Mental Health Support
Related: About this forumUpdate: Her arraignment is today
She's got two felony DV charges one with the added addition of great bodily harm. Bail is set at 75k for now.
I finally spoke to my victim advocate today. Let her know that I was definitely scared and contemplating having a bag packed and the cat carrier ready so if I get noticed that she got out I can bail and run to a hotel.
Because I told her freight is straight flat out that the restraining order wasn't going to do anything. And that calling the sheriff would not help, because if she shows up here she's crazy enough to punch her hand through the window and come after me..
The advocate says she will call me directly from the courthouse as soon as she knows what happens...
I mean I could be wrong and of course she could be being a complete a sweetheart and lamb to everybody in there because she's a master at manipulation. I'm sure they've seen it all though and she does have a past record from her home state.
I don't know if the judge can increase the bail but I definitely did everything I could to tell the sheriff, the DA's office and anybody who would listen, that I think that this was premeditated. And that her whole plan all along was to bury me under the house and take everything for herself that's why she made me marry her....
On a positive note,
I got in touch with my school counselor and he is really stoked about helping me get a job on campus and move into an apartment in the city! So I speak to him tomorrow at 3:00.
I also set up telehealth through my University and have a counseling appointment set up and I have online support and 24/7 chat and crisis line...
She also gave me a link to Codependents anonymous

(17,509 posts)FirstLight
(14,707 posts)I just wanna make sure she STAYS in there...
I don't wanna have to do the run for my life thing with the pets and leave my house for her to do who knows what to...
(164 posts)I hope things work out and you get to stay at your house. Be strong but vigilant. Do not break the restraining order by allowing her near the house or taking her calls. Hope everything works out for you. Time to start a new chapter in your life, full of possibilities.
(15,547 posts)Or do something to the house. No one can bail her I hope.
I wish you luck with a shocking situation that seems to have come out of nowhere.
(14,707 posts)I have been reading the notes all night. Our rural hosp. will keep her and then they'll look for a bed somewhere like Sac or SF
I'm hoping that the advocate, can go to the hospital while she's there and get her to sign over the car pink slip.
That's all I care about right now, buying a car AND trying to move would be too much...
(15,547 posts)Bc anyone who attempts strangulation on a loved one is a bubbling cauldron...