kinds to list.....
Tomatoes - can share seeds of Cherokee Purple, Cherokee Chocolate, Brandywine, Red Brandywine, and Lucky Cross at the very least - or you can name the color/size you are looking for and I can see what my seed supply is.
List what you want in this thread (specify from me) - and PM me your mailing address.

Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)
(3,344 posts)wildeyed
(11,243 posts)I like seed starting, so it just makes sense.
(2,217 posts)zonkers
(5,865 posts)I have been organic gardening for about a year. its going okay.
Gato Moteado
(9,983 posts)i have some stuff down here in Costa Rica that might interest some folks.
(28,394 posts)I always save more than I can use.
(8,047 posts)PM me and I will send you some....!
(60,978 posts)Le Taz Hot
(22,271 posts)results in a plant that is illegal in most states. Having said that, feel free to PM me if you're interested.
(47,675 posts)- Tommy Chong in "Up In Smoke"
(11 posts)Uh okay...bonghits 4 Jayzuss...
Le Taz Hot
(22,271 posts)I just saw this. Well, bless your heart. Enjoy your stay, Sparky.
On edit: "Posting privileges revoked." Well, color me surprised.
(34,502 posts)grand earth trine
(8 posts)
(11 posts)Okay, where I live (I don't know the name of zone) it has been unusually warm this winter. To the point where I was just SURE our weather karma was waiting for us in March! Having seen the forecast for the next week (with temps some days in the 70s!), I am wondering if it's too early to start planting. I mean, what if we get a blizzard in a couple of weeks--would that destroy any sprouting plant?
(60,978 posts)Some things like beans and corn will just rot in cold wet soil. You can start things indoors and let them enjoy sunny days in pots, but bring them in when it gets cold - freezing temps (32 and below) will kill most everything (except the cole family, perhaps beets and lettuce - though any growth would be harmed).
I know how tempting it is - we are due for solid 70s, near 80, for the next 15 days - still a surprise frost would ruin everything! I've got lots of stuff growing, but comes into the garage if freezing temps are forecasted
(11 posts)D'oh! I forget that we can just start things in little pots! (I'm a newbie!
(1,580 posts)PuraVidaDreamin
(4,277 posts)Tomatoes- heirlooms including pineapple with a fruit that can weigh up to 2 lbs and is so sweet, non acidic. Brandy wine, money maker. Zucchini, summer squash, butternut, cukes, basil, purple plum radish, arugala, blue Hubbard, jalapeño, green emerald and purple peppers.... Lots more
Would love to do a seed exchange for the 2013. Message me if interested.
big bird is risen.
(13 posts)big bird is risen.
(13 posts)My cilantro finally sprouted! I had forgotten I had planted it!
(3 posts)Nice info. Thanks for sharing . I love gardening work.
(115,916 posts)If you or anyone would like some, let me know (pm) and I'll send you some. I plant them in my garden and let them go. My chickens love the leaves, we eat them also. Friends grew these for their rabbits. I made one stem into a 5 1/2 ft walking stick. Some contorted ones I use winding along the top of my wire garden fence for decoration. They are easy to grow and not common except for UK and France AFAIK.
(10,291 posts)I have a surplus of fresh grass seed.
One is shade grass, and the other is called "the Dominator" (It's for sunny areas)
Anyway, I'd be happy to share some with a DUer.
Erich Bloodaxe BSN
(14,733 posts)my saved seed is 2-4 years old at this point, but I've got small amounts of schronce's black skinned peanuts, japonica corn (striped leaves, dark purple ears), calypso beans (half black, half white), seeds from a decent sized, thick-walled white pumpkin, variety unknown, blauschokker peas, moon and stars watermelon, and what looked to be small white lima beans (which were supposed to be something totally different according to the package, but when harvested sure look like small white limas Also some of what I think are dragon's tongue beans, but can't recall, I'd have to replant and wait to harvest to be sure.
(3 posts)I have Zucchini, Yellow squash, Long of Naples squash, pumpkin, and Greek red squash seeds to trade if anyone is interested. All seeds GMO free
Just PM me your email address
(24,298 posts)Thanks bunches for the welcome. My husband had been a member for a long long time. He saw the gardening group and I jumped at the chance.
(24,298 posts)hope you have fun and we all can learn from each other!
(35,773 posts)HuckleB
(35,773 posts)I grew many more things from seeds this year, but, of course, I didn't need most of the seeds, even in the tiny packets I bought. Still, I saved a ton of money. I plan to use those seeds for starts again next year, but I'll still have plenty left over.
(60,978 posts)onions just a few, tomatoes as long as 12-14...most are in between.
I love to share seeds with folks, but things are pretty busy - if someone contacts me, I am happy to share some.
I am just starting my seed saving for the season - ground cherry, a few tomatoes so far.
(35,773 posts)I hate wasting them, but I also don't want to waste resources I don't have in order to avoid wasting them.
Still, all right, I'm buying tomato seeds for next year, and apparently, the year after, and the year after that. That's one veggie I still bought starts for this year. Thanks!
(60,978 posts)I've sent thousands of samples of seeds to folks over the years - one of the main tomato people in the Seed Savers Exchange.
If you ever want to try some really cool stuff, let me know. Also a big eggplant and pepper seed collection.
(35,773 posts)It would be great to try grow some tomatoes. (It's funny that I say that, noting how many of the buggers replant themselves most winters.) Still... Cheers!
we can do it
(12,838 posts)Is this still active?